Developments Feb2 >IS re-takes Rasm Sirhan village, few km form Albab >4000+ SAA units deploy to Jobar from Wadi Barada >SAA forms women’s batallion in Qamishli to defend against IS >SAA liberates key area (Qasr Al-Hayr) S of T4 airport >Syria rejects Russia’s suggestions on autonomous communities in Syria, including Kurds >IS raids FSA base in southwest Daraa >Turk backed militants capture Ghuz & Abu Zandin villages W of AlBab >30+ IS terrorists killed in failed counter-attack against SAA near Kuweires Airbase >AL SHABAAB MILITANTS CAPTURE KENYAN MILITARY CAMP IN SOMALIA killing 72 KENYAN SOLDIERS >HEAVY CLASHES NEAR DONTESK >Based Syriabro visits Aleppo citadel,hangs out with Ru military, tiger forces, takes pictures 4 /sg/ His story >Saudi warship being Attacked by Houthis
WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade - Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria -
>SJWs are planning to march all the way from Germany to Aleppo over the course of three and a half months:
Reminder that Jews are white, based and the real master race
Isaac Brooks
worship of anime is punishable under shariah weebs will burn eternally in hell inshallah
Jose Roberts
Great. Hopefully I'll take a lot of people with me.
Luis Kelly
Have no fear Issam is here
Jonathan Thomas
William Hall
Poland publishes list of Auschwitz guards to show they were German Poland has published the names of some 8,500 guards and commanders who worked at Auschwitz, as part of a government drive to remind the world the death camp was run and staffed by Germans. The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, has complained that some foreign media have referred to Auschwitz and similar camps set up in German-occupied Poland as “Polish concentration camps”, possibly giving the impression that Poland was a partner in crime of Adolf Hitler, rather than a victim. The list of Auschwitz staff, published online by the government-affiliated Institute for National Remembrance (IPN), includes camp personnel’s places of birth, service numbers, dates of arrival and departure and photographs. “We are showing you who worked there,” IPN’s head Jaroslaw Szarek said. (Reuters)
Luis Jones
11 civilians killed in airstrikes in Iraq, Syria - US military Eleven civilians were killed in four separate airstrikes by the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria between October 25 and December 9, the US military said on Thursday. “Although the coalition takes extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner that minimizes the risk to civilian casualties, in some incidents casualties are unavoidable,” the military said in a statement. It added that 10 reports of civilians casualties were still being investigated. (Reuters)
David Bailey
New Astana meeting on Syria to discuss 'separation of opposition from Jabhat al-Nusra' At a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, the Joint Operational Group will focus on issues related to the separation of the moderate Syrian opposition from Jabhat al-Nusra (formerly Al-Nusra Front), the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday. The first meeting of the group, set up in accordance with the decisions made at the international meeting on settling the Syrian crisis on January 23-24, will take place in Kazakhstan’s capital on February 6, TASS reported. Russian, Iranian and Turkish experts will assess the implementation of the ceasefire agreements. Special attention will be paid to issues related to the separation of the moderate Syrian opposition from Jabhat al-Nusra, which is considered to be a priority task by all the countries guaranteeing the ceasefire in Syria, the Russian military said.
Joseph Nguyen
Merkel presses Turkey’s Erdogan to uphold freedom of opinion, press German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she stressed the importance of press freedom and freedom of opinion in Turkey during talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday in Ankara. “With the [attempted] putsch, we saw how the Turkish people stood up for democracy and for the rules of democracy in Turkey,” said Merkel, with reference to July’s failed coup. “That is exactly why… it is important that freedom of opinion is upheld and in connection with this we talked about press freedom,” she added, sitting next to Erdogan. Allies including Germany fear Erdogan is using the coup attempt as a pretext to curtail dissent. “Opposition is part of democracy,” said Merkel. (Reuters)
Jacob Nguyen
Turkey orders 177 police detained, extending post-coup crackdown – report Turkish authorities ordered the detention of 177 police officers, the state-run Anadolu agency said on Thursday, widening a crackdown against people accused of links to a failed coup in July. The suspects, from 25 provinces, were being sought on suspicion of using ByLock, an encrypted smartphone messaging app, the agency said, citing the Ankara prosecutor’s office. In the post-coup crackdown, Turkey has jailed some 40,000 people pending trial and has suspended or dismissed more than 125,000 from the military, judiciary and public services. (Reuters)
Daniel Parker
Duterte bans another corruption-hit agency from drug war The Philippine president has prohibited another key law enforcement agency from carrying out his deadly anti-drug crackdown after banning the national police from the campaign because of corruption. Rodrigo Duterte said Thursday his decision to exclude the National Bureau of Investigation from the crackdown left him with fewer enforcers and raised the need for him to tap the military to help wage the campaign. Duterte again lashed out at critics of his campaign, including the dominant Roman Catholic church and US officials, saying he did not feel like sending a Filipino ambassador to Washington. (AP)
Luke Cox
Daily reminder that /tg/ is coming.
Thomas Rogers
Polish damage control and deflections over their own anti-semitic crimes during ww2 is hilarious
Lincoln Hernandez
Footage of Iraq's army aviation taking out a Da'ish armed vehicle during a battle west of Mosul.
As far as i know Armija Krajova didn't even accept Jewish members, besides pretty much everyone and their mother during war cooperated with Nazis one way or another.
Brody Lopez
Aleppo : FSA took full control of al-Amiyah village and the 500 Hill east of AlBab after battle with ISIS.
there was jewish organisation cooperating with AK tho but I'm pretty sure jews were accepted, maybe not all some of them were known for being members of socialist organisations so they could be afraid of being inflirtated by soviet agents
Ethan Moore
If Assad gets killed, will his coalition collapse and split into diffrent groups?
The SAA is a largely Alawite force. If Assad gets killed, I think many of them would desert and go to the Alawite heartlands to fight there as Militia.
Jordan Roberts
indeed, pretty much whole Europe was antisemitic as fuck, but only Germany gets singled out for it because they lost and the German BAAAD narrative is necessary to cover up for all the hideous shit that pretty much everyone did
Carter Powell
well, you don't want germans to start demanding compensations for pic related, do you?
Dominic Peterson
Assad is sure a figure but his coalition would'nt collapse.
Hezbollah is in Syria to protect South Lebanon from spillover.
Afghan cannon fodders is in Syria because Iran pays them and in event of their killing or surviving for sufficient time would give them Iranian citizenship.
IRGC is there because they want to protect their much needed influence in the region.
Russia is there because they want to hold their last(?) port in Medi-sea and wants to make sure Syria doesnt fall and competing gas from Arabia don't reach to Turkey.
So, no, it won't split.
Owen Hughes
I think both Poland and Czechia got good deal desu. Poland lost bunch of eastern steppes and shit to get coast and Silesia, Czechia got some of their clay back.
Zaolzie never forget though
Brandon Anderson
Soon to be tasted by SAA
Adam Taylor
Aerial view of the SAA latest liberated zone near AlBab
We know you mean AllWhites no need to censor yourself clay-thief.
Angel Brooks
Alawite generals would fight one another for power though, it was told by Jousha Landis in one interview. Unless one alawite is able to unify them the state could collapse.
Samuel Perry
>Syria Denounces at UN Aggressions Made by Turkey
Damascus, Feb 2 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent today messages to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Security Council, condemning the continuing Turkish aggression against the Syrian people and national sovereignty.
Turkish military forces have entered the territory of Syria in recent days, where they occupied some villages, including al-Ghoz and Abou al-Zanden located west of the city of al-Bab, in order to move north Of the city of Aleppo, said the statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
These actions, they say, are part of the ongoing aggression waged for more than five years by the Turkish regime against Syria, through strategic, weapons and logistical support to terrorist groups and facilitating access to the national territory.
The Foreign Ministry demanded on behalf of the Syrian Arab Republic that the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities to maintain international peace and security.
pretty much in all of his videos there are some arabic people saying they love him etc.
David Wood
Only reader here. Today is my brithday /sg/ I'm 60 now! Am I the oldest one around here? You are usually the same 20 guys here but a lot of us try to check this thread at least once in a day. Thank you for all the updates I also improved my english :)
Nathan Walker
I doubt it's useability. Wasted resources if you ask me.
Alexander Allen
post pics with timestamp famalam. wanna see that 60 y/o face.
Noah Watson
happy birthday! I'm only 43.
Easton Evans
What are his bes songs so I get an idea ?
Anthony Walker
First time seeing your trip. Hvað ertu að gera þarna?
Camden Ortiz
Luke Baker
>I'm 60 now! Happy birthday, but how do you discover Sup Forums at that age?
even the guy who shared is some arab i guess. generally turkish comments in this one but some arabic as well down below.
Easton Hill
28 here.
Ryan Phillips
I am swedish, just memeing.
Henry Butler
yes its been couple of days now TFSA and SAA met and no sign of any conflict.
i doubt anything will happen.
Colton Moore
Happy Birthday!
Blake Russell
I guess this is music for people who like to drink and cry at the same time
Charles Wood
yeah, turkish way lol.
James Clark
Roach the rocket is going to boomerang back at you
Jack Bailey
Congratulations friend!
Lincoln Collins
top kek, nostalgia
Jayden Baker
Happy Birthday Uncle.
Chase Edwards
I wish you a happy birthday sir! Enjoy the night.
Adam Wood
Im old but not stupid!. English lessons with people younger than me (im retired). We were discussing the US general election these last months and some boys talked me about this politics subforum. Also I was military during 15 years, served in Kosovo too, so /sg called my attention, also I can practice my english.
Thank you everyone!
Lincoln Brown
audible kek, thank u sweden
Dominic Carter
never claimed you are stupid grand pa.
Jeremiah Torres
Jace Campbell
>some boys talked me about this politics subforum kek, I don't think I'd ever tell anyone about this place, let alone admit to frequenting it myself
Carter Gray
I like that you care about improving your English at this age
Thomas Watson
That M16A4 has picked up quite a lot of chip and dust since last time.
Samuel Myers
My dad decided to learn Spanish at 65, I guess you have more free time at that point
Mason Parker
me neither. That's probably due to my social environment though. Way to liberal but what can i do
Jordan Gomez
I think I know what the bracelet in Issam's wrist is.. give me a sec
Josiah Baker
Oh? Really, curious what you mean
Samuel Walker
Bashar is just a figurehead. Him getting killed would surely hurt the troops' morale, but would have no effect on the larger government. You should kill his cousins and whatsnot if you want the syrian coalition to collapse.
Or fuck around with meme pipelines. That would turn russia and iran against each other, and utter chaos would surely follow soon after.
TFSA vs SAA footage when?
Evan Morris
it's a fake one, it shoots 7.62x39mm bullets.
Ian Bell
I think it is some sort of "energy wristband". A scam of course.
www.powerbalanceuk .com
Levi Ross
If its good enough for Issam I need one too tbqh.
Blake Rodriguez
People of my age dont speak english. We learned french in school back in my days, a waste of time. I started studying english the last summer, its easy and I love it, see this thread, we are people from all over the world, cooperating with info and images, even sirians, in a few generations everybody will speak english and I hope everybody could understand each other better to make the world better.
Samuel Adams
happy birthday ! hope you stick around for a 60 more years . >You are usually the same 20 guys yeah /SG/ is bit of a big dysfunctional family but we have some moments plus i can confirm its the only place where you can have a actual conversation whit out some one replaying to you in autistic screech that way you wont see us much leaving this place for other breads except for /UG/ to shit post
Sebastian Ortiz
this is the closest I could find to the one he is wearing
Lincoln Wilson
I consider my self lucky to be able to speak English. It is currently the most useful language.
My dad and his generation learned french too on school.
I admire that you learned so much since last Summer.
Joshua Barnes
Yeah, I see.
But what if it's a clock?
Evan Parker
>I hope everybody could understand each other better to make the world better. You must be new to this website.
Jaxon Martin
>File: assad5.jpg (15 KB, 480x359) funfact: ASSad was defeated in 2015. russians protecting his ass since then.
Samuel Watson
>its the only place where you can have a actual conversation why is Sup Forums so shit though? what caused this influx of stormtards, some say it was election but it was just as bad before the election?
Austin Peterson
Support for Al-Assad from leafistan
Bentley Perry
>served in Kosovo too what time frame did you serve i Kosovo ? wore you part of KFOR ?
Daniel Thompson
Why is the thread so dead ? Where are you people!!