How do we fix white women Sup Forums?
How do we fix white women Sup Forums?
by going for asian woman so white woman have to actually try to compete
atleast her kid is white
Well that one anyway
This. I married an AF.
Whats wrong OP? She seems like a real catch.
> 29 years old
> Still in college
> Weird ass eyebrows
> Fat
> Has kid
> Is pregnant
> In a divorce
> Rude
take the 2D pill, 3D is over
Accept you can't fix everyone.
Stop creating problems mate.
That proves that white men are shit.
2D isn't real weeb.
I'm surprised that kid is white desu. I wonder if the other kid is mixed.
Really, I'm baffled as to why every average/below-average white guy hasn't gotten himself a good-looking Asian gf. Asian girls are awesome! And they'll date any white guy.
Not letting them in your country.
its real in my mind
She has 3 white kids before the age of 30. She's the solution to white genocide, not the problem. Yeah she's a mess but you don't have to fuck her for pleasure, just breeding.
>be a chewed up and vomited, raw, rotting piece of meat with flies flying all over you, with green sides, mold forming on top of you and a revolting nauseating stench emanating from every pore out of you
why do these people even exist? don't they have mirrors or something? are they so retarded, narcissistic and self absorbed that they dont understand their situation?
Came here to post this actually... her mouth looks like a ragged blown out asshole
white roasties get very butthurt when they see a white man with a hot asian gf.
shit is cash
have fun with your ugly kids
T.David Goldberg
I'm white as fuck and not a jew.
but why should I settle for some white roastie when I can easily get an asian gf which is in every way superior?
>asian gf loves my whiteness
>asian gf loves and whorships my dick
>asian gf actually cares about me
>asian gf always trying to please me
>asian gf is actually a gf you can love
thats some serious MLA there
you must be dating some shitty white women to think that all of those traits are exclusive to asians and that the moonface in your webm is actually pretty
In less than two weeks the OP is going to be here complaining about how Trump fucked Sweden up with that failed inverted quantum missile test which irradiated each and every Swedish moosefucker between Malmö and Uppsala.
white woman are fucking annoying with their bullshit.
they're all brainwashed and borderline retarded.
>also posting some manfaced slut
LMAOing @ your life senpai
OK, I'll keep moving.
>divorced, pregnant, has three kids already
>looking for a man who will ignore all that
She is apparently ignorant of that fact that men will reject her based on her obesity first, and based on her obvious daddy issues second.
tl;dr - Even without knowing that she is pregnant, in a divorce, and has three kids, men will quickly identify her as being nothing but a bag of bugs to be avoided
yea and why settle for that shit when you can have a fresh asian gf instead?
mina is the cutest
What did she mean by that?
Raising 3 kids that aren't yours.
Actually the girls will be beautiful and highly sought after. I feel sorry for the happa males though.
>not aborting the hapa boys
Is that... plastic?
flat face
I doubt you married an asian that good looking.
>not having a hapa son and raising him to breed beautiful 3/4 white children, with all the good looks of white people and the APM of a Korean.
and I doubt anyone cares about the opinions of a gypsy
im thinking about moving my family to Tennessee and bringing them up in a fundamentalist christian area to guarantee me 3/4 white children
By not giving attention to fat fucks like that.
>says she has a manface but posts flat faced chinks
come on pham
You should do it, just moved there myself, it's great. You don't have to be on full alert at all times, and you can actually talk to neighbors.
Also nobody is going to call the cops if you go shoot your gun in your backyard.
Just avoid the major cities, of course. They're the same anywhere you go.
sounds good. i think ive always been a southern boy at heart.
he's right you stupid kraut piece of shit, all my friends who married some gook eyed are divorced or miserable. Enjoy money being equated with just about everything, including love.
Just another dumb fuck who fell for the asian trap.
White women have abandoned our race. There is no hope with them. We need to go for Asian Females, they respect us and love us. We can create a new master race with the best of both our genes.
Was this the slave market thing?
Replace them with Slavs, and when you run out of Slavs, replace them with chinks.
>dat butthurt
asian gfs are best gfs its a fact, they're also better wife material than a white roastie could ever be.
end welfare
end public school and all uni funds
end fed
capitalism n free trade
end baby payment
fire judges replace w software
Has anyone else noticed a serious issue with Caucasian females? They are almost all leftists and they seem to have very poor morals.
Deploy Street Judges to high crime areas.
thats why you go after asian qts
don't waste your time on white roasties bro
is the asian pill red or blue
that one red pixel at the bottom what the FUCK
Considering the chick in your pic would still reject me, nothing.
I have been declared to be an expendable male, so I'm gonna act like.
Asians vote liberal on nearly the same level as blacks, if only asians voted the whole country would be democrat
blue you retard
>>>>>>>>>>>>wedding dress
how 2 unlock
its yellow
dating asian woman is the biggest redpill.
>american (((asians)))
your culture is toxic waste
it's not in the game.
why are they wearing flatbilled nigger hats
Obviously. Those are western females. We're talking about traditional Asians. They're really conservative and worship white cock.
They all look the fucking same. Like robots.
doesn't stop your country from gobbling it up
ritual sacrifice
and there is a hot one for every white dude
which is very sad
>And they'll date any white guy.
I hope so
*sniff sniff*
"Oh, my..."
d-do they really squeak like those JAVs nippons, senpai
ban contraceptives and abortions
but make abortion mandatory for all non whites
oh, and only allow WIC/Welfare for married mothers
Keep your half breed gooks kids away from my pure white children.
Are you white?
How old are you?
Have people called you ugly?
How the fuck did someone manage to fuck this thing twice?
and when you're a goodlooking white dude you can literally have ANY of them.
They're really not. Asian women can be highly antagonizing.
>I'm baffled as to why every average/below-average white guy hasn't gotten himself a good-looking Asian gf.
because there aren't any in my country
This thread is pathetic with all the yellow fever cunts. I wish Hitler gassed all of you who go for non whites.
tfw want white kids but not enough to deal with a white woman
Dunno anons. Asian women are seriously picky.
Just go to an Asian country. Trust me, you'll be chased by dozens of them.
For millenia mankind have struggled, trying to understand what it means "to be" and what's "reality" we are at a point where reality and fiction are starting to merge (mostly through memetics) so why are you sure you know what's really "REAL"?
Get them THICK.
settling for a quarrelsome wife. good going user
I'm a 25 year old white male in a state and metropolitan area where, amongst my peer group, there are 50,000 more males than females.
Is it part of my progression towards ultimate Sup Forumsack status if I see this as just amusing as a lolbertarian? Am I on the path to NatSoc?
Go east, young man.
I'm in an area with more females than males. You think its any different? Lol
Hypergamy is a thing , you know. Its not just a meme.
you can pick from a billion different ones, its a numbers game and it doesn't take long to find a good asian gf.
British people are ugly by default
t jew
I married an Asian. They're not difficult to red pill because they're already racist.