Why are they doing this?
Why are they doing this?
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Because they are coal cucks
Just buy a water filter if you got a problem with it, what are you? poor?
Becuase left and right are both "the poison of your choise" given to us by the Jew
lmao americucks are literally going to be drinking coal water soon
People who drink coal water are more likely to vote republican
Lets see the source and the bill.
>Lawmakers also voted to rescind a separate rule requiring companies to disclose payments made to foreign governments relating to mining and drilling.
Uh, this is interesting
>Hmm I wonder if this shocking headline is the full story.
so that we get more coal mining debris dumped in streams.
can't get enough of that debris
Because human drinking water quality is the only thing that matters...
Hey guys, let's just further allow the destruction of the environment while we try to repeal everything that happened during Obama's run regardless of how positive they were.
That won't cause ANY problems at all
>so that we get more coal mining debris dumped in streams.
>can't get enough of that debris
It's still illegal to dump anything into a water way that isn't water.
What changes is that operations can be closer than 100 yards to a stream, where as before you couldn't even have employees walk near a stream.
read the bill concerntroll fag
Not Trump though.
We already new Congress was full of shit heads.
We will have to see if Trump uses his veto power or not...
Profit over people. You voted for this, dumbasses.
Fish overwhelmingly voted Democrat in the election.
To end the saudis and gain koch brothers backing against soros
Energy independence means no more need for the federal reserve and israel support
good fuck streams. if hippies like them then fuck them. get dumped in, streamniggers.
What? Are you suggesting that Jews might just lie? On the internet?
because the twats voted for trump. my community is actually near one of these and we're worried about what will happen to our water AGAIN.
coal is good for you.
Dont vegan hippies drink coal-filtered water or something?