One book told man how to act

The other book told man how to think.

Atlas Shrugged the bible of the future?

If you let a woman tell you how to think you might as well KYS.

>I hate everyone because nobody thinks I'm pretty: the novel.

I find a lot of people try to trash Ayn Rand, and her novels may not be perfect but they do illustrate how parasites try to feed off those with strong will.

ayn rand collected social security

And how they use guilt against their host...sort of like white people today against the poor refugees.

I'm quite sure God is pretty, he shouldn't worry so much.

Yeah the elite leaves everyone and then what, eats themselves? Stupid book, stupid concept, not so stupid author but the good-illuminati ones are WAY better. Symbolism is strong in them and with something to actually bite into.

The website is down but they were the same madmen who had the ArmageddonConspiracy website. Site can still be found in various places. Books still for sale / pdf´s can be found. Crazy stuff.


Yes, even though red-pilled on many issues, she was still blind to how biology affects the matter.

Libertarians are literal autists.

When every country is a communist shit hole and finally America falls they fuck off to anywhere they can hide while the retards starve.

The bible told man to stop thinking.

Jesus, the west reborn as a civilisation of autists. Let's just end it all now.

>Yes, even though red-pilled on many issues, she was still blind to how biology affects the matter.
"A women commander of the army- I think it unspeakable." -Ayn Rand

What do you mean about her ignorance of the sexes?

Exactly. Not hard to understand. Rand was for the American constitution, only that it had no philosophical underpinning.

this is used a lot to discredit her but she said it was okay so long as you're trying to stop it, which she did try to do. If you're playing a rigged game to start with you may as well abuse the rules, or something like that.

No, but things such as the biological imperative to procreate and how one's highest natural priority is not to himelf but his genes, race realism, etc.

One might say that her actions were reciprocating the government's initiation of force.

Of course she did. She paid for it, why wouldn't she?

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

bible is pretty swell if you are not autistic and don't take everything at face value

ayn rand's literature is so far from admirable or pragmatic philosophy that you are either trolling or leftover retarded from the_donald.

She did not deny the biological imperative to recreate, what she did do is explain romantic attraction (to one's values).

I don't believe that one can prioritize his genes without prioritizing finding a mate who values life- which is the core (individualism) of Rand's philsophy.

And to the degree that others aggress upon you, Rand made no bones that even slight aggressions can allow deadly force.

Ayn rand was a hypocrite welfare queen and her ideology is autistic screeching tier. She's responsible for a good deal of the cuckservative problem

The bible is a negation of man's mind- it tells man to value others over himself.

>She's responsible for a good deal of the cuckservative problem

A cuck is one who *sacrifices* part of himself in order to maintain another part of himself.

Ayn Rand advocated against sacrifice, as it is the negation of one's primary value- one's life.

>A cuck is one who *sacrifices* part of himself in order to maintain another part of himself.

>Ayn Rand advocated against sacrifice
and actions speak louder than words.

A cuck is someone who has no higher values than self pleasure or self ingratiation. A real cuck lets his wife sleep with a bull b/c he doesn't value his own dignity and only cares about getting off. A cuckservative lets non-whites and refugees ruin his country b.c he doesn't value his national and ethnic heritage and only cares about getting elected.

>A cuck is someone who has no higher values than self pleasure or self ingratiation
This is a hedonist.

> A real cuck lets his wife sleep with a bull b/c he doesn't value his own dignity and only cares about getting off.


> A cuckservative lets non-whites and refugees ruin his country b.c he doesn't value his national and ethnic heritage and only cares about getting elected.


Ayn Rand sacrificed herself for who? whom did she defer her values for another's?

The elite in her book made life better off for everyone else. When people started demanding an equal share of things, like the way things are right now, that is why they left.

The whole image of the rich fucking off to some ranch is fucking childish to the point of absurdity.

Social status is a contractual obligation. The elite get to have more than the commoners, but in turn they also have the responsibility to wield thier power for the common good of the nation. Rand suggests that everyone should just do whatever the fuck they want, which irl would lead to chaos and social collapse.

*When people start demanding *too much* of an equal share

Just like today, only more slowly- and instead of leaving the area, we have a mix of tax cheats (heros imo) and failure-to-launch people.

>Social status is a contractual obligation.

This is the same concept as original sin.

> The elite get to have more than the commoners, but in turn they also have the responsibility to wield thier power for the common good of the nation.

What did people give to them in return? If it's not a trade, then it's extortion.

> Rand suggests that everyone should just do whatever the fuck they want

Rand clearly defined what actions are appropriate to a volitional consciousness.

Absolute trash OP.

How about reading something not written by jews?

Every voluntary interaction is an implied contract. If it weren't then there would be no standards of conduct.

>what did people give to them in return?
A marketplace where they can sell their goods, a national culture that incubated and grounded their sense of identity and purpose, an educational system, a transportation system, etc.
>what actions are appropriate
Clearly she didn't specify duties to one's nation as being among them

It's not enviable to have no higher principals. In fact it's pathetic and low class.

Sure thing Carlyle.

Based leaf. Check out The Path of Cinnabar too

Not even Sup Forums is ready to swallow the Cliffpill.

> Every voluntary interaction is an implied contract.

Being born is not an action of the baby...

>> what did people give to them in return?
> A marketplace where they can sell their goods, a national culture that incubated and grounded their sense of identity and purpose, an educational system, a transportation system, etc.

This was not 'given,' only traded.

>> what actions are appropriate
> Clearly she didn't specify duties to one's nation as being among them
So long as one's nation is one's value, one's nation can be valued- but if one does not value their nation, the nation is not valued.

> It's not enviable to have no higher principals. In fact it's pathetic and low class.

> It's true that Rand did not believe that she owed anything to future peoples- unless one valued such- she was not against giving future people a good culture- infact, her philosophy ensures it (rationality > force).

I am not saying her books are perfect, but the idea of people taking care of themselves before others makes sense to me. Why would I want to live in weak willed society full of people wanting handouts?

What did you pay for the architecture and art and traditions of your people?

No. Ayn Rand is overrated. It's not a complete crap but there's eough crap in it for it to be pretty bad manual for how a person should live.

Nothing- they were given because those who gave them *valued them outliving them for others to use-* which Rand does not preclude from the values that one might hold. She just doesn't say such is your duty.

She does not say how a person should live- only how to think in order to live rationally.