Canadian Nationalism

as a fellow Canadian, can Canadians ever be proud of our values?

Other urls found in this thread:

>canadian nationalism
that can't exist
it's not a real nation
it's just an anglo colony with french people inside and because of that being canadian is meaningless so any indian, mexican or chinese can go there and be "as canadian as Jacks Cartier"

NO. We are a nation of cucks, liberals, and rednecks.

what values

nationalism is retarded. it only serves to divide and hinder our progress as a species. living on a certain area of land surrounded by imaginary borders doesn't make you superior to anyone.

>buy red ensign, proudly display
>vote madmax before the 28th
>get your pal
>buy land while it's cheap

I made a starter pack for you.

>Canadian Nationalism

>tfw you realize even pine trees were smart enough to evolve territorial in-group traits but you weren't

I am a nationalist. Canada is the greatest country in the world and we are lucky to have a PM like Trudeau.

>daily reminder that Canada will be a white-minority country by 2050

>Mad Max

None of them have a chance of winning.

>>buy red ensign, proudly display

Boom, hate crime investigation.

Boom, anonymous call to your employer saying you are racist. You're fired

Canadians have a right to free speech, as long as your opinions aren't too spicy.
>comments closed



You must be 12 or bongfucked.

nice non-arguments sweeties

Diversity is your strength

Nationalism serves to hinder our enslavement. I feel truly sorry that you have never felt pride in your people or your god.

But Spain is a sovereign state with different nationalities. How can Spanish nationalism exist?

I'm not very nationalistic because I have no national pride. Sure it's nice to see us win at the Winter Olympics but besides that I don't have much pride.

>having pride in a chinese knockoff of the USA

lmao, cucknadians are literally secondhand americans

>Canadian values
lol like what, politeness?

there is no god you retard.

>there is no god you retard.

>all he can do is post fedora tippers

None is too many
>>pretty good values

>Canadian values

Right now our values are denouncing people who disagree with our government

Nuke us please eh?

All canadian Nazis have been reported to the police.
Nationalism = Nazi

You also forgot the part about shitting on your ancestors to be progressive and are awarded extra Canadian value points.

all canadian threats are being monitored for hate speech use a vpn and dont post anything negative or you will get charged and or fined as a canadian remeber canadians have freem of thought not freedom of speech

>canadian values
Sounds like
>mexican intellectuals

How does it feel knowing you cant say things like "Hitler literally did nothing wrong" or "gas the kikes" without triggering hate speech laws?


the wild thing about the hate speech laws is there open to interpretation and can be completely manipulated to the government agenda I LOVE CANADA


What values? Corruption, lies, and the destruction of free speech?

its just means anything you say at all can be twisted and manipulated into hate speech and u can get in shit

canada has never had free speech ever

What is this thing? Looks like a piece of crap!

Nope. I'm moving to Australia as soon as I have enough money saved up. I'm done with this frozen shithole, the population has been brainwashed past the point of no return.

That's my point, clearly this is part of canadian values.

TFW when i can praise Hitler and deny the Holocaust without worrying if Government goon squads will come
Kick my door down.

I'll officially be an M$ employee in 2 weeks. Then I can ask to be relocated at any M$ HQ worldwide. What's the best option, Sup Forums?

well our privacy laws are intense the gov will come after you ok but you can drag ur isp to hell and back for releasing your info i mean sue the shit out them

Not with these hate speech laws.
Not with this prime minister.
Not with a Liberal Ontario.
Not with any Liberal, Green, or NDP government.
Not with a Canada that refuses to have a culture.
Not with revisionist historians that refuse to acknowledge any of Canada's strength.
Not with a government that rolls over for America, and other foreign interests.
Not with a Canada that won't keep a military, or military research.
Not with a Canada that keeps Liberal universities open.
Not with a Canada that tolerates the intolerable.
Not with a Canada that treads on its veterans and honored dead.
Not with a Prime Minister that spends his time closing churches and opening mosques.
Not with a government that allows the Catholic Church to rot into another apparatus of socialism.

Never with a country that refuses my work hours or military services because of my skin color - Because I'm white.

We multicultural and canada pronotes it heavily.. ultimately canada us a small population and have been pushing immigration since i was very young.. it work i guess.. we all only all hate the natives.. and also feel pity knowing we raoed them into junkies. Politically i dislike canada.. but living hesr with different cultures is quiet peaceful.. which is why though im not left or hullary fan.. i dont mind different cultures around me.. ppl really arent so different..

Forgot this. My mistake.

see this person's smart that is how Canadians exercise freedom of thought learn and repeat

You are what's wrong with this country.

Spanish "nationalities" are a meme my friend. They are just regions with a self-inflated ego via Romanticism.

Canada is literally a postcolonial state with French, British, Italian, Chinese and other disparaging ethnic groups.

>Canada flag designed by a Quebec nationalist
>National hymn written by a quebecois
>Adjective "Canadian" initially used by french-canadians

There is no winning situation in Canada. The most extremist conservative positions in Canada is a values test for immigrants. Those values being fag marriage, and any other degenerate acceptance.

The best we can hope for is a spiritual arms race between the the growing Islam population, and awoken Christian fascists once SHTF happens.

My hope is once the Commie goverment takes it a step too far, America will take White Christian refugees, followed by a 4 way civil war between split Canada and split USA.

I recall there being a series of Leaf Nationality threads a while back.

The idea didn't seem to take. All I know is when I get too close to the border I start seeing leaf flags where no leaf flag should be, and it's like a fucking endless Chinatown.

congrats u figured out qc runs canada good job

Only Quebec has a culture and has actual laws in place to protect it.

>Denying Quebec's invaluable role in Canadian Confederation
>Butchering Canadian history by pitting good Canadians against eachother
>Inferring that in a (((PROGRESSIVE))) country, we can't even get along with ourselves
bluepilled much? the Canadian frogs are the few that resist migrants the hardest.

exactly i would think in canada if ur not french or foreign you are usless in canada

it doesnt matter pc will be back in next term and they will destroy the liberal agenda with ease

No. Canada is not a real country. It is has more in common with an empire, ruling over millions of people with nothing in common with each other. There is nothing binding some Chinese doggie-chew toy baron in Vancouver, some redneck in Alberta, a barely literate Muslim refugee in Mississauga and some unemployed drunk fishermen in Newfoundland. All they have in common is they are ruled over by the same gay globalist government. The country needs to break up.

that can put you in jail for 6 months edit it for your own good

If we last that long.

Mad max is literally leading in donations / memberships twice as high as Kelly who is second.

Just what ARE Canadian values?

Fuck off, Muhammed. We're full.

we are stated to be polite politically correct accepting caring and the white knights of the world

Why doesn't the Royal Family ever opine about this?

One might resign himself to consider the possibility that they might be playing the role of interlopers.

oh and if we disagree with this we go to jail

Nationalism isnt avout hate, its about loving the land and nation youre a part of. Nationalism on seeks to benefit the nation and its people. We need to organize and work to get our voices heard. Even in (((Toronto))) i can see people yearning for a stronger, more Canadian government and instead they only have libtards and cuckservatives to turn to.

Right Wing Safety Squads when?

> (((progress)))
> living on a certain area of land surrounded by imaginary borders doesn't make you superior to anyone.

Look at Africa.

Canadian nationalism doesn't exist because there's nothing to be nationalist for. Canada's a hodgepodge of different colonies and territories.

The only really "nationalistic" people in the country are Newfies, but they're "nationalist" for Newfoundland and don't even call themselves Canadians.

And so the Canadian Nationalism has come to its natural conclusion

>we suck

it's different, you can't compare it
I'm catalan though
they aren't

>hate speech laws
Absolutely nothing wrong.
>this prime minister
Remember how awful legohair was? How he centered our economy on oil, and OPEC lowered prices?
>Liberal Ontario
The proper move is not to Conservatives, who planned to do exactly what Wynne did since 1998
>liberal, green, NDP
I can agree on that. We should move to a preferential vote, and we'll never have a majority parliament (or conservatives) ever again.
>refuses to have a culture
We've got plenty of culture. Some of the best stand up in the world comes from Canada. Our government spent billions of dollars funding Canadian media and art. The problem is that you don't engage in it.
>rolls over for America
Conservatives do this at every opportunity.
>won't keep a military
We're not expected to have a military like America's. I know you're thinking we should. But the USA has ten times our population. Bankrolling so many soldiers and material would destroy our economy.
>liberal universities
Start some conservative leaning ones.
>tolerates the intolerable
We don't tolerate nazis.
>treads on veterans and honored dead
Canada has some of the largest veteran's celebrations on the planet. We remember the shit out of our veterans. The problem is that our government, typical of right of center policies, over the last fourteen years, has cut funding repeatedly to various veteran help groups.
Harper closed veterans affairs offices, and the Trudeau government is in the process of opening them and starting up funding for providing some of the pre-release salary of injured veterans.
>closing churches and opening mosques
[citation needed]
>catholic church to rot into socialism
The government has nothing to do with that. If you don't like Catholics, your problem is with them, the pope, and the others who run the church. You should probably do more bible study. Jesus was always helping whores, blind folks, and the downtrodden. And you don't want to do any of that, apparently.

We were founded by scummy brits and larcenous frogs. We were shit back then and liberal shits now and the future looking pretty brown.

memeber canada's old reputation?

Honest, upright, relentlessly moral people who would not tolerate an injustice, and who's big hearts were an example to us all.

This was your rep until the early 1980s.

Welp, the shills have arrived. Time to close the thread.

You deserve a second 1812.

Your work hours are not being refused. Employers are simply finding better employees than you. You're in an economy which works to the advantage of the bosses. And chances are you're skipping out on applying to work you don't want to do.
Spring is coming. Go apply to construction labour jobs.
And your military service isn't being refused. Right now we're not fighting any wars. There's not much need to get soldiers to go do any dying. So entry requirements are high. This is to keep wastes of skin out of the professional military while it's doing peacekeeping, disaster relief, and other international assistance Canada does.
Also none of this is because you're white. Get over yourself.

The same values most english speaking countries have. Western Post-Enlightenment historically christian values.


You deserve a second shot at Lizzy 2

If you know what I mean

Youre wrong. Straight up wrong. Nationalism doesnt have to be about common ancestry or even ancestral heratige. Its about pride in ones nation and culture. If a man from india came to me and said that he wanted to disavow his religion and culture completely to become one of us and fight for our nation. i would have no problem welcoming him to canada

You are a meme

That was Ontario's reputation, really. Truth be told the various regions of Canada are too different to group together

>Newfies are rowdy racist fishermen on welfare
>Ontarians were honest, upright, relentlessly moral people who would not tolerate an injustice (they evolved into cucks by being too moral)
>Albertans and Saskatchewans are english-speaking German cowboys and rednecks
>Maritimers are drunk scotts
>Quebecois are snooty holier than thou retards
>british columbians are dude weed lmaos and chinks
>manitobans are natives
>the territories are all fur trappers, miners, and eskimos

There's nothing really uniting this country.

And then if a mandate of 500,000 came down from above, you would riot in the streets about your countrymen not accepting it, just like this individual.

This is what we need. A lot of us still are like this, weve just lost control and/or gave it willingly to globalists. Nationalism is not hate for others, its love of ones self. The left cant seem to grap that

Hey canada bros, remember to say how much you love islam like I do so high overlord justin doesnt send his hate police to your house.

Boy do i sure love islam, trudeau has done nothing but make canada great again

>a fucking constellation resettles the score.
congratulations, your back.

>a fucking X
Why are american shitposters so cringe?

>soviet canuckistan
Absolutely nothing wrong.

>OPEC attacked the Western economies.
Remember how awful legohair was? How he centered our economy on oil, and OPEC lowered prices?

>Conservatives never did what Wynne did with the energy sector. Roll again later. They were retarded in the election, openly attacking southern ontario's service economy.
The proper move is not to Conservatives, who planned to do exactly what Wynne did since 1998.

>I wouldn't mind a Red Rose party of Ontario
I can agree on that. We should move to a preferential vote...

>(((art))) (((media))) - The best we've got happens in the Northern provinces, away from the progressives where the cities fund classical orchestras and concertos.
We've got plenty of culture. Some of the best stand up in the world comes from Canada. Our government spent billions of dollars funding Canadian media and art. The problem is that you don't engage in it.

>Trudeau is the embodiment of Canadian Liberal weakness. There's a difference between economic cooperation, and being the dumbass that accepted Trump's pipeline counteroffer. We got shafted.
Conservatives do this at every opportunity.

>Because we are weak? A 2% GDP military would outclass most of the militaries of the Western world, and properly keep the encroaching China and Russia at bay. Have you forgotten them?
We're not expected to have a military like America's. I know you're thinking we should. But the USA has ten times our population. Bankrolling so many soldiers and material would destroy our economy.

>One step at a time. Nobody powerful uses Sup Forums like this.
Start some conservative...

>oy vey, so tolerant
We don't tolerate nazis.

>The Liberals shit on every aspect of the military at every opportunity. Between brutal deficits left by Liberal governments
Canada has some of the largest...

>[won't research it yourself fallacy]

>You really don't know how bad it is, do you?

That's why the pre-globalist code was Regionalism.

Actually the standards for entry into the canadain military, at least physically are at the lowest they have ever been historically.
Our military has no money. There are not enough tradesmen to support our bases, but we can't fill the required positions to make sure that we are operationally ready cause agan, WE HAVE NO MONEY.
It's true that we don't really need a large standing force in the combat arms trades, but our shits all fucked and we can't buy any new stuff.

>Our military has no money.
Maybe they should have protected the gold from being sold off.

If Trump runs America into the ground, you'll look far better by comparison.

Is this true? Never confirmed it but always felt it growing up.

nationalism breeds competition, competition breeds purpose, purpose breeds drive, drive makes for greater developments than ever before seen

Stop being such a white racist.

Exactly. This bro gets it

>le communism meme
>OPEC used the free market to destroy Canada's attempt to get into oil, and other countries that are not OPEC states
>Harris started the Private hydro kerfuffle
You can go look up the rest of this stuff. The private hydro debate is very old.
Your wildrose party would become a thing, along with my pirate party. And we'd have a much better representation of Canadians with a preferential voting system. On that we can agree.
>da jeeewwws
Your shit is retarded.
>liberal weakness
We did get shafted. Because Trudeau is too far to the right, and never stood up for Canadian jobs and Canadians in general when he reopened that pipeline.
>worrying about Russia and China
We've got America right next to us. War is not profitable in the current state of affairs. There is no real need to spend much money on our military. That money can be spent on better things.
>one step
You'll find that becoming more educated moves you to the left.
>liberal deficits
Conservative policies have typically left us with defiicits, or shrunk surpluses, historically speaking.
You're the one who made the claim that Trudeau is closing churches and opening mosques. Your job is to provide that information.
>don't know how bad it is
I spent 2006-2012 in St. Catharines, which had the worst unemployment across Canada during the 2008 financial crisis. Yes, I'm aware of how bad it is.

It can be easily used against the left.

I brought up the fact Sikhs are aginst muslims. Some lefty said they don't care if Sikhs are oppressed cause of this new law.
Hate speech right there