What is their end game?
So what's the deal with Poland?
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Andrzej, nie wygłupiaj się
Modernise with EU gibs and then dominate Europe.
What's that's Bartek?
Andrzej, stop fooling around
Catholic memes
You already know the answer, Nigel
Why didn't you invest in eastern Poland?
I don't know but we renamed our academy of national defence to academy of art of war
probably invade germany
A Polish National Socialist Ethnostate.
To live as souless shells of human being untill our lungs give up.
I'd like to be it at least 1000 euro, like Slovenia. That's all I want, it doesn't have to be 2k or 3k, just that bare minimum, so that we still have to try and not become degenerate and complacent like westfags. Below 1000e is nigger tier
pls send hot polack grills that i can fug for monies, thanks
Maybe they can just serve as a breeding country to produce hot women for other foreign men to marry and use that as a source of income. High-Level Prostitution I guess.
Sure but i heard finnland doesn't have many blacks.
Since when have polish grills been after black benis? You people are the next Swedes, clearly.
russian women do that, but they sell themselves to chinese instead
Polish women are the biggest group of white women race mixing in the UK. They find niggers "exotic" because you know, theres almost none here.
Western girls>slavic girls
If i'd have to chose between an american and a polish woman i'd take an american one becasue chanes are she had to deal with niggers at some point in her life and she knows what kind of subhuman filth they are while polish girl will flock to any nigger even the ugliest ones becasue "muh exotic, muh bbc ;)" Just give up this le slavic wymyn meme Simo.
Only stupid and too faithful kurwa's are going for black
>degenerate women and bydlo males leave country leaving us with little to no liberals
i see no problem with this
Give me a quick rundown on this country.
There is no endgame. This country doesn't have actual based elites.
Well I wanna fug slavic womens, im not gonna marry one. Do you really think I want to reproduce with an inferior person? Polack bls.
It's a non-country like Belgium, but worse. At least Belgium had an empire.
Half of Poland is German, the other half Russian.
Vaginal jew, it's the same everywhere. Don't buy into that slavic traditional qt bs.
Yeah actually a lot of Bydło is leaving Poland to countries like UK or Germany because they are to dumb to live in poland
Summer 2017 is going to be cute. Slo-user will deliver.
win the world championship in sucking American dick
I'm not sure if they're into mongoloids. They only Finns I knew that came for fun had to pay for it in Prague's brothels
Back to Iran, where they came from.
Yeah but Polish women seem hotter than Russian women, plus I associate Russians in general with being about the human racial equivalent of trash, which the Polish are at least above.
Mix of Germans and Anglos trying to say we are half germans and half russians ignoring fact that we deported every ruski and szwab to their countries after war , and that our country is existing more than 1000 years
Technically we only started fucking ourselves over in the 17th century. It was pretty chill 'n fun before that.
>Half of Poland is German, the other half Russian.
Eh, you forgot to put some Burgers in there.
We exist longer than you toothpaste
we need more curvas in the world
>What is their end game?
dying out
>dutch education
Sovereign German soil filled with Slavs
now i want to see statistics that dont include shitskin breeders in western europe
>our country is existing more than 1000 years
Of course they want money. All slav women are whores and will do anything when you pay them.
Poland is a thirdworld shithole
Fun fact: We have more Poles to breed with than shitskins in Germany. No new phenomena btw. When the Wehrmacht invaded Poland in '39 a good share of our soldiers would have surnames like Smolenski or Orlowski. Ruhrpottpolacken as they were called back then. Good thing with polacks and russki is: second generation is more or less German and third generation doesn't even know were their grandparants came from. They assimilate quite quickly.
>All women are whores and will do anything when you pay them.
>shitskins have 10 kids each
>that elevates the birth rates becasue turks and other shitskins are "the new germans"
Oh i will be laughing the day german gov will bordcats transmision telling it has lost control over its own country.
>surnames like Smolenski or Orlowsk
That means you got raped Hans.
It also means that you're a bunch of germanized Slavs
our country was baptized in 966 so yes we are more than 1000 years
>That means you got raped Hans.
in this case the children would bear the names of their mothers. So: no.
>It also means that you're a bunch of germanized Slavs
We have allways been. Obotrits, Wends, Silesian, Masovian, Slovincian, Prussian (only partly slavs), Kashubian (big share at least), Sorbian. All got assimilated. + Millions of Poles and some million russians, ukrains, whoever.
To come to the uk and whore themselves out to rich white men.
>we are more than 1000 years
not as country. Polish country was founded 1916. so it is a hundred years now.
>we wuz kangs in middle ages.
Doesn't make your country a thousend year old.
>what is congress poland
we had our own government even after partitions, hans
Pollacks are better than krauts though
to make depressing songs
So was germany fouded in 1946 or 19190?
>our end game
>1946 or 19190?
1946 or 1990?
1871. Didn't stop to exist.
19190 hands down kurwa
make cyberpunk 2077 and then they're pretty much done
1815 to 1867.
it's a fake country
Guys we've got to put an end to the Polish threat
for too long have we dealt with the monster at our gates
I recommend western Europe and Russia invade polish to end this for once and for all. for safety and security the polish nation of aggression must be destroyed.
1990 would be great btw. We could stop paying for 6 gorillions and tell other countries (poland...) to gtfo if they demand gibsmedats for past time stories.
>What is their end game?
Gibs. Total gibs. Forever.
That's not how you call war reperations.
God damnt Poland. I like you but this is taking the gibs TOO far.
>Didn't stop to exist.
Neither did Poland
Technically Russian king was the king of Poland, there also existed Duchy of Warsaw, and Congress Poland
>fake country
>nederdraad aka swamp niggers
I hope russians push all the way to yor shithole this time
like it should have during the cold war
You think it's okay to just quietly get replaced by Slavs?
Into space.
>for safety and security the polish nation of aggression must be destroyed.
kek why are you guys so easily baited
>Into space.
but we cannot
Look at me
Im the one that baits!
1949 with the creation of (West) Germany. Unless you want to actually be correct and start before the 900's.
Being invaded and occupied by Germany, Russia, Germany, Russia, Germany, Russia and Germany.
Game always comes to end when money is over.
Its in their genes, typical aggressive slav behaviour
>(((Adrian Blomfield in St Petersburg)))
ur nott batin me
were just trying to reach you anglo, and eventually we will
and you know this
because we have a lot more contacts wanting to get at your throats than yous do against us.
Should Lithuania take over Russian Prussia?
its not even 2% our gdp Ruslan
Bam exactly.
You got 3 kinds of nations
Dicks = they accomplish stuff, invent stuff, but run rampant over other countries
pussies = they do girly stuff, art, are peaceful, nice lands, but dicks always fuck them over
Assholes = they just shit on everything and fuck things up
You need a dick and pussy pair to make both sides happy like USA and Canada. The pussy makes the dick calm and keeps the dick from fucking around to much
but with assholes like Poland, you need a dick to fuck it so it stops shitting everywhere.
Poland is a cancer
Poland should be given to Russia, along with East Germany.
You'll always have a place in the UK.. cleaning toilets kurwa.
Yeah, I watched Team America too.
oh, we'll clean you but good
very nicely
bet on it
>still thinks ethnicity is in the genes somehow, not the culture
Dumb mongorian stormfag
I'm going to make a Stellaris faction of Poles!
Good. So you guys invade Poland and again and everyone will be happy.
Germany should be split between neighbouring countries, so it will not start pointless wars anymore.
I'll clean your boipussy with my dick in a minute if you don't stop replying to me.
>So you guys invade Poland
Been there, done that. It gets boring after the 10th time.