wtf I love Anita Sarkeesian now!
Wtf I love Anita Sarkeesian now!
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Mate, she was shilling herself here and /r9k/ for some time a while back.
Pretty sure she's slowly turning, due to proximity to red-pills.
Her supporters too.
she still will be a cunt until her nose grows so large it causes the heat death of the universe
Is she really suggesting we go back to jim crow laws?
Thats the thing. The farther the left goes the closer they get to ultra right ideas. the political spectrum is spherical.
Niggers of BLM are also asking for segregation in their list of college demands.
Quite ridiculous.
Feminist cunts are doing the same.
post yfw lefties are now advocates for segregation
Her point is probably that it's because white people are racist and men are sexist.
What a suprise, you learn better when you dont have to listen to tyrone chimp out because he spilt his grape drink.
>yfw within the next 2-4 years there'll be a protest movement against the electoral college where feminists literally don't vote, advocating that women shouldn't vote since their voices won't be heard anyway
Improve learning to be an idiot. Arguing and having to deal with other people is a part of life, and a wise person wouldn't avoid being confronted by the opposite sex in a learning environment, because that's reality's environment.
What's funny is this is just going to make the wage for women decline even more, because they will be terrified of men, since they won't have experience dealing with them.
>right wingers say this for decades
>racist and wrong and not correct
>leftist says literally the exact same thing
>not racist
full circle
Ultimate red pill:
Children learn best when segregated by sex (and probably race) but should be encouraged to socialise with the opposite sex. Children learn best also when taught by teachers of the same sex
everything repeats itself.
>same with race
well, no shit. If you put niggers with whites it's bound to negatively affect the whites, but if you throw the niggers together they stay at the same trash level while the whites actually progress.
Is that horseshoe diagram of political ideology true after all?
Liberals and modern lefties are so extreme that they are literally starting to believe in racial segregation, because 'evil whitey'
wage gap get
Democrats were always for segregation
bretty gud
That's a really good idea if it includes male teachers for boys and female teachers for girls.
yeah because then you dont need to slow down reteaching tyrone or abdullah 4 + 5 = 9
wouldn't that learning environment naturally foster an """us v.s. them""" mentality?
There would have to be a way to make children clearly understand that anthropological differences do not promote superiority.
Anita Sarkessian will become a white nationalist within our lifetime.
I always loved her she's beautiful
She also said once women shouldn't have or express personnal opinion because it could be opinion that hurt feminism
>There would have to be a way to make children clearly understand that anthropological differences do not promote superiority.
... ohhhhhh fuck goodbye Anita. The left is going to destroy you now.
she probably senses the ovens warming up and is getting antsy.
yeah she's hot but she's full retard dude
refer back to the first part of my post.
You want a bunch of little zionists running around?
If she shows up with Jackie and Baked Alaska at /HWNDU/, I'll consider this Presidency a success.
What timeline are we living in?
Anita Sarkeesian a cute! A cute!
and thicc too!
>white "standards"
So many hot commies and you pick the ugly mentally disabled.
You SJWs would stick your dick in anything.
the jews' noses are where the time crystals are kept, the Bogdanovs revealed this in their calls
>segregation is bad
>segregation is good
I hate these unstable retards
Could it really be true?
Interesting, how about segregating a whole country? Just make America white again.
No having favoritism would do that. The least racist sexist people have never had any any experience with them.
>falling for a con artist
oh yeah, dont forget to give her your shekels, boyim. she is white nationalism now!
> 29 Sept 2011
Maybe she finally got a good Hawaiian dicking for once.
It might accomplish the exact opposite.
Keep the lower classes away from each other and the white kid doesn't get his ass kicked every day by a pack of blacks and vice versa.
You mean she's a rat who senses a sinking ship
>thinking this means segregation
>not realizing they mean they can still go in your space as they like just not the other way around
>not realizing they want jim crow but for you to be the niggers
Best timeline, bro. The best.
This. She was never interested in feminism. She was just using it to get attention and money. She'll jump ship if things take a turn (and they already have started to turn).
>Whites are restricted to inferior schools and public services by law
>Whites have improved their facilities through hard work and creativity
Then foreigners come and take it and history repeats itself
Yah know the whole horseshoe theory thing is about how two extremes with opposite intentions will inevitably come up with similar solutions. Your shitty picture doesn't exactly refute that...
Safe spaces have gone full circle and now the left wants segregation
>the democrats were the segregationalists
Aww I was gonna post that
Kek wills it.
It makes sense.
The left's strict commitment to identity politics and their demand for safe spaces logically leads to segregation.
>haha, cool photoshop guy you're not going to trick me with th--
How pathetic to photoshop someone to try and make them look ugly just because you disagree with their opinion.
TFW you would totally fuck Ellen Pao
i spend 3 years in a 80% female class.
biggest red pill of my life.
i swear if i could segregate schools i would do it in a heartbeat.
What fucking timeline is this what the fuck is going on. It feels like we're stuck in a perpetual loop where the most absurdist things are happening.
It's sad, but I think about this every day
We have to Jump ships back to leftism now! Before we allow the nuright to take over with their cancer.
That tweet is six years old though.
Tell us a story, germanbro
Ikr, people don't know how to read a history book
Okay wait, you lost me.
When did someone convince the left segregation is a good thing ?
Was the whole " Safe space " thing a psyop to get undesirables to segregate themselves ?
and she is a nympho, you read the details of her case
Even better she is the beard of a gay nigger from NYC so she really has needs lamo
In all my fantasies, kikes don't exist.
this is horseshoe theory or something. she's probably implying that women and niggers would be better off in their own classrooms but in reality the performance of whites and asians would skyrocket without the distractions of attentionwhore roasties and twerking rapping niggers
>Never forget the niggers asking for "black only" dorms in college last year.
Lets recapitulate about this:
Liberals then:
>Anti segregation
>Anti censorship
>Against "misogynist" laws
Liberals now:
>Pro segregation
>Pro censorship
>Claim for a coup against the democratically elected president
>Pro "Sharia" Law.
>Extremely violent
Gotta say it bros, Trump timeline is the best timeline.
she only posted in Sup Forums
the fuck...
Her handler/boyfriend is the one that made her famous by blasting her shit all over Sup Forums to generate buzz and "haters". She's never even been here.
Truth is stranger than fiction, my white friend.
I'm going to need a quick rundown.