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10,000 DAYS
If they overthrow the government it will put a free target on them. Only thing protecting these people is the Rule of law. No laws will make it open season.
Oh boy.
Hopefully they knock out another caribou coffee.
sjw and numales overthrowing Trump government
So when will Trump give police permission to start shooting these cunts on site?
Leftist shitting where they eat. Good luck with that.
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February 22nd
at least they finally learned not to bring mexican flags
This is subversive on steriod
Yuri was right
>february 22
>Donald J Trump
>888 in gematria
>8+8+8=24 2+4=6
At last I truly see
More and more are waking up. Have you?
Overthrow the government with what, vagina hats?
>1,000 people
That's not that many really.
Previously at hall
>america flags
Probably the people in line to see gavin
Whose watch did all these brown people infiltrate the country on? Was it boomers?
I heard that was from listening to them for more than 15 seconds when they are focusing their energy on you.
They will go apeshit and kill them as false flag. Screencap this
wtf is this shit
In France, if there is less than 100k people, no one even bat an eye.
jesus christ how horrifying
they are so shit they can't even knock down a distracted guy with a sucker punch.
Anemic idealists who think they are playing anarchist.
hail emperor trump for not allowing anymore of these fucktards in.
There are about 3.5m Muslims in America now.
I remember the first time I saw woman was over 2 decades ago and it gave me nightmares, how old is she now?
On his entire timeline in the last 2 hours, not a single woman or child in sight. Not one.
Don't these people go to work in the morning? How can they keep protesting?
First user to post a live stream gets a rare Nige.
ahahaha, even in Paris we don't have that.
USA = more cucked than France.
+ not banning fucking egypt and fucking AS but instead Iran, the most atheist muslim country.
You fucked up.
This is their job. They are paid Soros rioters.
They're literally begging for Martial Law
So then they can say "see, this is what Hitler did"
>not banning fucking egypt
don't forget saudi arabia, yemen, afghanistan and pakistan lol
>another boring rent-a-mob.
these paid hacks are such a small number of people, yet the leftist media always has their cameras trained on them.
May the Trump Dynasty last ten thousand years.
Mass deport when?
>say we need more muslim immigrants
>demonstrate this by massing hundreds of them to shut down major metropolitan areas
No truck of freedom?
Look at all of those sandniggers presenting their man holes, I dare not deny I feel the urge to thrust into each of them. Who here would breed a Muslim boypucci while they are submitting to Allah?
Thanks, friend. Enjoy your rare Nige.
3,500,000 Muslims scattered across 9,833,520 km^2 among 321,000,000 non-muslims. I don't think muzzies are a threat to the USA right now, but their numbers definitely shouldn't grow anymore.
This is a good thing, more and more people in the middle moving towards the right. Let them do their thing until they bernout or go too far. Then the hammer falls
the First Islamic Investment Bank owns 87.8% of Caribou Coffee
this is triggering as fuck for me.
They're not a threat right now but they are the fastest growing religion in the US.
>tfw live in Brooklyn
>too poor to move from NYC
>I'm actually a naturalized US citizen and voted for Trump
Send help.
Do you have a source for that?
can you not cuck so hard here the men are trying to talk.
Why are they flying imperial German flags?
>1000 people
Out of how many million? Kek
oops meant to link
>You will never lean over and kiss the ground while Allah viciously fucks your tender boipussy in public
>1,000+ people
that's it.
Kek. Gold
Thank you.
Do they consider the orange suit "city housing" niggers conversions in the data? Most of those "Isamics" stop the act once they're out and don't need a gang to hide behind.
That can't all be antifa
Can it ?
why am I 90% sure this man killed himself later the same evening this picture was taken?
I'm sure Soros/antifa and co. have many protests lined up
It disturbs me to my core. This shit doesn't belong in any Western nation.
>the antifa gets exterminated on my birthday
You are all Muslim now
In the context of New York 1000 people is pretty trivial.
>71872 21313
Can we jam this number? They plan to call it if any shit goes down.
Don't like Trump but legit laughed
>we want this country to know this country...
New Yorker here, I wouldn't mind if they closed down all of these shitty bodegas filled inside and out with swarthy, criminal elements.
Giggidy giggidy
>1000 people protesting in country with 360 milions of people
>10 000 people watching bad football at stadium in czech republic with 10 mil people.
its nothing. and its quite amusing how media pretending that these protests matter
>right wing
Don't think you know what that word means, hombre
Bwahahaha where was that taken
*autistic screeching*
What exactly are they protesting?
Goddamit Ireland
Can we meme antifa into attacking the Muslims? They are full on commies now,
>tfw jihads vs commies
Don't these people have fucking jobs to go to? It boggles my mind that 1000 people in a totally different country find the time to do this.
New York City is a commie shithole filled with kikes and brown people, it's barely American.
No no no no, please no. Not you too...
STFU... I thought it was a Starbucks owned fake competitor
Happy Birthday mate.
that we have free speech and people can state their opinions.
they are domestic terrorists currently engaged in targeted harassment of celebrities with conservative opinions.
I think muslims don't understand the concept of build
I guess if it's happening now then most people are off work, right?
kek just kidding, we both know they don't have jobs.