Serious question, why is Sup Forums against world peace?

serious question, why is Sup Forums against world peace?

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submission is not peace

World peace is only possible if all people are united under the banner of Christ.

I'm not against it, but it cannot be achieved using secular means.

its only possible if we eradicated mudslimes from the face of this earth

lol what?

Bring back MDE World Peace

damn an iphone 7 for 50$?!

We're not.

We want eternal war

I wonder what she will look like in 10 years

We are a board of peace

What the fuck are you talking about? Who is against world peace?

because the american economy needs more fuel


Liberals say they want world peace then get dick-pretzled when Russia likes us

Can't have world peace with Islam and blacks in your neighborhood

it's unachievable and therefore wasted effort.

National peace is smaller scale, theoretically easier, and gives people the freedom to leave and find a new culture that is right for them if they are not happy.

And we can't even get that right.

World peace... unrealistic. You can't force people to like each other or accept their differences, you're better off keeping the more dogmatic ones away from each other.
World peace means a world conquered.
Nazi's could achieve world peace, but would you lefties be happy? No, you'd simply be dominated and accepting, with nowhere else to flee because everywhere is exactly the same.

It works both ways, because that's what jew people are trying to do too.

Did anyone ever realize that the realize Miley Cyrus sticks her tongue out is to take attention from her lazy eye?

i'm pretty sure Sup Forums loved world peace. all 6 episodes.

Surrender is the quickest route to peace, but not the best.

my fav part of world peace

I didn't know Miley Cyrus was a Sam Hyde fan!

Invisible swastikas alienated the Jews and the Alt-White. Lose-Lose-Lose sketch comedy.

>serious question, why is Sup Forums against world peace?
Um. because it's not real.

>Peace means being silent when there is evil afoot

I don't want peace.

>Peace means loving and tolerating, even your enemies who prosecute you and kill your prople

I don't want peace.

>Peace means tolerating harmful ideology that welcomes itself into your 'peaceful' country

I don't want peace.

If I am silenced, wronged, and if my nation erodes, I do not want peace.

>a fucking leaf

Grab your ankles and bite the pillow, I'm going in dry.
That's globalism (whirled peas)


I just realized that Sam named his show 'World Peace' because he knew that it would lead to headlines about jews boycotting World Peace

I didn't think Miley would like the work of MDE desu
She seemed pretty lefty

Conflict is necessary for advancement.

I would breed with her.

>you OPPOSE world peace???
>no no no *sweating profusely*

there would be no happenings, how boring

isn't she islamic now? Figures after hollywood degeneration. tell her to cover her face

i'm not.

This 100%
Humans have always thrived on conflict. Keeps us sane.

Numerous reasons.

Peace results in the flurishing of weakness
Peace is female
Peace leads to overpopulation
World peace is absolutly impossible

You should love peace, as it leads to war.
You should love the short peace more then the long one.

>Miley is an MDE fan
Dare I say it...
Is she... /ourgirl/?

Sup Forums is a Hydian board.

It will never happen. No matter what.


because it's boring

This is honestly stupid and vague question to the point of being pointless. Also wrong assumption.

There is only one way to achieve world peace, and that is to have the biggest baddest bully take over everything.

Do you really want america to do that? then shut the fuck up


Because world peace is simply a delusion.

The entire history of the human race is proof of that.

Better remove that bandaid quickly. You'll thank me later

It sounds terribly boring.

much preferred the charles in prison part

Why did Europe constantly fight each other then?

Because we can never have true peace until we eradicate the shitskins

Are.....are you fucking retarded?

Because of people like you and Miley Cyrus. You need to be exterminated.

if you have a dick, you should be ashamed of yourselves

sane people

7 out of 16 people on pol are borderline retarded

because he is wrong

You know what? I am actually for it.
But the people in charge are to stupid to see that you can't force peace onto the world.
Peace is something we can slowly converge to. We have to learn it. We have to deal with dissonance and learn that it is unavoidable and actually okay to some extent.

Also there are still countries that don't separate government from religion.
I get it, peace is desirable but you can't rush into it without destroying everything we've built up so far.

Its a myth used to spread communism


>I am acctually for it, its desirable
thats your first problem

>people in charge are stuipid
2nd problem

>we have to learn peace
3rd problem

story pls. bam bam.


Because Protestants left the Church.

I have no idea mate

Looks like some makeup artist showing off, real head wounds don't spurt like that.

This guy.

I offer free Iphone7 for first 200 who reply to me

My girl ain't giving that qt, that quality time. My girl ain't giving me no quality time. Until she found out I had a Citizen's watch from Ross.

How do you explain the years of infighting between catholics and protestants? A lot of people have been killed because of this. My whole nation exists in part due to this conflict.

Genuine question.

Can I shove it up your ass?

>Nick. What's going on, big guy? You just tripped my wife.

All religions do this. If moslems take the world, it will be a war between Sunnis and Shias. Christians have protestants vs Catholics. Jews....well, Jews couldn't survive without goyim, they are absolutely reliant upon our mercy.


Pretty sure that (well over) a majority of folks here want us to get the fuck out of the middle east and stop overthrowing governments in the shadows.

>Brother, I'm not going to invite you over to my beautiful home, have a wine party, so I can throw your wife through a table

It just will never happen, someone will always want to be top dog

>He was just another man, trying to teach me something.

I think it should be renewed desu

>Miley Cyrus


If Israel put down their guns there would be no Israel.
If Palestinians put down their guns there would be peace in the region.

You fight fire with fire.

because the world denies God
Also, fpbp and spbp The reason Europe was constantly at war was because Rome wanted to rule the European nations as if the pope was God (he's the antichrist), while the nobles who read the good book knew that God has established his own law and King over the world (Jesus)

When God says you are free and Rome says that you are it's property, there's bound to be war

Is this video real?

>black on black violence

t.chicken nugget scoon

Na, not everyone needs to be a christfag for peace- just not muslim. Hindus, buddhists, atheists and etc aren't causing any trouble.

why do you lie to yourself?

You want to live in a world that's worth keeping at peace, not just cling to peace for its own sake.

World Peace is all I ever wanted. (((They))) took it away.