Jaxon White
>what is kent state
Mistake or not, it did happen.
Camden Bennett
>wanting martial law
Even under Trump that is just retarded
Cameron Bennett
>implying militias and civilians won't fire on others to protect their community
What? And trust me, the military will. Trump has huge support among the military, even though the US military is mostly non-whites.
>NOT wanting martial law
Why not? It will only affect liberal infected cities.
Isaiah Cook
A man was shot at the milo protest. He wanted a dialogue instead of pressing charges
Justin Morales
Source? I'm quick to distrust a leaf
Josiah Roberts
Martial law under Trump is objectively better than continued divide on this scale. Gas ANTIFA, Mr. President.
Joseph Rivera
>Please take our freedom President Trump >its fine as long as you kill people
Tyler Mitchell
Again achmed, since you're too busy pillaging western countries because your own is such a shithole, to pay attention, it would only affect liberal cities.
Most Americans wouldn't even notice it.
Kevin Butler
It will effect everyone. Your rights could be stripped from you for literally anything.
Asher Gomez
It's true because Trump is a globalist kike who will establish a police state and take away your free speech
@6.00 - 6.15 >You create 9/11 which is another lie, through 9/11 you then are fighting on a war on terror and then you go into Iraq which is another lie >AND NOW THEY ARE GOING TO DO IRAN reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-iran-idUSKBN15G5ED
Jose Jackson
>I don't know how martial law works: The post
Aaron Robinson
The suspension of habeas corpus means they don't need a reason to strip your rights away. If you do something they don't like, you can and most likely will be imprisoned.
Blake Young
But they are always local, you dumb fuck.
Which is why I said most wouldn't be affected.
The tree of liberty needs to be watered occasionally.
Xavier Ross
>If you do something they don't like Like dress in black, wear a balaclava and throw rocks at "racists"? Because if so, I wouldn't mind a spot of martial law myself.
Adrian White
Nigger these people are bussed around the country. It would have to be a country wide lock down. This isn't fucking hurricane Katrina that is locked into one area.
Don't agree with them, being out too late, being too loud, LARPing on Sup Forums.
Jeremiah Lopez
You only have to beat the shit out of a good 100 in each major city.
Quit being a whiny little cunt.
Sebastian Wood
>wanting martial law
To what end? If anything, Martial law is the LAST thing we want.
We need them to act a fool, and alienate the rest of the country even further from them and their toxic identity politics.
Jaxon Jackson
Shut the fuck up, OP. I want them to keep fucking up. Stop giving them ideas.
Colton Young
Wew hope you are one of the first to go into a FEMA camp for doing nothing.
Alexander Young
What a crazy idea
Owen Baker
so then you want antifa to just murder you then? That's fine, post your dox and ill make sure they get them.
Jeremiah Walker
You sound like the faggots who wanted martial law under Obama
>so you want white boogiemen to shoot you up?
Wyatt Sullivan
I completely agree. The average Joe hates violence and destruction so spreading those images and videos of innocent people being attacked should be the main priority.
The left think that they have some kind of moral high ground (they dont) but those acts of violence and destruction completely annhilates their argumentation.
Spread it on normiebook, youtube, twitter wherever, so that as many people as possible see the true faces of "peaceful protests".
Ryan Ortiz
>This is why the media is being so quiet about the guy who either died or was knocked the fuck out, with permanent brain damage. For the same reason they're being quiet about pic related; it's not in their narrative.
Xavier Jones
I posted 2 threads on this today and got barely any traction wtf!
Carson Myers
You faggots aren't getting martial law lol
Fight your own battles, nazis
You actually think they're gonna shut enterprise down so you PUSSIES can practice your ideology
Justin Torres
Exactly. I hope they keep doing it and escalating it more and more.
Nathan White
Last year I would have agreed.
But this year I don't, simply because the military was shit talked vehemently by the liberals. The libs don't care about the military, they never did. They just wanted something to throw at the conservatives.
Truth is, not a single liberal would be willing to defend this country.
Jaxon Howard
>innocent people they're not people
Angel Russell
>Trump will never X
This little pitiful mantra has been working out so well for your pieces of human garbage, hasn't it?
Samuel Williams
It's simple.
The left is gone. Their minds are fucking gone. They're completely unhinged.
Luis Sullivan
If this continues, there will unfortunately be real right wing death squads to stop that kind of shit.
Isaac Ross
What happened? Post link please
Jason Martin
Problem is that this Martial Law you speak of will affect you too, all of you. The mentally challenged antifa and normal Americans.
Are you ready to give up your freedoms to take down one beast?
Aiden King
>Live out in the middle of nowhere
Go ahead Mr. President, pull the switch
Isaac Bennett
> >>what is kent state >Mistake or not, it did happen.
The only mistake was killing so few and apologizing afterwards. The terrorists were burning down military buildings. Shooting them was justified.
Isaiah Martin
assuming that we won't
Luke Hughes
15 antifa threads?
The Kremlin is shilling extra hard to fool Sup Forumstards
Here's your kopeck, Putinbot.
Luis Moore
Thank you CTR, have a (You) in return :^)
Chase White
>be me >be white, law-abiding citizen who is friends with local police >communicate with them regularly >get special identification and call in attempted riots for the police, videotape the whole thing and send it to the news >start and support law to mark all known communists with brands that must be visible at all times >Are you ready to give up your freedoms to take down one beast?
Nigger I AM the beast.
Christian Gray
Thats why you employ PMCs on your "interventions" in ME m8
Asher Smith
>assuming that the military wouldn't defend the constitution
>implying the civil war never happened
>implying that the military doesn't fight terrorists
Ethan Rogers
>what is terrorism?
people here who are going to these antifa/leftist riots, some idiot WILL go too far and people WILL be killed in retaliation by the army, do you want it to be you?
I hope, before the military crackdown and forced labor camps, that you're struck in the back of the neck by a protestor with a baseball bat and paralyzed from the neck down. I'd be OK with that.
Brody Bell
20 antifa threads now. Thanks for shitting up Sup Forums with lies and Kremlin shit-tier propaganda.
Putin is desperately shilling extra hard to fool Sup Forumstards
I literally could not find a coin anywhere in the world more worthless than a kopeck, but you've earned another one, Putinbot.
Cameron Ortiz
If you follow the law you have nothing to fear, what are you hiding user?
Caleb Ramirez
>Trump sold out America to the KGB/FSB by easing sanctions
The sanctions that were likely in the process of being eased under the Obama administration? And are being eased so that consumer electronics can be imported into Russia (as anything with any encryption needs to be approved by the FSB)?
Cooper Foster
so you imply that he works because the media?, being this naive trumptard, lmao