Trump is a Hillary plant

>Trump is a Hillary plant
>Trump is letting Pence make all the decisions
>Trump is Putin's puppet
>Trump is being manipulated by Bannon
Wew lad I wonder who will be controlling Trump next week.

Other urls found in this thread:



> who will be controlling Trump next week

Anyone with half a brain and access to his person.

Sources say this man was just seen leaving Trumps office.

Go away, gypsy. We have no spare change to give you.

Any one who triggers him.

Fucking walking, talking Tumblrina.

how does he keep getting away with it?

When is my turn to control Trump? Gaw!

Best bantz


Digits confirm MSM will soon say Trump is controlled by Alex Jones


Moon Nazi's communicating telepathically.

I'm counting on it user.
For your sake...and his....

second digits confirmed.
Kek is powerful today


Steve Bannon is just a goofy ex radio host with a quirky sense of humor. That's how he got involved early on with making Seinfeld. Trump only keeps him around to keep all the stuffed shirts in DC loose.

If Alex Jones isn't named by MSM, user and Jones will be murderized by the Major

What about you?

Nice try, that's Hoffman
Try this on someone who isn't from Sup Forums

>I wonder who will be controlling Trump next week

The league of super villains

Sinestro? Sign me the fuck up for the Golden Lantern Corps

What is this claim of Bannon controlling Trump even based on? This is on the same tier as the whole golden shower episode. Ridiculous and absurd statements with absolutely no proof or evidence to back them.

kek wills it

Holy shit

He is the puppet master....
the master mind...

open your eyes sheep..

Someone post sauce with sound, for the love of Kek, sound! This shit looks hilarious.

Who are those guys? Can someone give a quick rundown on them please?

Too late. That already happened before he even got elected.

needs never come down music over it who has a link to the webm with sound

>Magneto and Red Skull next to each other
>Skeletor is on Trump's side too

Is this supposed to be a compliment how good Trump is at building a strong team around him?

The Bogdanoff (sp?) Twins, I think. Apparently, they're really rich and powerful, although knowing Sup Forums it could just be a meme.

Donald Trump will annex Mexico. Screencap this.