If you're learning Turkish. Stop

If you're learning Turkish. Stop.

If you're planning on living in Turkey. Don't.

If you have investments in Turkey. Take 'em out.

If you have friends or family in Turkey. Contact them and tell them to come home.

If you're thinking of doing business in Turkey. Don't.

You guys have no fucking idea how close Turkey is to collapse. Trump has already seen it. Putin has already seen it. Turkey is done for. Trust me. Turkey will start breaking apart THIS VERY YEAR as soon as Trump starts putting some pressure on them. And by 2018, TC will be no more. TC will implode. Turkey will collapse. Turkey will be balkanized. Turkey will be a chaotic wasteland where a huge chunk of the population will starve to death. Turkey is finished. If you live on the West Coast, you can expect a huge flood of Turkish refugees in the coming years. Turkey is RIP. Mark my words.

Other urls found in this thread:


>The phonecall that couldnt save Turkey

but muh tayyib will save the countryyy

You have a great leader who will defend your people no matter what.

Which one is you?

what would you do to our leader user

Will Lazis join us ?
I don't have Laz friends , which is sad!

Is Anzu ok?

bus driver about to run them over

She was raped and killed in New Year's Eve.

Please don't come here, unless you are from Asia minor, thanks!


We all are from Asia Minor bro.

>forget to switch out "west coast"

"If you're learning Mandarin. Stop.

If you're planning on living in China. Don't.

If you have investments in China. Take 'em out.

If you have friends or family in China. Contact them and tell them to come home.

If you're thinking of doing business in China. Don't.

You guys have no fucking idea how close China is to collapse. Trump has already seen it. Putin has already seen it. China is done for. Trust me. China will start breaking apart THIS VERY YEAR as soon as Trump starts putting some pressure on them. And by 2018, the PRC will be no more. The PRC will implode. China will collapse. China will be balkanized. China will be a chaotic wasteland where a huge chunk of the population will starve to death. China is finished. If you live on the West Coast, you can expect a huge flood of Chinese refugees in the coming years. China is RIP. Mark my words."

Why, what's going on?

In all seriousness: I hate your politicians and high ranked military leaders. They have a tendency to create border incidents daily as a diversion from your real problems and to try and raise nationalistic morale. Tbf, I expect a war in the next 50-75 years, not strictly between Greece and Turkey but between Turkey and X, which will probably drag Greece into it somehow.

However, the people of both countries don't hate each other. I've seen it the 5 years I spent in university in Thrace. I have no doubt in my mind that if you lose those fanatics up top, our people will be able to live together and help each other.

REEEE It's not copy pasta dont make a new meme.

I wouldn't worry

No one is thinking about doing any of those things

Nice pasta, heres mine.

Aynen komshi.


>"West Coast"
>Turkey is east of Europe
>Turkish refugees would go to Greece, also to the East

If you're learning Greek. Stop.

If you're planning on living in Greece. Don't.

If you have investments in Turkey. Take 'em out.

If you have friends or family in Greece. Contact them and tell them to come home.

If you're thinking of doing business in Greece . Don't.

You guys have no fucking idea how close Greece is to collapse. Merkel has already seen it. Putin has already seen it. Greece is done for. Trust me. Greece will start breaking apart THIS VERY YEAR as soon as Merkel starts putting some pressure on them. And by 2018, Greeks will be no more. Greece will implode. Greece will collapse. Greece will be balkanized. Greece will be a chaotic wasteland where a huge chunk of the population will starve to death. Greece is finished. If you live on the East Coast, you can expect a huge flood of Greek refugees in the coming years. Greece is RIP. Mark my words.

forgot one rip

nooo dont let soros win

dont fall apart turkey
post turkish qt

Is there any country these days that's not about to collapse? A lot of recent news give me this feeling that pretty much everyone's about to face difficult times in the near future

I dont believe Soros memes.

good... let's pray everything goes down with a big boom.

Thanks for the heads up

Nice tits.

I hate that pseudo-white tranny
He looked fucking horrible without makeup

To be fair, it's never a bad idea to pull your investments out of Turkey.


If you're learning Polish. Stop.

If you're planning on living in Eastern Poland. Don't.

If you have investments in Eastern Poland. Take 'em out.

If you have friends or family in Eastern Poland. Contact them and tell them to come home.

If you're thinking of doing business in Eastern Poland. Don't.

You guys have no fucking idea how close Eastern Poland is to collapse. Trump has already seen it. Putin has already seen it. Eastern Poland is done for. Trust me. Eastern Poland will start breaking apart THIS VERY YEAR as soon as Trump starts putting some pressure on them. And by 2020, PiS will be no more. PiS will implode. Eastern Poland will collapse. Eastern Poland will be balkanized. Eastern Poland will be a chaotic wasteland where a huge chunk of the population will starve to death. Eastern Poland is finished. If you live in Western Poland, you can expect a huge flood of Eastern Polish refugees in the coming years. Eastern Poland is RIP. Mark my words.

About time.
What is your media talking about Merkel right now?
She's visiting the roach king today.

> turkey next syria

yeah propably. Pic related. It's a turk city - right now.

erdogan has fucked up your country big way.

cheap lands after the war

You guys should resurrect a proto-fascist modernist Turkey state that will actively try to mix Islam with modernity instead of being influenced by the more traditionalist versions of Saudi Arabia. I think Islam should be used to maintain a certain kind of family structure and be used as a basis of a communal life and spiritual experience, but you'd need creative people to make it happen, a caste of warrior and caste of intelligent theologians.

>state that will actively try to mix Islam with modernity
that's what's happening. This shit doesn't work.

that will never happen but good thinking user

ima half hour ferry ride away to greek island, i need to save some gold so i can run away if shit hits the fan

>imlpying k*rd cities matter.

That's not what's happening at all. Right now there's a punch of international fundamentalist organization funded by petro dollar running around trying to re-establish the fucking Abassyd caliphate. I don't actually think Turkey can be a secular state because of its history, and therefore I don't see how it can do anything else but develop a form of Islam that is at once definitive yet completely rejects the idea of a perfect society guided by Shariah law. At most it can allow communities to live privately within the context of certain type of family law, but Islam cannot be used as the highest standard for the evaluation of the over arching political organization. Modernity and technique, whether they like it or not, are gonna have to be a part of their lives if they which to have a quality of life that is even remotely comparable to what can be found in the west.

Incidentally, Saudi Arabia needs to be destroyed.

>we're completely fine when the whole south east lies in ruins and we're fighting a constant war
that's why you'll never be a first world country

I am praying for this


yeah, well, but what does this have to do with Mr Muslim Brotherhood Light Erdogan? It's not like he's a wahhabi or something.

Turkey and Greece has already first world countries though.

If he's Muslim Brotherhood light then he's more or less Wahhabi light.

The Turk is right
It's been prophecised
Learn Greek and convert to Orthodoxy instead


kurds? Arent they calles mountain-turks any longer.

Anyway. It will matter when they take their fight to your cities. Turkish army is fucking up big at al bab and if kurds realize there is a window of oppurtunity right now - oh well. Combine that with ISIS being all over the place in turkey + some communist extremists. et voila -> next syria.

WFT what did we do to New Fucking Caledonia amk.

These walls built by the orders of Roman emperor Constantius II, i think it kinda matters.

This person seems familiar, could I have a quick rundown?

Here you go

>the Bogdanoffs are normal people

Eh, you're an advanced developing country...like Brasil. Or Mexico.
I consider the first world a more exclusive club. Japan, UK, Norway...those are real 1st world countries

Pomaks are not turks but well said in general.


But the Emperor must had been built the walls for humans. Unfortunately there arent any human lives there.

>It will matter when they take their fight to your cities
already happened. The got btfo and the cities are destroyed. Everyone lost.
Well, except the PKK which gets fresh recruits now.

>f you're learning Turkish. Stop.
>If you're planning on living in Turkey. Don't.

Phew, you really saved us there Mehmet. We got this warning just in time!


>tfw gonna buy a harem of virgin Turkish qts with superior USD after the collapse

come home Anatolian man

>If you're learning Turkish
>If you're planning on living in Turkey

so no one then. this applies to no one

some people say the same thing for Istanbul, but only we are right when we call some people non-human right?

>going to save the anime turkroach

kys k*rd scum.

>mfw Turkey gonna collapse into an islamic state in my lifetime

tell me then why the jewish leader Looks likethis

That's a normal-looking human, user
I have no idea what you're talking about

>If you're learning Turkish. Stop.

>If you're planning on living in Turkey. Don't.

>If you have investments in Turkey. Take 'em out.

>If you have friends or family in Turkey. Contact them and tell them to come home.

>If you're thinking of doing business in Turkey. Don't.

If you're learning Bosnian. Stop.

If you're planning on living in Bosnia. Don't.

If you have investments in Bosnia. Take 'em out.

If you have friends or family in Bosnia. Contact them and tell them to come home.

If you're thinking of doing business in Bosnia . Don't.

You guys have no fucking idea how close Bosnia is to collapse. Merkel has already seen it. Putin has already seen it. Bosnia is done for. Trust me. Bosnia will start breaking apart THIS VERY YEAR as soon as Merkel starts putting some pressure on them. And by 2018, Bosnians will be no more. Bosnia will implode. Bosnia will collapse. Bosnia will be balkanized. Bosnia will be a chaotic wasteland where a huge chunk of the population will starve to death. Bosnia is finished. If you live on the East Coast, you can expect a huge flood of Bosnian refugees in the coming years. Bosnia is RIP. Mark my words.

>Power stance

Hey leave kurdbros alone.

lol which province you from? you prolly have kurd genes,


I am so grateful that my parents immigrated to the usa in the early 1980's. I havent been back to turkey since 2001 and dont think i ever will. Been watching erdogan with apprehension for all these years. I realized the chomars ruined the country when i met a turkish college student in a bay ridge hookah lounge. He was telling his friend that halloween is haram etc. all the turks that came to the utied states since 2001 should be looked at with suspicion. They have been brainwashed. Incidentally some of my dumbass relatives in turkey accuse me of being a gulenist because i troll them on facebook about being erdogan's sheep. Meanwhile my moms circle of friends were protesting fetullah gulen in pennsylvania years ago. The turks that came here years ago came to escape from backwards islamists like erdogan, gulen or erbakan.

As a side note i hope turkey beats the shit out greece. I have four greek coworkers that always bring up politics and news to me as if i am the turkish ambassdor to greece. Lately they have been very aggressive. Hopefully if turkey sinks greec's navy they will shutup for awhile or quit. Either way the Human Resources people are aware

I dont think so. Because there is no zoophilia in my family.



lol you are prolly from inner anatolia

I envy you bro.

>We all are from Asia Minor bro.
Shhhhh don't shatter the """"""""Greek's"""""""" belief system, they really think they're White, European and Christian.

>Hopefully if turkey sinks greec's navy they will shutup for awhile or quit. Either way the Human Resources people are aware

that's what they said about greece a couple years back but it didn't happen did it

Our roaches are even worse. And they are here since the 60ies!
Even the turks in turkey are disgusted by them when that obnoxious scum invades the Turkish holiday resorts in western turkey.

> drag us in

Self-righteous Greek faggot playing the victim, again.

Implying you wont be first in line to get your boot in at the first chance of weakness, ethnic cleansing faggot.


Whites are small dicked cucks
Hmmm so being in Europe doesn't make you European
Yeah you're right
We have a cross in our flag, but yeah we're totes muslims
Unlike Turkey we're not and we were not nearing collapse
We've been through bankruptcies before, and we've bounced back

pay your debts

They tried that but the Greeks/Aremians/Kurds/Crymorefaggots kept shitting all over them and he got no support.

There will never be another Kemal, OP is right.

And it's all our fault.

To a Greek God? Or Jesus?

Ok Eli calm down

When the collapse happens, please flee south and not north.

Only have met one Greek guy face to face, served in the military with him. Konstantaras was his name, he was a great guy.

Nice try, Schlomo
Jesus obv
pagans are underage and should not post in this site

Did you break up with him?

>perinçek hojum :DDD


Let them in then, they're all refugees afterall.