Really makes you see the things with another viewpoint

really makes you see the things with another viewpoint

english spic, this is an american imageboard

In some form of European language, please. Not some backwards Amerindian voodoo shit. Thanks.

I don't speak mud.

ah! jajaja :D


Is this something where the girl on the right calls the girls on the left sluts?


In English bitch. Also you can taste the bitterness of that pic's author from a mile away.

>Spanish is not European
>This is what quintessentially british majors think

That's spanish
Not sure if bait or retarded

I can asegurate you that the right side girl is even more slut and degenerate than the other ones

>hey, why don't you fix (put make up) yourself?
>i'm not broken
It doesn't even make sense in Spanish.

Are they talking about how to build a wall?

not realising that I'm just mocking his shitty backwards, meztitzo/amerindian ethnic shithole

I don't speak maid.

I don't follow.

Indeed, you speak cuckold.

>Joke's on you! Im just pretending to be retarded!

This is an english christian board, please dont speak Pedro here.

>Christian board
90% of mexico is catholic
And that is Spanish.. you know, from Spain.

>i don't wear make up and i look like i'm dead
>why people don't like me
same [spoiler]non-[/spoiler]argument could be used for neets and fat fucks