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Yes to both. A tiny minority of women don't lie just like a tiny minority of Muslims don't rape.
poor bait and you're a fag
use both hands and press them both
>a tiny minority of women don't lie about their rapes, and coincidentally they were all raped by immigrants
gosh, that doesn't sound like cognitive dissonance
Press them both.
Leftists women are even covering up immigrant rape when they can, both are true in a lot of cases.
When around normal men, feminist women have to make up fake rape cases to push their agenda.
When around shitskin men, feminist women have to cover up real rape cases to push their agenda.
How is this difficult?
Who said that all women lie about rapes? Some certainly do, but not all. Refugees from third world countries on the other hand do have a habit of not being able to keep their hands to themselves. Fuck off OP.
They make false rape claims against whites.
So you go with the narrative that is most convenient to you in the specific situation.
Got it.
>it's impossible that feminists and other leftists will lie in whatever way necessary is to promote their agenda!
Kill yourself. They've been caught doing just that repeatedly.
I think he means the women that stay in the kitchen
So, lets say both statements are true.
Then there is only the matter of urgency left.
Stopping rape is urgent.
So, press the left button.
After all immigrants have been exterminated it's time to address the matter of women making false rape claims.
Problem solved.
>everything just so happens to confirm my bias either way
Well isn't that convenient.
We need to fix out women.
We need to protect them so we can.
don't be a hypocrite
>you're just biased!
Seriously kill yourself. They have a motive to do what I said and they've been caught doing it repeatedly. There's no way you can twist it in your favor.
Women are lying when they say white people rape them, next
>what I say is true because I said so
So your entire "argument" is to simply deny what I'm saying, even though it's objectively confirmed to be true, and try to project your actions and hypocrisy onto me?
The right button is mainly an American thing I hope
Kill yourself, subhuman. Your denial of basic reality is irrelevant. I've explained to you how OP's imaginary contradiction can be easily explained by examining the motives and actions of scum like you. There is no contradiction.
>Boyfriend says he won't marry you after two dates
>Tell police he raped you
>Six muslims gang bang you in the middle of campus
>They's just having their culture!
There are also females that lie about not getting raped because they don't want to be seen as racist.
>Jew destroys feminism while german defends it.
I don't know how to react to this.
>I've explained to you
You have explained nothing.
You have offered unsubstantiated opinions based on nothing but muh fee fees.
you missed the point of this meme
>these things are mutually exclusive
replying to a
you should be ashamed of yourself.
>They make false rape claims against whites.
I don't get it. Why would they do that? White men are better fed, educated, and paid than the Arabs.
>kike prank goes too far
Are you a bit challenged or are you just fishing for (You)'s?
Those are not mutually exclusive, and the right one applies to some (usually leftists that desperately crave attention).
Actually, the left one only applies to certain groups, too. ME and African, mainly. Asian and Europeans are fine.
Being a lying false rape accuser doesn't make you immune to rape. It just makes you retroactively honest.
they both can be true leaftard
ONLY a Sith deals in absolutes.
It's both. The left button is an issue of property getting damaged.