Tyson: U.S. science illiteracy a serious threat

>The issue of greatest concern to perhaps one of the nation’s most well-known scientists, Neil deGrasse Tyson: Americans know far too little about science.

>Americans overall are bad at science. Scared of math. Poor at physics and engineering. Resistant to evolution. This science illiteracy, Tyson told a nearly sold-out crowd at the Greensboro Coliseum on Tuesday night, is a threat to the nation.

>“The consequence of that is that you breed a generation of people who do not know what science is nor how and why it works,” he said.

Why do Americans hate science, and will this be a problem for American society in the long term? How do we fix unscientific America?

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>>Americans overall are bad at science. Scared of math. Poor at physics and engineering. Resistant to evolution. This science illiteracy, Tyson told a nearly sold-out crowd at the Greensboro Coliseum on Tuesday night, is a threat to the nation.

Forgot the link: greensboro.com/news/schools/tyson-u-s-science-illiteracy-a-serious-threat/article_f3e72cb4-686c-5af5-9088-fb23b23fae7d.html

I don't believe a nigger can into science
This nigga a fraud

tyson is a privileged fuck who got a good education, and now thinks he is god.

classic narcissist. nvr liked the guy anyway.

What does this have to do with the issue of americans being unscientific and averse to science?

I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE (except the stuff I don't like)

The liberals still like this guy after his neutral stance on Trump tweet?

>Leftist science community
>Dude science is awesome (except when it dosen't fit my world view)

really toasted my neural almonds

>Americans overall are bad at science.
Then maybe we should quit importing Mexicans and lowering the average?

They could start by not making science an SJW safe space.

>oy vey, don't do math on the holocaust goyim!
>genetics b racist n shieeet
>muh gender dysmorphia

We can fix unscientific America by adhering to ACTUAL science, which is a key tenet of national socialism.

leave it to a pretendo-smart nigger to dumb down the philosophy and every single fucking field which are not in any sort of danger to just the blanket term of "science"

God damn this nigger is about as awful as obama as far as "black people pretending to be smart" goes.

He can't even do well enough in his particular field of astrophysics to not spout sensationalist made up bullshit read of a script for that Cosmos reboot.

Physicist here - a lot of this is true, Tyson's problem is that he can't separate matters of science education and literacy from political agendas.

The hard sciences have always been better about ignoring peoples' political views as long as they're good at the science... but more and more we see liberals trying to push for the same level of overwhelming left-wing bias in our fields as they enjoy in most other branches of academia.

He's not wrong

Something like 50% of people with PHDs in the USA aren't even american.

Blacks don't care about academia, Spics would rather study humanities and tell whites to check their privilege, 50% of whites believe that getting any education, even STEM, makes you some kind of ivory tower librul faggit, and Jews run campuses and favor other Jews for admissions, regardless of merit.

Americans are too busy beeing juggalos. Neets pissing in bottles. Or watching tv while having dinner. There is no time for science....i once read that A huge amount of americans think that they invented noodles....because of MUH MAC n CHEESE

Because people like this "scientist" promote science falsely so called. The shit that these fools are selling, many Americans aren't buying

I once read that it's illegal to deny the holocaust in Germany, despite the jewish holocaust never having actually happened.

Do you feel that the quality of STEM education has improved or decreased with the rise of all this bullshit?

I mean on one hand, pushing identity politics on the hard sciences is going to demoralise a lot of people in those fields, but on the other hand universities must be making enourmous amounts of money off the retards who go to college to study 'women's history' or whatever.

>Spics would rather study humanities and tell whites to check their privilege

Spic here. I actually believe we are fairly diverse as far as political ideology and economic growth. Hispanics make up most of the working class along with whites and work in many industries save for the more advanced STEM ones. so yes there is still much more room to grow for us.

forgot to finish my post

>but on the other hand universities must be making enourmous amounts of money off the retards who go to college to study 'women's history' or whatever

and then pouring it into better STEM programs, because you don't need a lot of money to run humanities.

yeah like, how about grow back to mexico.

oh, i see

I'm just generalising, I guess. most of the American SJW's I see in videos and pictures aren't what I would define as 'white'


How many levels of irony is this man on?

Maybe if they'd stop hiring Ms. Shaniqua Johnson and Mrs. Rubbi Rosenberg to teach our kids shit and stay on tenure, maybe the teaching profession would be taken seriously in this country. Books are worth more than the sad sacks of shit we call "teachers."

>believe the races are equal
>calls other people scientifically illiterate

tyson is such a tardo nigger he doesn't even understand the contention between the validity of "global warming" and "man made global warming".

i fear this most. its what completely ruined the way art schools used to be run because they had to pander to trust fund hipsters that wanted to learn dumb bullshit instead of fundamentals. However, The STEM Fields were never really that popular to begin with so i don't think they will suffer from this too much. Algebra can't be reinterpreted in some wrong way, it's algebra, same with most of the sciences. Though i do suppose any Ideology could become offended by them if they reported a truth they didn't like.

He's a coward. He constantly attacks the right's anti-science bullshit, but is eerily silent about the left's. He's not interested in promoting science. He wants to promote an agenda.

He's not even a scientist for fuck's sake.

t. actual researcher

>scared of math
have you seen the roll out of common core? Can you tell me that its helping young students gain a healthy respect and understanding for the sciences?

oh look, a racist comment on the internet, how original. also, i was born here. also, there will be more of us than white people pretty soon, doesn't matter how many illegals trump manages to send back. Hope you're looking forward to your first Spic President.

They prefer gender studies. :^)

This guy is a fucking retard.
The only reason he's seen as smart is because he's kinda famous.
Most actual scientist know that he's as dumb as a brick when it comes to anything above third grade level.

no? i would. The funny thing is, they say "white people are the problem!" they're right, both stupid sides are made up of fucking whites. all the other races are usually caught in the middle of white people arguing over things concerning the minorities, but that american history in a nutshell.

>um, why does the variable have to be an X? Is that in reference to female chromosomes and women being mutablely shaped to be anything under the diminutive molestation by the male patriarchy? I'm going to complain to the dean.

> How do we fix scientific illiteracy
> Well let's talk about IQ since it's a good general purpose metric for determining intelligence and correlated things like irreligiosity, belief in evolution etc.
> And it's racially related, backed up by science
> Whoa that doesn't sound very scientific there dude, the enlightenment axiom of universal human equality is itself scientific and outweighs scientific evidence in that one case
They won't really discuss the really controversial things which are the most important things to talk about anyway so who gives a shit.

>let me tell you about your country

Typical self centered greasy american.

the only decent white people are the whites that refuse to acknowledge other races as human, and therefore don't engage in such activities that would project real human emotions and feelings onto these "underprivileged" people.


never seen a single shred of evidence that leads me to believe he practices science. or even reading.

the nigger is an actor

Speaking from first-hand experience as both a student and teacher - STEM education at the primary and secondary level has seriously suffered in the US over the last couple decades. At that level it suffers mostly from funding issues and from actions like No Child Left Behind that put a heavier emphasis on standardized testing and rote teaching. Lots of the students I deal with are coming into college physics (whether as majors, engineers, or core curriculum students) with extremely lacking math and science skills, unprepared for the kinds of courses we teach.

College and graduate level STEM education isn't suffering as much, there's no shortage of schools that grade inflate to keep numbers up and other shit like that, but they aren't the majority and by and large the programs teaching this material are still rigorous and appropriately challenging. Our main threat right now is the flood of "Science Education" graduates that have been hitting different STEM fields the last few years - they're almost all from sociology or liberal arts backgrounds and push back hard against traditional instruction methods like lecture and lab formats. If you've ever heard buzzphrases like "active learning" or "flipped classrooms" or "new science pedagogy" these are the assholes pushing that shit.


>Who knows the answer to this question...and just for a change of pace lets have a non-white female student answer...Yes Destiney...

>Grading papers
>Chad Smith got every question right....but he's a rich, white guy so....B-
>AH! Tera Jackson, such promise! Hmm, missed a couple...well she is definitely trying, A+!

>Neil "Kikes and Jesuits make fine scientists" deGrasse Tyson
whoi cares. he hasn't invented anything or solved any real problems because he's is a fraud.

Racial difference in IQ is hardly as pressing as fucking global warming mate.


When will this nigger realize he's atop the Bell curve? Maybe when one of his kids gets busted for something like Cosby.

But he's right, Americans hired jews to make the bomb from an equation invented by a jew, and when their stupid rockets didn't fly so good they had to call the germans to fix them, now a south African is in charge of making the rockets.

Quick, import a bunch of H1B visas, that'll fix it!

I don't care for black science man, but he's right. Both le dumb rednecks and (((college educated))) are scientifically illiterate.

This is most obvious in the way people react to articles on (((a new scientific study))) they barely understand the dumb downed simplified buzzfeed article, let alone read the original source or have the mental capacity to objectively criticize or discuss it...

You may not like the man, but what he is saying is correct.

People hate science because it's constantly being co-opted by politics.

People wouldn't care if raw data was presented honestly but 99.9999999999999999% of the time it's cherry picked to present and agenda.

Even when I think of things I agree with, like anthropogenic global warming, I get frustrated by how the facts are drowned in politics and virtue signalling.

Science used to be about the quest for truth but now it's all about being right.
Yes, there's a difference.

I did my undergrad and Msc in STEM. From what I experienced, identity politics hasn't effected STEM significantly, your gender identity doesn't change Avogadro's number.

But, I feel as though STEM students are lower quality these days due to a reliance on technology and just being less hard working than previous generations. It could just be that some of the old timers have been around for so long...but god damn it's crazy how smart some of them are.

..it's a joke?

I'm just talking in regards to what tangentially affects science literacy. You can't really discuss that without touching topics like realizing that there is an intelligence cap that most people have that will prevent a lot of people from even being literate in or capable of science in the first place.

If we were really scientifically literate we would have realized that it's pointless to try to get everyone to be and better use our resources by putting people t jobs which they actually have the capacity to do, instead of something like in the US, where we encourage everybody to go to college regardless of how intelligent or competent they are, which wastes so much resources and diverts other ones which could be better used, like getting a lot of young people apprenticeships or technical degrees who otherwise pursue fields they aren't intellectually capable of and end up not being as productive as they would have been pursuing something more in line with their inherent ability level.

Our collective ignoring of the hard truths of intelligence while asking what the problem is is nothing short of astoundingly retarded.

sometimes thats how the facts align user. no need to get butthurt over it. Personally, I don;t really care why global warming is occuring, but it is confirmed that it is happening and it will effect humanity in a big way so we should be preparing for it not ignoring it because blue people like it.

Maybe the government should stop funding the arts and start funding stem programs.

> Trump uses the money saved from withdrawing funding PBS and NPR to fund new STEM seed programs nationwide
> Watch Black Science Man's Head explode

>Even when I think of things I agree with, like anthropogenic global warming,

global warming and cooling are real things according to climate scientists, but it is unctuously proud to assume humans will shape that warming and cooling trend in any significant way.

There was antarctic ice just off the south american coast as late as 500 years ago judging by a variety of drawn world maps of the time, with the ice having receded as early as 200 years ago, still ahead of the industrial revolution.

The warming and cooling happens relatively quickly as far as geological-type things are concerned - quickly enough that a person would notice changes in their own lifetime, but not indicative that our witnessing of it is relateable to us being the cause for it - not for any mechanical reason anyway. A god's punishment would be a closer approximation for the cause than a couple billion monkeys matching volcanic eruptions in carbon output.

That's a nice data point of one but there's a much larger body of evidence that disagrees.

>politicize science
>get angry when half the nation doesn't care about what you have to say

idealized trump is best trump. I have no faith in him doing anything like this though, he sucks.

This pretty much. Tyson has no right to complain since he is the face of everything that's gone wrong with US science nowadays.

What would have been nice would have been a government funded and pushed dept dedicated to educating and training medical techs and nurses or at the very least subsidizing americans who went into those fields because we're desperately going to need them, fuck we need them now, and we need them more than we need art and humanities majors.

>Greensboro Coliseum

Ah, he's just speaking to his audience. Cucks and Niggers.


not calling what it is, blacks bring the average down...unless you go to a private school you can't expect public schools to compete with the world in science and math.

Because basics such as proper education aren't exactly priorities for the average Burger.

If you really want to advance your country you have to start educating the people.

good thing we put a republican in the white house huh neil


Get out, Paco.

also, people are more scientifically literate than ever, the entirety of human history is available at the push of a button, all this faggot is saying is that if you don't agree with his specific interpretation of the data then you're a dumb redneck who shouldn't be able to have an opinion.

>Neil deGrasse Tyson
What did they mean by this?

lawl, this is actually proof of woman's sexual liberation, and what a mistake that has been for western civilization.


literally says on his imdb he is an actor.

the man is a cock sucking mason piece of trash trying to push the evolution garbage.

>breed a generation of people who do not know what science is or how and why it works

What generation before us was so blessed with widespread scientific literacy? You can't lose something that you didnt have. Further, I wish these ((((scientists)))) would stop differentiating their discipline and encourage people to understand what science is: an exercise in logic. Teach kids sound logic and scientific understanding follows, along with a whole lot of other benefits.

where does the scientific theory of anthropogenic climate change due to greenhouse gases come from then? how is it so successful among experts?

you first whitey, the vikings didn't even stay they had the decency to leave when they showed up.

His shpw was literall ythe magic school bus for young adults.

not really.

I bring this up all the damn time. Good post.

ooga booga science indeed

He earned his education.

This black man may be a genius in the black community but amongst white people, he is simply above average.

Its funny because most STEM students are usually redpilled. Its the liberal arts majors who are scared of math and science. It against them most of the time

Lies by a nigger

Can't believe you think he is smart

Why would you listen to this "scientist" that doesn't even know what autorotation is.

>nigger chimping for more money and attention for his needs

Wew lad. Tell me more about climate change and how Trump is evil, muh science negro.

>Resistant to evolution
What about role of biology and race in human behavior, culture and intellect? I wonder how that education gonna be met.

real science isnt asians cheating on tests to become shit doctors that are being forced down our throats by dumb ass social justice warriors.

real science has almost always been done by whites of european origin

I am pretty sure they stopped because there was way too much regulation put into place.

Nobody fucking believes that.


Who gives a fuck what this nigga thinks?

Okay Miroslav, I'll give it to you straight.

Tyson is one stupid fucking nigger.
Smarter than most blacks, yes, but not intelligent. So our country's useful idiots put him on a pedestal to try to prove that niggers are people too.
So when he says things like "Americans overall are bad at science. Scared of math. Poor at physics and engineering. Resistant to evolution.", he's making himself look like a fucking idiot, because he is.

>Science Illiteracy

Once a term is beaten down, you just make up new one.

Philistinism and lack of focal vocabulary in the fields you engage in should be your main concerns. But he can't adress it that way, because noone would even bother to try to understand.

>niggers made US look bad
>white people please halp


Greensboro, Chapel Hill, and Durham are definitely worth avoiding.

Public schools are trash here and pretty much scare everyone away from the sciences by the time they graduate. Would have happened to me too but I said fuck it, I'm gonna try anyways in college and found out, it wasn't that bad.

Haha, def saving that pic since im a fellow fiufag

Wow great dissection of the problem.

Doesn't change the test scores that show Americans lagging behind severely.

No country was ever really science literate in the past. However, when your country has to be run off innovation like the US' does, its levels should steadily increase. They're not. What's worse is google is making it easy as hell to do any real hard science.

Yeah like how they deny the science regarding blacks being dumber than whites or the science I study about how women are born to cheat on you pic related
