Really makes you think

Really makes you think

t. gun owners

>Don't like abortions? Don't get one.
Don't like murder? Don't kill people.

Having an orgasm is not a human right you fucking fag

>literally taking away someone's right to live
>really makes me think

>Don't like crime? Don't commit one
"Oh wait nevermind, Jamal just culturally enriched you with his blade in your gut lol"
Fucking stupid.

>Don't like letting people alive? Don't let them.

Don't like logic ? Don't use it.
Oh wait.
Killing people is harming anyone else. Smoking / drinking / marrying someone is not related to another person.

It's okay to be a little bit selfish( not like it's everywhere in the year of our lord 2017)

>Second hand smoke
>Drunk driving
>Marriage tax breaks were because the couple were going to produce a child for the state, and gays can't do that.
makes me think.

Don't like guns? Don't shoot one.

"Don't like guns? Don't buy one" is strangely missing from that list

Don't like nazis? Don't be one.

>drugs, abortion, cigarettes, alcohol, and porno are rights
People need to have their rights taken away so they know what the word means

Dude, are you high ? Of course you should be reasonable. Wtf is this fallacy ?
> Marrying with someone while killing little children
That's how your argument looks like.
>Marriage tax breaks were because the couple were going to produce a child for the state, and gays can't do that.
Yeah man, welcome to the future.

I don't like the smell of cigarettes when someone smokes next to me.

So death to all smokers, to be honest.

>Tax breaks giving for contributing to the state
>Now everyone deserves it because "love"
Typical democrats
"I want that, gibs me dat"

People don't have rights, but they have a choice. If they choose to destroy themselves, then let them be. It's high time the state stopped babysitting its people.

I wonder how would you react if your wife got inseminated by a nigger forcefully and then you'd have to raise it. The only argument pro-lifers have is muh feelings because it's "killing".

The last statement nullifies the rest however. It enforces all the above rules while saying there's shouldn't be a rule like that. Again, nobody has rights, but when hundreds of guns are pointed in your face you're tempted to comply. Hilarious how Sup Forums and most of the 1st worlders are comfortable living as cattle that can be micromanaged without any issue.


faggot pls.

>Now everyone deserves it because "love"
More like human rights
Are you telling me that the world will crumble because of some people marrying and not having children ? Maybe that the problem is not related to marriage, but more to the "tax break"

The last one is wrong
It should be
>Dont like your rights taken away? Dont have rights.

>Don't like slavery? Don't buy a slave.

Don't get cake sold for your gay "wedding". Go to some other store instead of suing.

It's the left who takes rights away.

Dont like guns? Dont own one.

Don't like taxes? Don't pay them

I agree with this logic in most cases, but I also understand that people don't want to pay for other people's abortions.

I would gladly let this happen, were those in support of these practices not actively attempting to spread them to my future children in the form of compulsory public schooling and media infestation.

how is liberalism a worthwhile idea?

> Don't like abortions? Don't get one.
personally i don't see Abortions themselves as a problem, as long es they are done very early after impregnation (where it's just a bunch of cells without any brainstructures). What i definetly find laughable about US abortion law is the fact that women want abortions to be paid by taxpayer money. The only cases where the state (as protector of it's citizens) should be paying for an abortion is if it is the result of an actual _forceful_ rape (not the "rape" as it is define by Gender Studies morons). Otherwise you will have literal sluts sleeping around the block without protection (receiving and spreading STDs) just because "father state" pays for their misbehaviour.

> Don't like your rights taken away? Don't take away someone else's

Sure. I won't take away your right for taxpayerfunded abortion, and you get to take away my right for taxpayerfunded abortion (ehh, not female anyway, so i can live with it)

Sure, don't take away my right of free speech, and i won't take away your right of free speech

Sure, don't take away my right not to be harmed because my views oppose leftists, and i won't take away leftists rights not to be harmed.

Whoever made that pic obviously thought he/she was smart. Well, he/she/whatever isn't. The nature of the right taken away should be equivalent in the [most specific form that still leaves some parameters] - at least if this is supposed to be a variation of "don't do to others what you don't want to be done to yourself".

Also taking rights away is somewhat the left side likes to do (in reaction to some imaginary attempt of the evil right to do the same). Sad because i'am sure that pic was made by some leftist.

wtf I'm a libertarian now

What if I dont like immigrants.

Tax breaks aren't "Human rights" fuckwit

Don't like people breaking the law? don't let them.

This hyper individualistic "why care what someone does when you don't have to do it" bullshit slowly kills civilizations. Towards the death of a civilization you always see mass degeneracy influenced by thinking like this. If you think making degenerate behavior socially acceptable won't affect you or the nation then you are naive. More things hold a nation together than just a flag or ethnicity.

The only people against abortion are Christcucks who think a fetus is a human baby. Not only that, but they don't give a shit about the kid once it is born. They'll talk about adoption but they'll just end up being fucked up orphans.

>Are you telling me that the world will crumble because of some people marrying and not having children ?

Isn't low birthrates literally the argument you kikes keep making to justify flooding white nations with shitskin immigrants?

You forgot right to suicide and murder

Might makes right, you spineless liberal, but keep being a degenerate, because it'll just make it easier for everyone else to continue making you a slave. It's a dog-eat-dog world, and you're a fool to think the universe has special treatment for your chemically compelled desires, you fucking retarded animal.

Don't like rape? Don't rape.

Don't like theft? Don't steal.

You do not address bow these issues affect others. People do not live in bubbles.

>paid for by soros

not so fast. other people's choices affect me and my family, and not just because of second hand smoke. a society where all of the above is not just allowed, but actively encouraged, pushed on, is actually debasing institutions, such as marriage, or warping them beyond recognition.

marriage is not a human right, in western civilization, its the family-creating institution, its what makes a family, one which you enter through a christian sacrament. gay marriage is at best a sterile, clownish imitation of marrigage, at worst, its a direct attack at the instution as it stood for the past 2,000 years. at the time when we are undeniably losing the demographic battle to (completely illiberal, and not all permissive) islam, which liberals like you completely ignore.

teal deer: all of those affect me, and my family, even if i am not making the choice myself.
i wouldnt outlaw any of it, but i am not going to pretend like its normal and good, and then wonder why my 12-year old daughter wants to fuck 20 boys in an orgy, and my 12-ofd son wants to be a girl.

I think this sounds better

>Don't like mutilated genitals? Don't have them done.
>Don't like having asthma? Don't smoke second hand.
>Don't like drinking alcohol in the womb? Don't drink it.
>Don't like child porn? Don't watch it.
>Don't like having sex at age 8? Don't do it.
>Don't like to see your childs' rights taken away?
>Don't take them away from others!

>don't like murder? Don't murder

the common folk don't know whats good for them, so we have to enforce laws. they are so dumbed down by media and their drugs, they live destructive lives thinking "YOLO" is the right way to go. they don't think about the future of human civilization so we need to enforce strict laws.

>listen of personal things that are not imposed on others
>Sup Forums tries to "counter-point" by switching them out with shit that actually hurts others, like murder, theft, and rape
Wow, really makes you think...

you are the common folk.

Don't like making wedding cakes for gay couples? Don't make one.

I like this. Add guns in there though.

Don't like murder? Don't commit one!

> The only argument pro-lifers have is muh feelings because it's "killing".
And somehow pro-choice draws the line on 'can it feel pain-' as though this has any bearing on whether or not it's a human- even rodents respond to pain.

>The last statement nullifies the rest however. It enforces all the above rules while saying there's shouldn't be a rule like that.

RomanBro so BASED.

> Hilarious how Sup Forums and most of the 1st worlders are comfortable living as cattle that can be micromanaged without any issue.

I'm of the thinking that 1st worlders are among the most comfortable...but the least happy.

I'm not gay

I don't smoke

I only like sambuca

I don't do drugs

i like softcore

jesus who doesn't

I can't get one, i ain't a female

I'm not in a position to take away someone's rights

This picture is retarded
also reported

>Don't impose
Gay marriage is literally the corruption of an ancient and sacred ritual thousands of years old, if that isn't imposing on Christian culture values and traditions I don't know what is.
Drunk drivers kill thousands each year.
Drugs cause violence, the drug trade is one of the most prominent causes of violent crime in the US.
Cigarettes cause pregnant women to afflict their children with birth defects.
Porn perverts the mind and destroys ones ethical perspective on sex.
Abortions if allowed unregulated are expensive back-up plans for slutty young women to ride the cock carousel. This promotes moral degeneracy and an animalistic approach to sex that downplays the role of love in relationships between men and women.
Literally all the things on that list are fairly detrimental to society if unregulated and not criticized.
Speaking of criticism, if you scrutinize any of the things on that list publically you get socially ostracized and ANTIFA fucking kills you.
So, please, for the good of society, stop being so fucking selfish and relying on "muh human rights" to be a shitty fucking person who smokes shoots heroine drinks heavily every 2 days and has had over 17 abortions.
Just be a good person.

Gay's don't ask to be married (by the church)- only to be recognized as married by the state. And so long as the state is not issuing church marriages, the issue is a non issue.