>South Park to back off mocking Trump

>905 of viewers are pro trump
>lets stop mocking trump


>bend knee like a cuck
>say because it has become too hard
>is such a joke he satirises himself

They were so certain that Clinton would win, it was pretty evident with the way the last season tapered off that they're just not prepared to keep going the way they tried

It was only a matter of time before they learned how awesome Trump is.

they're backing off because they were totally wrong about trump, and trey & matt have lost whatever edge they had when they were younger. just like all the stupid leftists & MSM that were totally wrong, these guys can't admit that trump is in it to win it, and they can't admit that they were deceived by their laziness and unwillingness to actually research the subject of their parody/satire. they based their characters on the mainstream media caricatures, rather than spending the time & effort to study what they were mocking, and that is how they failed, and have continued to fail for many seasons, at being a good comedy.

it's unfortunate. south park has become that show that runs so long that the creators lose touch. reminds me of some other show that dried up comedically over many many seasons...uhh, what was it? oh yeah, pic related.

>we are going to back off Trump
>hopefully our dumbass fans will think its because of EO's or some shit
Its pretty obvious that they didnt want to keep the trump/garrison gag going for another 4 seasons. Its funny that the show got fucked by Trumps victory because they already had the story planned out around Clintons victory. They bit off more than they can chew and they are trying to save face for it.

The south park guys have always been semi based if a bit blue pilled. Give them time and you'll see...

>lost their edge
>won a Tony for a song called fuck you god

Still not going to watch them. They are obviously biased towards hating Trump and only poked neutrally at Clinton.

Now that people said to fuck off with the bias they need to get their viewers back.

I'm even more pissed off now cause they refuse to stick with what they believe in.