It's just vapor, now be a good goy and drink your monster

>it's just vapor, now be a good goy and drink your monster

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What is it and for what purpose then?

Its merely condensation of course

Seriously, what chemicals do you think they're spraying around?

I have no clue. I personally think it's some type of heavy particle to attract water tor force it to rain. I also thinks these same particles cause an adverse reaction in humans.

Do you know what it is?

Gvts vaporizing stuff to protect the cities from EM from space, as there are holes in the atmosphere above them.

One of the bad sides of it is Morgellon's disease, but they're actually doing it to solve a problem.

actually with a leaf for the first time
which chemicals?
the only feasible thing would be perhaps chemicals for weather control, but even then

Wait, up there in the sky. Did you see that?

I'll tell you.

They are spraying pesticides like Round-Up that poison the soil and kill the bees, leaving agri-corps the only ones deciding if you live or starve. They pump chickens and cattle full of antibiotics so that they don't die in hellish factory farms, and these antibiotics fuck up your hormonal system, cause superbugs to emerge, giving more power to Big Pharma.
And then there are growth hormones that are used by just about every meat producer, hormones that cause Downs and autismo on children and infertility in adults.

That's the real redpill, chemtrails are chaff to distract you from the real enemy - the corporate elite.

>let's poison ourselves

yeah sure.

This. Also aluminum, to kill the soil.

the irony

Just sounds like Russia desu

I always find the day to day trails from planes to be odd. One day you'll see lots of planes with a tail that dissapears almost immediately. The next the trails will just sit there and slowly widen over an extended period of time.

i can go outside and see the white lines right now
tfw you turn on a flashlight at night and see dense particulate in the air after a day of heavy spray and people say its contrails
at least its not like beijing


You see this shit too right?

do you also find it odd that humidity and temperature can change day to day?

>lets not starve to death

its called risk vs reward swede, the dustbowl happens about once every 100 years

conspiritards are the best.

"id rather just trust my own unedcuated judgement" type arguments. Or regurgutate their clickbait articles as fact.

Please continue to be the easiest to manipulate demographic of society.

Never said I buy into the conspiracy theory. I just look at the sky a lot.

>Seriously, what chemicals do you think they're spraying around?
Aluminium mostly, its abundant, cheap and works good for blocking out sunlight.

But they spray all kinds of other shit. Why do you think people are weird? They are literally being brain damaged and have their hormonal levels fucked up.

I live no wear near a big city and the sky never looks like this here. There is a flight route here but they don't spray anything, just normal contrails.

I hope Trump shuts this shit down.

I used to live just down the street off Douglas. Great town!

I can look at human anatomy a lot to, doesn't make me a fucking doctor.

Calm your tits bro. I don't believe in this shit.

holy fuck this post is reddit to the extreme

christ youre a stupid faggot, youre type doesnt belong here bub

>I can look at human anatomy a lot to, doesn't make me a fucking doctor.
But if some one comes in with a acid burn in the face you should be able to tell the difference between that and a sunburn.

Just go to LA or some other big city and watch the sky

sheeps are the best.

"id rather just trust someones word no matter what" type arguments. Or regurgitate their snapple lid tidbits as fact.

Please continue to be the easiest to manipulate democratic of society

It's water vapor stupid OC fag

can you identify acid burns from other chemical burns on sight?

I agree it's not natural and it seems deliberate.

>Says that while taking in Mudslimes

Ples b proxci