>Socialism doesn't wo-
Socialism doesn't wo-
Yes, the only exception to the rule.
But anyway, Tito was great.
Literally who
No, he's merely fellow comrade. Socialism is the future, Russian rape baby.
Nice texas sharpshooting there matey. Your grandfather should have sharpshooted more commies.
Inb4 you too
atleast I lost it to poles
We both know I'm right.
I'll let that sink in, cuck.
What is it with finnish infatuation with socialism?
I knew they were mongoloid retards with fetal alcohol syndrome, but it has gotten worse recently.
too bad we didnt take the entire country and deport all finns to their historical homeland
second this.
and if its
>from country that was doing great but miserably failed
>country thats still going on strong today in nowheristan
that's not an arguement
State capitalism anyone. No. Just me. Ok $>(}
>common core
Yeah, well a political system that is entirely based on a cult of personality is not really viable.
Just look at the period after the death of Tito. The country as a whole basically dropped into a nosedive that lead to the Balkan wars
>socialism totally works guys
More than that, there is also the small thing of not actually resolving problems, but just denying them. That's what happened in Yugoslavia on the regular.
Oh our currency is dropping like a fucking stone?
No problem, senpai, let's just remove a few zeroes and print more!
Religious tensions between ethnic groups?
No problem, senpai, just call everyone Yugoslav and never talk about this again!
when amerikikes give you money then yes
how does one nation cuck another's border this bad?
Yugoslavia never achieved the kind of prosperity or development found outside the "Socialist States" and as soon as the secret police was disbanded, the entire country literally collapsed into civil war, poverty and genocide.
Yugoslavia is pretty much the poster child for why socialism doesn't work.
> american intellectuals
and where are they now
The only thing I know about Yugoslavia is that you can either befriend it or claim it as fascist Italy in Iron hearts 4.
>croatia cucked.png
it looks like BiH got cucked there, not Croatia
their border/coastline gets cut in half and forces them to pass through border checkpoints to go to their own country
sounds pretty cucked to me
yeah but BiH barely has any acess to sea, Neum i 90% Croat already so not even Bosniaks live there
>90% Croat and it belongs to Bosnia
pretty cucked desu
Tito was an idiot who instead off making an Yugoslavian nationality he only made things worse
> bombs civilian whites to promote mudslime-shitskins on priorly-always-white-christian territories
> hurr durr why are they poor now, their political structure was clearly flawed
things leaf believes
no, we're bigger idiots for fighting a war over such small differances and not staying united
if tito lived a bit longer, i don't think the war would happen
same thing happened to slovenia.
The breakup began before NATO started bombing them
Him importing thousands off Albanians into Kosovo and later giving autonomy to Vojvodina and Kosovo was only to weaken the Serbs,also he made up nationalities like the Macedonian and Bosnian and not talk how many people he killed after WW2
no, we(I mean our "competent" leaders) are idiots for not wiping the rest of the trash completely because we got cucked like we did anyways.
and then it promptly collapsed without him
Sellanen petturi sieltä. Nappi otsaan.
It was great for lazy electrical workers, actors and communist party/KOS/UDBA officers. The laws were shit, you could only drive your car every other day, people were going to Triestina and Hungary for actual shopping, between 1945-48 they killed hundreds of thousands Croatian patriots, Serbian patriots, Germans, Italians etc. They killed hundreds of political emigrants. Technology was shit. The worst of all they plagued the entire generations with fucking socialism, we're fucking doomed even for decades to come with their DUDE CHILL mindset. Parasitism was heavily favored. We'll never get rid of socialism.
And then, when they ran out of other people's money - the country collapsed.
Only worked cuz of UDBA and OZNA and killing every single shitfuck who was supporting only one republic (nationalist)
It doesn't work, racial tensions where always there, it simply boiled over after his death. Socialism tries to stifle any real political discussion by trying to ignore race religion history ect, which is retarded.
Fun fact: most of that clay was added to Finnland by the Russian Empire, when they took Finnland from Sweden in 1809~
Compare Cuba to Hong Kong.
Well most systems work if there is a popular figurehead with a cult of personality in charge. Then he dies and it falls apart.
Compare Somalia to Yugoslavia
>not based causescu
Reminder Yugoslavia had the highest mortality rates in Europe
Why should anyone compare tribalism to socialism?
Yeah, socialism doesn't work.
Compare the US to Croatia