Walk out hut

>walk out hut
>arrow hit

Other urls found in this thread:


>have hut
>not hole in rock
>not use woman shield

At least we have arrow. Crooked tooth cave don't even have rock

this really boogles Ugg's boodle

>go to ritual grounds with tribe for solstice
>boulder crush

How find woman when me use time to look at wall paintings slant eye tribe all sun

>me face when same topic posted 3 times before moon

New CTR "dat boi" meme. Bad try fools, should have tried linking neanderthals or other cave man race to autism. Would have generated SOME discussion at least.

>Nigger fucks with time matchine. Goes back to paleolithic

>Nigger human tries to replicate Neanderthal technology to help his new tribe

Mane this some boooolshit gnome sayin?. I finna rape that nee-ander-bitch and have her make me chicken wing

>gets ass kicked by neanderbroad. Tribe eats him.

>how find woman
walk out hut
take woman


>>walk out hut
>>arrow hit
realise that 3 days later

tribe leader no talk me after lose mammuth tusk, have several question
how is baby formed?
how girl get pregnant?

>tfw hobbitman

Need help.

Chieftain take in new tribe to central tribe. Say refu tribe run from war.
Say refu tribe no do bad. Say refu tribe no have many stone.
Say central tribe to stone to refu tribe. Give mammoth.
Also say refu tribe work hard, know big things, say refu tribe "bereicherung".

Me talk to refu tribe.
Refu tribe no speak! Refu tribe no hunt! Refu tribe take stone, no give stone back! Refu tribe lie with central tribe mate! REFU TRIBE EVEN LIE WITH CENTRAL TRIBE LITTLE ONE!

Chieftain no see. Say evil, say remember "shoah", count very big. So big, make ouch in head.
Chieftain say refu tribe come with mate, come with little one. No see.
Say put me in cave, put rock before cave. Very scared.

What do? No want share stone, no want see refu tribe lie with little one.

> not giving arrow away for safe cave
> moon cycle 16
>ugg face
runny bottom tribe, every one

>leave cave
>tiger bites


>arrow hurt
>scream for hurt
>praise the kek for arrow to not hurt
>kill arrow guy
works everytime

me sad

me no get woman

kill big elephant, all say dave kill, no get credit

spaghetti fall out loincloth


>normal man vs. French person


Stupid water eye snow skin. Just make refu tribe no come. That what me tribe do

my body is virtually identical to the one on the left....

im also russian [spoiler]jewish[/spoiler] and my face looks very similar to this guy

they look like bongs

I wonder if he saved 15% in 15 minutes by calling GEICO

take red pebble

i keep woman in ugg's cave

ugg happy

woman out of cave

ugg deal with loud noise

Start hidding stone
Hide many stone, many many stone
Tell refu tribe that there is many stone in place far from tribe
When refu tribe far, take stone and put one above another, make big stone made of stone
Refu tribe then no longer can get into central tribe, big big stone blocks path

Foolish Chiedtain took in filthy berrypickers

Make leave at once
berrypicker only familiar with berry, will be no use to strong mammoth tribe.

>tfw all those white savages will fuck us over in the future and steal our art, culture and technology

Me Think.
Refu tribe no nice. Refu tribe beat central tribe. Central tribe no beat refu tribe, Chieftain say no, say "shoah".

Chintain no muscle. But long nose. Barbed nose. Is spear?
Maybe put stone to chieftain. No give, but beat, make ouch. Big ouch. Say if no take away refu tribe, make fire for chieftain. Say put chieftain on fire.

Say plan good plan? Very scary. No want to cave with rock. Just want old central tribe land back. Me think so bad?

only jungle and small brain tribes vote goldhair. cave-system people voted shakey witch

How do monkey have culture? Shitting into hand not art. Not culture

You lot no can fashion.

>walk out hut
Me find problem

Go breed before monkey take all women stupid fool!
glorious Neanderthal will be gone if no make boonga

>Bang on Hut
>walk out
>"Buy rock"

Chieftain no want. What do with longnose Chieftain?
Chieftain say has "mossad". Chieftain say longnose control all clan. Say no find home if hurt longnose. Say give mate and little one to refu tribe if do bad thing to Chieftain.

No want leave mate, no want leave little one.


Me no pass on cave painting lover genes.

Leave tribe. Take many women. Problem solve.

>hunt for meat
>other hunter bad
>get meat dont give him
>his girl mine now
>he berrypicker as fuck

No pick berry!
Make central tribe eat berry, Chieftain take berry from central tribe, give to refu tribe.
Say refu tribe no have berry, say refu tribe now have berry, say fair system.
Refu tribe no work, refu tribe berry and mammoth.
No see reason. No work, no hunt, no food. Central tribe always that way. Why different for refu tribe?

Breed and pass down culture before monkey replace great Neanderthal cave paints with insulting simple berryshit stick figures

>Me give fine procreator lots of nice stone
>Hunt beeg elefant
>Cover her up
>Oo Anona haappy
>Go hunting for food
>She lays Chadlongo
>Why even fire anymore

All memes aside, you are aware that Neanderthals weren't actually stupid like was claimed for many years? It's a common misconception. Look it up.

Tribe say Woog need shaman teaching
Woog dont know why, but Woog have hard time jump in
Woog long-time sad? Woog no-reason scared? Maybe Woog need shaman juice for help head work good. Woog mate mad at Woog, say Woog can do it but Woog not try hard enough. Woog just stare at cave painting.

Advice for Woog?

They were around the same level of the Homo Erectus, the last step until the Homo Sapiens, so yeah.

Congrats, you're a literal Tolkien dwarf

There are theories that they may have been smarter, but less "social" thus resulting in them being wiped out

>Year of Shining Moon

>Not clubbing Chadlongo to death with rock

>Not forcibly taking woman and then clubbing her to death

>Not take new woman

Me am think you some sort of broken

LITERALLY my fetish


>be tribe of murka
>get hit with stick

what was the most nigger tier form of pre-sapien man then?

>that video
>my taxes paid for this
fucking unbelievable

t. Ahmed

>Believe that i do not do that

all your taxes go on dole and neanderthal voices lad

we're living in the best timeline possible

Probably the Australopitecus

How'd you figure that, you fat worthless cunt?
For being aware of information?
Kill yourself

When he started doing the shouting high pitched voice I realised that we've reached the peak of humanity some time ago and now we're just slowly falling from grace

Fucking Homo Habilis man



Don't talk shit about Lucy kiddo

In fairness it's a pretty interesting theory if you're into that stuff

>take lady to go find wood suitable for abode
>try to grab puss
>move on her like bitch

>she no puss grab


Kill Woogself.

Left is Québécois population.

Then what problem?

Have new cave-wife right?

You sad because clubbing rock broken?

Can sell you new ROCK-19, 17 clubbin capacity.


Ayo me finna hit dis rock wit dis otha rock

Homo Michelleobamicus

>Then what problem
She of picked Chadblongo anyways
Clubbing rock intact. Chadblongo head was pure soft
>Rock 19
Local chaman is talking of new invention:
The waltherrungo "SPEAR"

I sell girlrock with hole 50 shell

Kill bear with spear, get all mate. Ficky ficky

Refu tribe do new bad thing!

Refu tribe man take rock, huge rock, roll rock.
Central tribe happy, make festival for return of sun. Eat mammoth, drink milk.
Come Anis Amrrock with rolling rock. Roll rock in festival.
Kill many. Say "Alooga akboog!", run away with blood stone.
Central tribe hit by rock no move. Mates and little ones.

Long nose Chieftain say "Maybe small wrong" take in refu tribe. Maybe "some" bad.
No! All bad! All leave! But Long nose no want.

Very mad. Want make quiver out of long nose!. Want smash refu tribe with rock!
Day of rock VERY NEAR!

>Land of north east
>Selling locks
Dont fool me. Your shamans say no to boom booms.

Big nose man give rub hands
Is cold or what?

Handsome :3

You have yellow water


>Belief that cave is around with big pigs


I shall stroll outdoors
My good man, hast thou loosed an arrow?
It appears to have smote me.
Please summon the surgeon and the apothecary

he be a ABO. go back upside down land, off fuck full we're

Fire of talking is getting weak.
Goodbye cave friends

Why no make Long Nose hurt? Like many moons ago

Why no Burn more fire?

Some people were saying that white people are just evolved neanderthals

Cave needs to be of shut
Time to of rucksack close eyes

Long nose say that "shoah". Say that kill many long nose. So many, head hurt just thinking how big count.
Say central tribe guilty for horrible "shoah", say "ogg vey".

Long Nose say Long Nose Tribe control all tribe. When hurt Long Nose again, make all tribe hurt central tribe again, like last time.
No want to see eastern winter tribe lie with mates again. No want to see western island tribe destroy cave again.
Maybe want to hurt long bread tribe again, though. Take Alstone-Lorrock back

Would groom for protein/10

Boast mating region

Ugg. That is problem. Me hit head to rock to make big head so me can think more

>autists wiped out by normie proliferation
History, history never changes

>be murka tribe
>have to give big part of Meat to long nose tribe

Why long nose tribe no make own meat. Me tired of giving meat to long nose

Been thinking.
Path to Rockschwitz still there.

When beat Chieftain Long Nose, other Long Nose make other tribe hurt central tribe.
But if not take only Chieftain, but all Long Nose to Rockschwitz? When no Long Nose, no other tribe hurt Central tribe.

When no more Chieftain Long Nose, no problem make quiver out of refu tribe.
Plan good? Call "End answer to long nose question".

Long nose am taboo.

Long nose want Hairyan tribe look cave paint of slant eye clan then hug own meat club.

Hairyan tribe man must stop hitting own meat stick, must hit gruggette and force into cave hole.

If stop hunt, and stop grubbing them by them cave hole, Hairyan tribe will dead.

Ugg must win time to his tribe, build little tribals.

Ugg must learn to be Chadlongo.

>Cold white come two thousand sixteen time
>Still trust Long Nose tribe
>Painting relate, me look when...

Good. Long nose must pay along with the people of brown skin. Your tribe good. You no come to river bed this moon. Look at message wall next sun.

Long Nose tribe lie. Long nose tribe take rock, take food.
Say give back more.

Long Nose all lie! Never give back! Only take! Never hunt, never work!

Long nose no good for other clan. Reason long nose tribe no has land is because Long Nose need host. Long Nose take everything from host clan. No live by themselves. No have rocks, no have food, die.
Need good tribe, working tribe and take rocks and food from good tribe.
Always do! Always same! Then become leader of good tribe, make good tribe give even more to Long Nose.

When good tribe get mad, say "shoah", paint this "6" and many round symbols "0" to wall. Many many round symbol. Sometimes more than men needed to hunt mammoth. Often more than there ever were long nose.
Then take in refu tribe, so refu tribe kill good tribe. Then do same with refu tribe.

Never end. Only end if do end answer in Rockschwitz.

Me found solution.
>Fire burn
>Long nose burn
>put all long nose in cave
>bring fire in cave
>push big rock in front of cave

No mention Isrockl. Long Nose in Isrockl still have Host Tribe!
Poor Palestone Clan! Maybe related to refu tribe, but no deserve Long Nose.
Palestone Clan warning for other Tribe. Happen when Long Nose takes all food, all stone.

Maybe go with Desert Tribe against Long Nose? Desert Tribe close, kill Long Nose fast.