Well, do you Sup Forums?

Well, do you Sup Forums?

Was that a question or a statement? I am confused by his lack of punctuation.

No. I think democracy should be reduced to mob rule.

You don't have to disappear to act civilized? Or do you.


Lol, I bet lazy leftists WILL disappear again during the 2018 mid-term elections, and Trump will gain even greater control over the US congress.

I expect them to not riot and throw a tantrum like fucking children, Mr. Brock

Remember how cocky the left used to be?

Oh my how their tune has changed.

>literally who faggot posts something on twitter

Describes half of Sup Forums threads.

Try not rioting.


Now get on the helicopter.

I expect them not to throw temper tantrums and commit felonies when they don't get their way.

You're supposed to gg your opponent and then work together with them on things that you both agree (or can compromise on) for the benefit of everybody.

I expect it. But not physical violence. It's sad when even the kkk was more civil when obama was sworn it.

Will you accept the results, Mr. Trump?


I'm literally shaking.


That's a lazy justification for terrorism.

The DNC still exists. The Democratic process still exists and you can utilize it however you want.

Using violence to stifle democracy and voters is literally the opposite of democracy.

Jones needs to go back to school and pick up a book.

The opposition is disappearing because it can't stand on its own two feet without its opposing party.

>This delusion

It was obvious months out that the left would go full Brown Shirt and Domestic Jihad if Hillary lost.

If Trump lost it would be like the last 8 years - a couple dozen fat rednecks with law chairs complaining about chemtrails.

No but I do t think it means that the opposition gets to smash things in a babyish tantrum because they lost


leftists really like that word.

I think you're supposed to stick by the "less polarization, more cooperation" ideals you were desperately pushing when it looked like you could benefit from it.

Now that the tide has shifted suddenly your ideals are gone and you praise active resistance and sabotage because it benefits you.

This is why the political class are a bunch of parasites that need to unexist. You have no values other than lying to the public until you get the perks you want.

It's a nice filler word when you got nothinf to say.

Imagine being this retarded.

This literally redimensionalized my perceptions in a literal way.

I expect them to beat up trash cans not kill people that supported the candidate.

To be fair, it seems harsh to say 'protesting government decisions you disagree with is anti-democracy'

But they are not consistent

I literally think that. The sheep should not antagonize the wolves. Cuck

Spoken like a true rationalist. Can't have none of that