(Second time really, the last post was drowned by the spam)
I made a Pepe tarot set, and im gonna dump it now.
Very rare, very collectible.
(Second time really, the last post was drowned by the spam)
I made a Pepe tarot set, and im gonna dump it now.
Very rare, very collectible.
These are resplendent
Thank you
these are good designs.
itd be nice to see more memes within the images, but regardless, these are extremely rare pepe.
alguien deberia imprimirlos y venderlos online platensebro
(This one came kinda shitty)
I was thinking on doing that, but its a lot of work. There are repeating images, like wands, animals, buildings, sphinxes etc, and it should be very well tought.
oy vey dis hate speech
And that's all the pepes.
Nice pepe, stick it in my mouth OP
how much do you want for that one? will you accept trades? i have a limited edition 2016 Lego anniversary tribute edition
Kek told me that George Soros will die this year.
I came for Jojo and was disappointed.
Just remember to save, share, and praise.
I gonna go back to the shadows and make more pepes.
Pretty cool, user.
you're decreasing the value of your own memes?
You've already posted these three times.
Only two times, gonna stop posting now.
This thread has the first reading of pepe/kek tarot with the set, credit goes to ARGINTINA BRO from this morning who made these, not OP.
>OP you faggot for claiming them
well this is just justice
we'll get the world, save the world, bring the world into a new age etc.
Give girl Benis and make dude wojak
im sure pepe is grateful for the praise
didnt realize you are probably Argentina bro. reeeee
Good stuff
This My autism is flaring OP. Make the Fool. Otherwise, 10/10. You're a fucking artist.
I can't even sort through all this shit anymore
the only get out of 22
>low energy
dont worry there are some spicy happenings in the near future
Very nice.
Dude those were awesome. Brilliant work. All saved.
Well done Argentina, indeed I too felt the Tarot was an appropriate expression and even tool of pepe chaos meme magick.
Yet I had an even more detailed and meme-tastic vision of a Sup Forums tarot deck (i.e. - the hanged man is like a CTR shill poster lol)
look again, he was saving best for last! don't get your index jimmies all rustled
the lover is 5 last time i remember
nr 4 is the emperor
also, magnificent work (wasn't expecting animations!)
fukken saved.
you see the moon tarot totally could of been moon man, that would of been hilarious and esoterically holding some ironic truth. we all totally have to make our own decks.
Holy fuck whoever made those fucked up badly. Just checked
lovers is 6 hierophant is 5
Emperor is 4
Thanks, based Argentinabro. Saved.
Pic related is the rarest I've got.
Welcome back, best user.
>kinda shitty
Say what? All of them are flawless, dude.
appretiative bump
kek has spoken, the tides turn.
Good job praise kek.
I like this one the most
I have a feeling these won't be rare for long.
These are exceptional Pepes.
Could you make zip file with all of them and upload it somewhere?
Very good Pepes.
Dear Diary,
Today OP was not a faggot.
this guy took the time to craft 22 rare pepes but you cant be bothered to click save 22 times, colgate? fuck off commie.
Today OP was not a faggot.
But damn, everytime I see tarot cards all I think is about JoJo.
Why hasn't someone properly cleaned up this image yet?
Why don't you make real physical Pepe tarot cards, people love esoteric shit. I know I had a deck at one point in my life. When all hell breaks loose and shit hits the fan, people look inward for answers to spiritual things. Just my thoughts, one white man to another.
how do you e ven make this?
Not posting a rero rero gif...
I'll do it myself then faggot.
Very good job compatriota!
>why is this pepe brown
Why aren't these two animated like the other ones?
Extremely rare, very reclusive.
That's not what I meant. I mean a proper clean image where the color is uniform throughout and there are no soft edges.