>Smashes Starbucks because they are "ZIONIST"
>Are being funded and socially engineered by George Soros.
I have to give him some props, that takes mad skills.
>Smashes Starbucks because they are "ZIONIST"
>Are being funded and socially engineered by George Soros.
I have to give him some props, that takes mad skills.
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who is she :^)?
read the pic noob.
cute girl...any more?
that's a man you cock-loving faggots
Thats a man
>dude fuck rich bankers and the establishment
>funded by soros and allowed to be terrorists because the liberal mayor permits them
she's not even that cute but I like her humor and style
Oy vey goyim, join the national guard, stop those mean goyim anarchists from destroying my precious banks!
It's a trap :(
Thats a leaf
who dis grill?
Is he really a leaf?
oh god that boi pucci
Bailey Jay is fucking fat now.
>post a girl
>le its a man
I want this meme to die
Bailey themselves said it. You're gay if you jack off to them.
Oh canada.
Shit now I understand your anthem.
I really wish this meme would die
fucking newfaggots
replying to a
you should be ashamed of yourself.
Rent a mobs are only lead by Soros. The rest are just hired idiots who dont realize what they're being told to do.
Hence zionist leads to shutting it down
>Bailey is the reason you want to date a tranny
I'm too far gone. I've jacked off to so much shemale/trap porn
george soros is anti israel.
Ugly ass crossdressing leftist cuck.
Hope this degenerate is found dead with their head cracked open.
you and me both, brother. There is no turning back.Also check
Hes anti everything
All he cares about is shekels
5 minutes on this losers twitter pages will change your mind.
This uglyass cross dressing retard is just as insufferable and disgusting as your average leftist only they have to inject their faggotry into everything.
You should feel ashamed for jerking off to this anti-white antifa loving traitor.
But, don't we all user?