Le Pen destroys feminists
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Will le pen win?
>whore politician
>destroys feminists
Yojr clickbait is stupid anf you should feel srupid
>using the younger slightly less ugly Le Pen to shill the older one
That was fucking amazing what are you in about?
so this is a French feminist?
she needs to teach our "feminists" her values
what an absolute godsend. I hope she wins the election and uncucks france.
only rural and suburban retards support Le Pen
She's a slut, just like all other women
She isn't running you dumbo. Her mother is.
Damn, I can fap to this.
Damn.. I want to see her getting blacked
shes not a whore and the fact that you called her one makes it obvious you don't think shes ugly.
the permavirgins from /r9k strike again
>She isn't running you dumbo. Her mother is.
Her aunt
Oh fug you're right
Marion is so cute, much better than the ugly Francais filles jai connu
Fuck yeah
Marion Le Pepe.
Le Pen for MFGA
Uh... guys..
>a french being ugly
What kind of meme are you on about?
Not even her you fucking nutjob.
Thats long been confirmed not her. its an american girl. hence the mcdonalds and different colored eyes.
>only rural and suburban retards support Le Pen
They said the same thing about trump and his victory was yuge.
hahahah wtf? typical french whore.
Le Pen likes this
>She's a slut, just like all other women
Go to bed Florian
You can tell she's american by the fact she's kissing a black man. Not Le Pen.
She's awesome. Best fap ever
>shes not a whore
Yes, she is. If she wasn't dhe wouldn't be in politics.
That doesnt make sense. Finish middle school before visiting Sup Forums
je suis confus user, je suis francais d'origine algérienne, je hais l'islam et les feministes et les gauchistes, et je me retrouve dans ce discours
aide moi user, je me sens perdu
Modern day Joan d'Arc, vive Le Pen!
somebody spent time making this
what is her fucking argument? context please. she has some good examples of feminazi hypocrisy but what the fuck is she fighting for
Go make Algeria great again
sven get of you're proxy
Just some random single mom spouting bullshit lmao
If she were a proper woman she'd be married and making babby but instead she's a career woman cunt in politics.
But she has a pretty face so she's a good feminist. Nah, fuck off.
merci user, ca va mieux, j'ai failli me faire avoir pourtant
Isn't she actually a coalburner?
it's france you faggot, they need whatever balls they can get
women are mostly useless, this one isn't
Toujours là pour toi Momo.
She does have a kid and she is against feminism.
are you this retarded?
Not her
the girl is twitter.com
the guy is twitter.com
>She does have a kid and she is against feminism.
That's got nothing to do with what I said user
doesn't matter if she's an anti-feminist
Not gonna lie, former Lepen voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Lepen crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this girl get the nuclear code
Tagged you unintentionally.
So the article about her liking nigger music and getting invited to a nigger's "concert" (more like, nigger and wigger congregation) is also fake?
Holy shit, 50 seconds on and I now know what the greatest woman on earth looks, thinks and sounds like.
Excellent use of the term spectre btw :)
I want a Le Pen too.
Oh right you Americans have a hard time reading. It's about a proposition to ban "anti-abortion websites"
She's essentially slowly pushing for abortion to disapear.
First she want to make it not paid by state healthcare then FN will slowly limit it's use.
It's the way they do thing, through slowly getting normie appeal and then cranking the red pill dial all the way up to the maximum
Every time I see her, I fall harder in love. She's a perfect woman!
not a bad shoop actually
Stop blaming your own insuficiences on women you fat fuck.
She was built to be a bbc breeding slave
If only all leftist pro islam lbgt immigrant scum need to die.
C'est sa tante, actuellement.
>1 post by this ID
>mfw aesthetic
>mfw espana is projecting
try again faggot
Even if you are aesthetic, you are obviouly not able to have a stable relationship, and you blame women for it. Everyone can see that.
Just shut up, please.
Fuck off. it used to just be americans posting this shit
>She does have a kid
That's even more reason why she shouldn't be a career woman bitch.
What is that shit?
>and she is against feminism
That'swhy she's a single mother career woman?
delete this!!!
What was the motion she was complaining about?
>Father was politician
>Party is hated by all
>Dad is getting fucked by the cucked media calling him and antisemite
>No Brother to take up the Familial Party
>Man up take the lead of the Party
>make the polls rise from 18% to 30% in 10 years
>Become the First French party whilst also being Alt-right
>propose Frexit to happen
>But m-m-muh Politican Patriachy
Get Fucked merican, Womans can uncuck your shit too and better than mens too
>have alt-right party
>be woman therefore immune to the left calling you a misogynist
I see nothing wrong here
>make the polls rise from 18% to 30% in 10 years
Diversity did that my friend, not Marine and Philippot. Zemmour redpilled more people in one year than them in a decade.
are you insecure about women m8
shes a right wing qt helping her nation. so what gives?
shes not a feminist. whats so hard to understand about that.
God women speaking french gets me hard
How do I get a french gf
and another one who cried alone while his mother received numerous men while he was growing up, shitty walls; you hear everything.
enjoy your eodipus syndrome. dude...
>What does this meme do?
>permavirgins praising mildly attractive foreign politician because she's "against" feminism
>single mother and divorced
alt-cucks btfo
Insecure about my mother dude? She would never fuck degenerates like you.
how can you be so sure? afterall, your dad was one of them.
She is right tho, you guys sound like a bunch of angry virgin teenagers. Holy shit, grow a pair, get a girlfriend and reconcile yourself with women. There are as much good women as there are good men.
Whats with European politicians groaning and moaning when someone says something they don't like? Is it in some kind of effort to invalidate what they're saying? Or are they literal children?
>Or are they literal children?
yes, that.
Utterly blown the fuck out, God bless her
How can we get le pen in? Tell me how I can help.
we cant, the voter base is the brainwashed masses, we're outnumbered, everyone that want her will vote f or her but then media will shill against & all the ppl who did not vote in 1turn will do in second & she'll loose. that's exactly how it is every single time. europe must burn again before anything good happens.
Do you French fags have other ''far right'' music group like Les Brigandes theyre pretty comfy honestly
Most people thought trump wouldnt win, myself included (and i voted for him).
dont give up yet.
try google translate next time, since they switched to a neural algorithm last November, it became pretty impressive.
>Le Pen eviscerates leftist feminists in France
>a dozen leftist shills come out in force and call her slut, get back in the kitchen, ugly
you guys are so transparent
Sale pute de la ville,va sucer mamadou le haitien la salope du canada,
im not giving up and will vote for her but i'm just saying what has happened every elections up to now. hope sucks, better be expecting nothing & still doing it.
never actually seen her in action before
shes beautiful, i think im in love :(
I wish she would force feed me madeleines
French liberals are pushing a new law to parliament. It's about extending the "crime" of "blocking access to voluntary pregnancy interruption" to websites showing "biased" material about abortion.
is it easy somehow to move to France when youre from QC
>Fertility actually at replacement level
>Lively and strong conservative right
Is France the Saviour of Europe yet again?
its copypastabait
>>Fertility actually at replacement level
You forgot to add, that its mostly the 30% muslim and negro population who are doing the replacing