brits are retards, they make white trash and gopniks look like decent human beings.
Logan Perry
Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The ARYANs seasoned in pots; I know of no reason Why our ARYAN killing season Should ever be forgot! Adolf and his companions Did the scheme contrive, To bomb our Albion and Parliament All up alive. Threescore STUKAS, flew above, To make old England's death be known But, by God's providence, them they catch, With a bright spotlight, illuminating the rats! More ten ton bombs we must make For the old Anglo's sake! If you won't give me one, I'll take two, The better for me, And the worse for you. A firestorm to burn the krauts, A shower of bombs to blast him, Ten tons of napalm to wash it down, What jolly good fire to burn him. Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the Krauts think! Holloa, boys! holloa boys! Their blood we will drink! Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!
Brody Moore
Is it still the same broom?
Nicholas Reyes
Brody Turner
>"HA! Brexit is cancelled! There's no WAY May will EVER let Brexit go ahead!" Says increasingly nervous tripfag for the 2017th time.
Ethan Foster
Nathan Myers
>If Nuttall loses then it's bite the blackpill time
Well I dunno. I've always thought of UKIP as more of a placeholder than the end goal. Though I imagined something better would emerge alongside them. If they die now there is nothing.
They ain't got shit on da fukkin' Kersal Massiv blud you hear me?
dey know how to roll wit da backseat ho's. They got da money cos they know how to rap.
they dont fuk about m8.
Jack Jenkins
Does anyone have the pol edit of the lord of the rings?
Daniel Hughes
You could always join a Conservative association in your constituency. And help direct candidate selection.
William Hill
Coming from a bunch of drunken Slavs who chose to fight Russia you've got some bloody cheek lad.
Brayden Moore
Is jungle massive?
James Hernandez
last few days you've posted that like ten times. You gotta hard on for him?
He's a memester, who made that snp thing I think. Never heard him say he was alt right.
Hudson Butler
Nope, no fucking way. I'd genuinely vote for Corbyn before them.
Camden Williams
Who is this man? Quick rundown?
Samuel Powell
Wyatt Sullivan
It's a strawman so he loves it
Alexander Davis
Question time spoilers:
1. Trump Islam ban 2. Brexit vote 3. Economy improvement 4. Muh NHS 5. School holiday fines 6. Meme question about that guy with the sign when Farage was talking
I had my hand up for ages but didn't get asked anything. It's a pretty boring episode.
Charles Murphy
Banks will create a new party no matter what once we're out of the EU. He's tasted the power, I can't see him giving it up. Nige will get involved too.
Let's assume May delivers a Brexit after which we have control over our borders. If she fails to cut immigration to a suitable level, a lot of noise will be made of it and there will be a gap in the field for a party to run on a lower-immigration ticket.
Question time spoiler: no one good on, it will be shit.
Daniel Foster
kind of want to blow off steam with rhetoric about how great it would be for the persian sands to be painted in yank blood, but i'm REALLY concerned that GCHQ would lock me up in future for it.
it's not any muslim shit, i just want the US humiliated internationally. i want to wind up yanks every time some amerilard gets himself killed, and blame amerilards for every unfortunate British soldier who gets dragged into this nonsense.
their hubris is too great, they need another vietnam. the only thing better than iran would be a war with mexico and cartel insurgency at the border, but that's too LARP tier.
Christian Gonzalez
says on his profile, he's from England. Never read one of his twatter posts claiming to be altright.
Paki needs something to strawman. Must be running out of memes.
Logan Bennett
Lads your making me sad.
There are plenty of good Tory MPs. Mine is more anti-EU than Carswell, the only UKIP MP.
You should still vote lads... just anything right-wing. We can't let the cultural Marxists win. Pls.
Jaxon Robinson
Noah Martinez
I thought Jeff Stelling presented Countdown?
Michael Thomas
>He doesn't believe are Nutt can do it
Gabriel White
But you've already give up at life. How does one go further blackpill than that?
Josiah Jackson
Brandon Jackson
Don't watch it mate. I was just at it and he was spouting lefty populist shite for the whole thing. I was disappointed too.
Cameron King
>tories >right wing
Brody Davis
Easton Gray
Voting Tory is aiding cultural Marxists better than voting Labour though
There is literally no better outcome for the powers that be than for an allegedly conservative party to be in power that's actually run near-entirely by Blairites
Jack Fisher
Is he fucked? Don't tell me he fucked it.
Henry Edwards
The Tories, the Tories, it's disgusting!
Ryan Fisher
dont worry, only poor people are forced into the meat grinder. pretty similar thing to the uk army in its various pointless wars also
Henry Lee
Not for a long time
Charles Evans
There was a thing about church clocks on BBC Radio 4 today.
The host talked with some experts on maintaining such mechanisms though it was clear he had no idea what to ask them so he just let them speak at length.
After the interviews the host commented that he doesn't know much about churches because he's Muslim and went on a 10 minute tirade about the amazing clock at some mosque in Saudi Arabia being the biggest and best in the world.
Not even memeing.
Leo Moore
The absolute STATE of British youth
Anthony James
Met my MP the other day, he's a top lad, said he'd vote for the Brexit bill and let Trump in for a state visit.
Julian Harris
>the bankers the bonuses the bankers the bonuses actually
Parker Lee
''Voting Tory is aiding cultural Marxists better than voting Labour though''
Nice, now parliament might stop us leaving the EEA, which would keep free movement going
Connor Barnes
Who /verywindyoutside/ here
Noah Morgan
That's depressing as fuck. May WON'T cut immigration to an acceptable level, and 3-4 years from now we'll have no UKIP, but maybe some shitty Banks funded knock off (which will run into all the same roadblocks UKIP) polling at like 3%.
Is a party who're very anti-immigration but anti-austerity too much to ask for? Pic related arguments work extremely well on people who hate the Tories and hate immigration.
John Price
>It's another 'Mayflies randomly turn up all at the same time and shill for the Tories' episode
Ryan Rivera
"""Are""" """Nutt""" is only capable of two things amigo. Burning hospitals and eating babies.
Josiah Martin
>US media went all in with the #MuslimBan shit >our politicians and media lap it up >mfw narratives are more important than the truth
Owen Murphy
What went right?
Brayden Foster
First QT I'll be missing in years, The panel is just abysmal.
Ian Williams
Has anyone got the url for the filter list that filters out all the namefags?
Hudson Butler
Aye, I have been out side putting rocks in my wheely.
Liam Flores
It's true you mongo. It prevents an actual conservative party from being elected
Connor Edwards
You can guarantee the clock at Mount Doom wasn't built by an Arab or maintained by one.
Connor Price
Jaxon Campbell
He doesn't vote
He encouraged people to vote UKIP in 2015 if they were mongs who ABSOLUTELY felt like they HAD to vote though
Your MP is fucking window-dressing to make retards like you think that all of them are like that
Lincoln Reyes
How does one officially convert to Catholicism lads? Was christened into the CofE and want to jump ship from that cuckfest, despite the current Pope being shite I believe they will unjust themselves. Plus priority tickets for the next Crusade is a bonus
Carter Gray
Yeah my Sky is fucked and the lights are really flickering, think the power will go out tonight so check if the generator has fuel.
Isaiah Perry
Andrew Hall
Fuck lads, the Nats are getting uppity again.
Michael Perry
Are you a Paki though?
Jayden Sanchez
He managed to make himself personally hated, even if his toxic political ideology lives on.