Islam controls their women

>Islam controls their women
>there is no feminism in Islam
>there are no single mothers in Islam
>women are not sent to school to be indoctrinated, they understand their place as wives and mothers
>Islam does not stand for degeneracy
>alcohol and drugs are not permitted
>lgbtq2wtfbbqs are not tolerated
>Islam not only names the Jew, but actually fights against them

Can you seriously come up with a reason for why you oppose Islam, other than "muh sandniggers"?

And before you bring up pedophilia, I'll remind you that women become fertile once they begin ovulating. That is when NATURE intended for them to marry and reproduce. Think hard about who is selling you this "wait until they're 18" meme.

>defending pedophilia

neck yourself m8

also saged


>Can you seriously come up with a reason for why you oppose Islam
It's not the faith of my forefathers and it does not belong in our continent.

They treat women like shit you degenerate.

I find it telling that you didn't even try to answer the question

Why do we need a law to tell us not to breed with women until they turn 18? Is it so they can go to highschool and be indoctrinated to subvert gender roles? So they can be turned into tools of the subversive media and professors?

Seriously, think about just how bluepilled you are.

Islam does posses some good values, no feminism, less female rights, and no faggots is a big plus

pedophilia is such a meme, dumb whores are losing their virginity at the age of 12-13 nowadays anyway.

childhood is no longer pure, its just a whorefest, and the libtards support it.

Christianity is cucked beyond all recognition

Cucked by women, cucked by degeneracy, cucked by fags, cucked by Jews

When is it time to admit that you backed the wrong horse?

Women are inherently irrational, like children

Either a strong man (ie. father, husband) controls them from a young age, or they grow up thinking that its ok to be a whore.

Use your head, retard. Don't just repeat what the media sells you.

Fundamentalist Christianity is pretty much like this

because their minds arent as developed and its taking advantage of them you dumb leaf.

islam doesnt stand for degeneracy, islam IS degeneracy.

>every country that has a muslim majority is a shithole
>if you practice islam you're probably a shitty person

maybe in eastern morals islam is okay, but it isn't compatible with my morals or western morals and society in general. its not just 17 year olds vs 18 year olds, muhammad literally had like a 6 year old wife. if you support that degenerate you honestly need to be gassed for your own good

Because some pigs don't understand that fucking a prepubescent child is not right / can be seen as unnatural (which seems to be logical). More than that, we consider than puberty is relative to consent (which is somewhat right), and most of us support human rights (where consent is really, really important) That's why we need this kind of laws. To keep kids away from bad people.

Overall, islam is bad, but it posses some values that is very beneficial.

No feminism, women knows their place, they do their job and will get happier overall.

No female voting rights, politics will no longer be influened by roastie whores, good thing.

Lgbt faggots treated as mentally retarded, and should either be put down or treated.

sounds pretty comfy to me, desu

>because their minds arent as developed and its taking advantage of them you dumb leaf.
A woman's mind never really developes past the point of childhood. They cannot be rational beings, they can only imitate them.

Who told you otherwise? Who said that there needs to be a law enforcing that we allow women to go to highschool before marrying them off?

>Okay for little whores to fuck all day long at the age of 12 with all the negro bois from the hood

>Gets uppity when an adult tries the same, or even looks at an underage whore.

what did he mean by this?????????????

so you'd rather have non believers beheaded, gays thrown off of buildings, and children being trained to kill at an extremely young age and youd be alright with that as long as "muh women cant vote"? you honestly need to be gassed like i know its a meme and everything but i honestly think you need to be gassed

>women not being as intelligent overall as men = women need to be raped and beaten and stoned for reporting being raped and should be treated like cattle


>fags need to be tolerated you guys!
>we can't be mean to them!

I'm embarrassed to share a board with you

>inherently irrational
They may be not as naturally rational as man but not allowing them the right to vote, drive and killing them for promiscuity? You're fucking retarded m8.

I said it has some values, we dont need islam, the religion, per se, but we can learn from it.



lol you're a refugee aren't you? i agree that lgbt shouldnt be as supported in the media as it is (aka people supporting homosexuality over heterosexuality) but i dont think they should die.

im embarrassed to share a board with you, you goat fucking muhammad loving sand nigger

>we shouldn't punish women for promiscuity
>it's her choice if she wants to make me into a literal cuck

oh Germany, what happened


What ? I don't understand.

aah yes because being okay with women being whores = being okay with being cucked. I have a solution to your problem OP, why don't you move to Shitganistan and see how well Islam has worked there?

>i dont think they should die.
why not?

why shouldn't a woman be punished for cheating on her husband?

The good aspects of Islam are vastly outweighed by their tendency towards violence. The Middle East is a shithole for a reason.

Women are driven by instinct, they show this all the time by being a bunch of whores

All they can do is pick the best mate, and breed with him.

Women cannot fathom anything beyond that, they are merely imitating what the males do.

lol you dumb nigger. i never said that. just because a woman is a slut doesnt mean shes cheating on her husband you dumb fuck.

because they're still people, same as you or me. the only people who should get killed are degenerate refugees like you. i dont have a problem with fags as long as they dont shove "muh rights" down my throat AKA if you march in a gay pride parade you're a degenerate. I lump you and those people together. You know, degenerates. All degenerates must be gassed.

>it's her choice if she wants to make me into a literal cuck
So not being an Islamist is equal to a cuck?
>Oh Germany what happened?
We never punished women for promiscuity in the first place you fucking leaf.

Islam bans free speech and science.

Islam is garbage.

islam is pure barbarism. it's a non-starter

It's like advocating a return to slavery.

Abraham was a nutcase fuckhead

If a woman is or was a slut, she's more likely to cheat on her husband.

Besides, women should save their virginity for their husband, not thow it away to some drunk ape in some backalley

>>Islam controls their women
so do somalians in sweden, doesnt mean its good

>>there is no feminism in Islam
whats bad about feminism? Are you confusing it with new-age feminism again?

>>there are no single mothers in Islam
[citation needed]
or is it because they all have 3 other wives to their husband that they can co-depend on when he goes akalaka for 72 virgins?

>>women are not sent to school to be indoctrinated, they understand their place as wives and mothers
because islamic schools could teach you anything, let alone social hierarchies

>>Islam does not stand for degeneracy
Literally all middle eastern men still have "man love" days where they get together and fuck

>>alcohol and drugs are not permitted

>>lgbtq2wtfbbqs are not tolerated
being incapable of tolerance isnt a good thing at all - being capable of tolerating and ignoring them is much better

>>Islam not only names the Jew, but actually fights against them
muh jews is not an argument

>Islam bans free speech
Only against the religion. Probably to stop the kind of resistance against it that would lead to the eventual downfall and the spread of degeneracy, as has happened to Christianity.
>Islam bans science
Wrong. It encourages it.

>Women are driven by instinct.
So are males, even the most powerful ones like Bill Clinton and many more famous, rich and historical male figures.
>They are merely imitating what the males do.
The fuck is that supposed to mean. Was Einstein only imitating other physicians? Caesar other warlords?
There are a shit ton of women in this world who have achieved far more and are far more valuable members of society than you ever will to be.

I don't like them because they want to take us back to a time when the church and state were one and the same. Their religious ideology is anti-western civilization.

t. conservative fedorian

ultimate red pill is hardest to swallow