Trump you went a bridge too far when he insulted Australia. You have gone so far as to force the Australian and emu peoples into alliance. You have broken your word and refused to honour the deal to take our asylum seekers. This was a very good deal.

You crossed a line you orange poofta, prepare for a barrage of weaponised shitposting and elite emu operators. As we speak elite Abo petrol sniffers are being deployed to disrupt your drilling operations and thus destabilize the petrodollars.

We will not rest until we have destroyed your nation, salted your earth and carried off your thicc young women.

AMERICANS, you can beg, you can cry you can scream, but nothing can save you from us.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off surfniggers

>Australians are actually supporting their libshit PM

you know we're gonna send special forces at night to cut the fence and let the emu out right?

Watch it Paki, when we are done with the burgers you are next.

Your country is united now, and you don't have to fear the emu menace anymore.

7D chess. Apologize.

I guess we just have to send the refugees to canada like the original plan was.

The refugee island can still hold them for a few years either way.

The emus are as angry at trump as everyone else. Trump is turning down a great deal, the emus are full as well and can't support boat people. America will take these Muslims freely or they shall be forced to do so.

>*teleports behind you*
>*unsheathes alliance*

heh, nothin personnel...bruce

nothing would make me more happy than watching these 2 shitty countries go to war

do it australia


please what can i do to make you not destroy us

If you weren't a shitposter I'd laugh at you

You are ruled by women.

Once we finish with drumpf we are becoming a republic. Kiss your dreams of empire goodbye cuck.

>America will take these Muslims freely
yea don't hold your breath waiting for that

>or they shall be forced to do so.

also I think I ear a dingo eating your baby

And here we have non white country #1 thinking it has any authority calling other countries shit.

I keked

no aussie, no!

There is nothing you can do. Trump made mistake when he insulted Australia.
UC Berkeley riots are orchestrated by ASIO (Our elite spy organization). You are watching the start of war.

fucking cunts
we will send in our eagles and show you assholes what straya can do

i have 2 more emus hostage
end this monstrosity

We Australians demand respect. We are more than mere banter merchants. Once we have crushed Drumpf and fought the United Kaliphate we shall liberate the Falklands and usher in a 1000 year Aussie imperium.

I've always wanted to eat an eagle

make sure to fatten them up before you send them

I was bored with duck anyway

Sure, I don't think America would mind gaining another island. War it is!

>post yfw an elite division of emus carries out an amphibious landing on Hawaii

Those brave emus started the fire. They did not die in vain. You however will, unless tour president bends over and agrees to take our Muslim criminals.

Is this really how Aussies talk when they're plastered. I know, they're only sober for an hour a day, but still.

>thicc young women
We've been warned, lads.

reported to EDF.

They're breaking through this fence soon. Every last Australian man will be killed and your women and children taken as slaves.

There is still a chance to escape.

>orchestrated by ASIO (Our elite spy organization).

(so elite in fact that I have to put it in parenthesis so you know who the fuck they are)

We are truly fucked.

Is there no turning back?

1 Aussie is worth 1000 Americans.
How many white americans are left anyway 5%?


No more Aussie Rulez Futbol and Foster's and uggs?

We will be okay.

Pic related.

Do your part and take some of these niggers off of our hands, OzBro.


>UK & US

Hope you're happy now, America.

Now now, Son, your Brother was just throwing around a few cheeky bantz, so cool it.

Don`t make me come over there

Emus are on our side this time Muhammad. Emus hate Muslims just like any true blue Aussie. Emus are being deployed to the west coast of the USA as we speak.
So elite that you only just heard of them. They taught the Cia everything they know.

still not strong enough to beat an emu

>t. hong in melbourne desperately sweating that his middle class chink family will be back to rice farming in the next 4 years


kek You can't even talk a big game, faggot.


I think this.

would be best 51st state, since Cantata never hit puberty.

Puto Ricko needs to be given to Messico anyway

your funeral

I love how triggered Australians are, even if most of you are just pretending.

>I don't know that there's desert in the US

Yeah shame it is full of spics and injans who wont fight for the orange Hitler.

>LARPing this good
Damn, I almost already forgot what is real shitposting

the original one said finland

>Tries to avoid being trapped by his own ignorance, by attacking our spic population
Let's not get started on undesirables clogging up nations. Last I checked, you fags had the same problem.

my sides

Fuck trump.



>the length he went to
>Implying almost half the US isn't a massive amount
kek that's great user

>only almost half the US
thats cute

Oh no what will we do?

i like trump cause he's pro-israel

its over for you cunts
you had better put a bullet in ya mums and ya kid brothers because we are coming

Poor little white american girl volume 7: Return of the Abo

A fucking emu

>Meme Civil War 2017

Its all bantz m8, u mad?

Kek imma call up Britain and we'll all have a giggle about Sheila's being mad

Fuck the emus, what'll we do when they sick the kangaroos on us?!

Turnbull was wrong to conspire with Obama to swap our illegal immigrany Muslims for your illegal immigrant MS-13 gang members, a lose-lose deal.

Trump saved us both. Deport illegal immigrants back to their 3rd world shitholes. Don't force them on other Whote countries.

that is a man you idiot

Oh s-sorry.

>Australia got to be global headline news for a few hours

Senpai finally noticed us

anything but the emus

Have your president honour his word and take our muslims.

Trump hasn't said that the deal is off, he said he has to honor the obligations of former governments and respect the almighty Australian alliance.

I imagine Turnbull will be gone soon, his polling is unfavourable and now the liberal party is losing votes (and MPs) to the far-right so if they have any smarts, they'll let Cory Bernardi take over.

Bernardi's a massive jewboy and I'll never vote for him

He'll sell us out in minutes

>implying you won't be nuked along with those filthy chinks

Canada is full of Ozzy refugees already...

Go huff some petrol with your abo boyfriend and fucked by your emu daddy, Bruce.

We'll turn your literal prison country into a sheet of irradiated glass if you fuck with us ever.

We will leave no male burger alive. We will feed your women to the Abo's. They will learn to worship Aussie cock. Many such cases already. This is a very good deal for both nations. Sad.

Release the emus.

Only suburban and rural retards voted for Malcolm Turnbull. You can't be a friend of emu, unless you live in a city.

Poop on Australia!!!! POOP!!!!!!!!

Now hold on. I am not going anywhere.

Remember to Turnbull vote for first Australian president. (flashes toothy grin)

Like your face, with tears.

calling your mother

> We Australians demand respect.

Only Straya'n I ever respected died doing what he loved, and the rest of you bitter cunts hated him.

its funny cuz its not us


Steve was assassinated by Americans. It was a cover up.


Leafs cannot, I repeat, cannot shitpost.

Sadly this thread is not a joke.

Fuck off kangaroo fucker

op wicked-cunt was cleared and executed by all appropriate channels, though it's overall goal and inability to recover the agent is why top analysts class it as a general failure.

Emu's barely even register a nuclear weapon

Australia and Israel are friends that is why.


Go neck yourself. I wouldn't mind betting you're from a southern state that loves the 3rd world cock

> t. Time traveller


Is this bait?

This is bait.



The advance squad is already on the way.


>They'll never make a glorified movie about your posts