Would you start a shooting? where?
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Yes, Smellbourne, lots of little brown targets
Nice try CIA
>refugees and muslims claim to flee ISIS
>we want refugees and muslims out
youll kill the suspense that way
Antifa riot
FBI pls....
>Would you start a shooting?
No, because I'm not a fucking psychopath.
I'll tell you where I won't start a shooting! I would NOT start shooting at the Antifa rioters at the Gavin McInnes "protests" tonight! Nope! Not there!
Oh, you know. Around.
Nice try Sûreté du Québec homos
I'd start by shooting a hot load inside your mothers pussy.
On South Korean border
Wtf is going on down there?
I don't believe in violence as I am a peaceful man unlike the ones who call themselves antifascists.
Hi Kim
Hi Kim.
the local church in my area
its always full
yes, fellow POLers on this subreddit tell me what you're, I mean we're, planning. Carry on.
Well proxied my chink friend
>Would you start a shooting? where?
public mass shooting? no. doesnt really accomplish anything and usually gets yourself killed or locked up.
if you really feel like killing someone for the cause, go plan and execute an assassination on a high impact target. soros for example, or his son, or some other known globalist shill and financier.
No, because i am not a Muslim, nor a nigger
No I only hate muslims in principle I won't actually do anything to save my country from them.
Shooting range in the middle of rural texas :^)
Nice digits. Praise Kek!
Nowhere, I am a peaceful person who wouldn't du nuffin #boardofpiece #notallancaps
FBI pls go
--- Important ---
DO NOT take actions into your own hands! Allow the brave men and women of law enforcement to handle the situation.
To assist local and federal law enforcement in identifying and apprehending illegal immigrants and dangerous criminals please feel free to contact ICE and/or the FBI via the links listed below.
Link to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Link to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
I wouldn't have to start one if I moved to Brazil
even worse
a spic
It wouldn't even be surprising that this fatass chingchong brows Sup Forums
>Teleports behind you
I would never shoot an unarmed person unless they posed an immediate threat of deathly force upon myself or another person. I'm not an executioner and nobody deserves to be killed.
explain pic
Spics are better then Muslims and Niggers at least spics take jobs instead of welfare.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Damn letter agencies you guys don't even try any more
I would never ever commit a crime ossifer
Thanks lurking FBI guy!
>I'll tell you where I won't start a shooting! I would NOT start shooting at the Antifa rioters at the Gavin McInnes "protests" tonight! Nope! Not there!
How "brave" of them to fight those protestors last night SAD!
You mean Syria Mark 2, Gunfire Boogaloo?
But I'd shoot up Mecca.
It'd be revenge for Lindt, because Lindt choccies are top tier.
If I did it as satire, it would be in a subway train. No where to run on the fast speeding train.
I'd shoot my hot sperm into your mom's anus
I wouldn't, because I'm not retarded.
Well, there could be instances where I felt threatened. But generally, you're going to really fuck up the arguments of people who say that muslims or blacks are prone to violence. It's a shitty stupid thing to do. Roof, Breivik, Tommy Mair, this latest Canadian retard, none of them achieved a damn thing and set their causes back, and frankly they deserve to be strung up.
If you feel an unquenchable urge to shoot up muslims, join up with the kurds in Syria and enjoy yourself.
Is a swimming pool with barbecue.
For those very hot days.
Even if it is hot, we must have our roasted meat.
I will shoot the SHIT out of the target at the gun range.
Pleb tier taste. If I got to mecca I'd maybe give the imam a hoof in the clems for that at most. They'd have to snackbar a Thorntons to go full genocide
He is making the typical argentinian asado.
Fuck off CNN