Black people aren't patrioti-
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Boy, I call myself a marine before I call myself a man
It's a whole other species of stupid
5% or so of them are, nobody disagrees with that
He isn't black. That's a dark green Marine.
Outliers exist
80% of blacks need to be deported back to Africa though
a black man in the armed forces will be more patriotic than most asian people in the entirety of america
Interesting thing about the AFQT is the score is a percentile. If we map the minimum required AFQT to IQ we can get a rough estimate of the IQ required to get into each branch.
Assuming standard deviation of IQ is 15 and mean is 100 in the US and 31% is the percentile required for army we estimate that the average IQ needed for army is ~92.5. This may seem low but it actually precludes like 70% of blacks.
Black army guys are usually pretty based and more redpilled than the average Sup Forums user
Was in the Air Force and most white people were pretty big libcucks. All the blacks were cool and woke though.
Fuck off blow your fucking brains out you civ nationalist 5th column scum
Let us pray
IIRC it was like 34 or 36 for 0311 which was the only time you'd see a black rifleman.
That whole thing about it being roughly related to IQ seems a bit wrong though, I think 11x requirements are the same as 0311 and there were actual retards there. Well after I got out I had an army 0-6 or 0-7 (can't remember) customer who served in Iraq say the same shit though so now I'm actually thinking about it. Guy was squared away as fuck too, bad ass mansion.
Is he a reservist? He's fat as fuck
How do they get this yolked without juice?
I guess they do get paid to mostly workout
He's a little fat but also clearly lifts, looks like a POG to me since POGs tend to be the fat guys who lift. Infantry guys look surprisingly shit most of the time either being: too skinny, skinny fat, or a weird chubby but strong looking hybrid.
Imagine 4 years minimum of barely working at all and lifting. It's really common for PoGs.
Full comic in upper right.
>weird chubby but strong looking hybrid
It's called farm boy and they will fuck you up.
You've never encountered real strength in person have you? That dude would rip you in fucking half.
LOL. There are no niggers in the marine corp. Just men who bleed red, white, and blue. The left are so fucked that they can't even imagine how fucked they are.
They tend to be a bit fatter than the classic corn fed farm boy. They are pretty great to have around though.
>tfw was skinnyfag even though I was 40lbs heavier in muscle back in high school
lol please tell me this is a real quote.
Nah, there's still niggers in the Corp.
If you want real niggers though you go to the Army or Navy, hohoho boy the Navy is a special kind of blacked.
I was never in the military because asthma, but all of the men in my family have been. Thankfully I'm not so fat as I was in high school but I was just tubby then.
I need to get farm boy mode
Damn computer science is making me soft. May get some dumbells by my desk
Kek I think I know what military school this is at
>mfw even amerishart soldiers are overweight
You can get that waivered fuck boy.
>by your desk
Learn to lift.
It sort of depends. Asian American entrepreneurs tend to be much more patriotic than your typical Asian immigrant or Asian American native born.
Black, Brown, Red, White, Tan, Orange, Yellow, Purple
Doesn't matter as long as they are prepared to slay muslims for the Red, White, and Blue. ;_;7
>You can get that waivered fuck boy.
I'm too old to be running around while people yell at me anyway, and this wasn't true 20 years ago when I graduated high school.
Anyway I am doing my part so don't you worry.
that's nice, but I hope trump doesn't send them to die somewhere.
At least they won't have ridiculous rules of engagement if they are sent to kill some muz-scum.
This, the few that aren't tend to not be in combat jobs. They usually end up on the news ambushing someone or doing something dishonorable.
>>Blacks "People"
Blacks are monkeys that can talk.
This bitch is just so audacious. Built like a fridge, too.
Trump won the Active duty in a land slide as well as vets since they're sick of cucks.
Go ahead, try and threaten them, they will slay you with a smile on their fucking face as the God emperor orders weapons free.
wtf I love preping the bull now
>Black people aren't patrioti-
said no one ever
That guy is clearly green.
Kek we are going to start FBI'ing these fucks like we used to with commies and we should have never stopped
what about an asian man in the armed forces
we do not automatically view people who claim to be fighting for Family, Race, Nation and etc. as being our allies – they may very well do things that on the surface may seem to serve that purpose but their ultimate goals are selfish, so their motivations will always lead away from the creation of the Organic State (the goal of our struggle) that upholds the Truth in favor of any mechanical system that will simply serve their petty wants and desires.
Any such system must always collapse back into the state of decay we bare witness to today, the decay that supposedly prompted these frauds to “join” our Struggle. Hence why we are not impressed by formulas like the “White Ethno-State”, as they are vague enough to encompass any mechanical system and any form of degeneracy, so long as all of its inhabitants are white. A “White Ethno-State” may very well be communist, libertarian, liberal, etc. It can be exactly the same as what already exists minus all the non-whites. That is not good enough.
Katanas of Destruction
My grandfather's brother was a cuck who married a war raped Korean woman after the Korean war who couldn't have kids. They adopted some Korean shitters but they all felt it was necessary to serve the US as infantry since we were a long time military family. I think that's alright, only met them once but they were all kind of weird Germaboos and really respected the family name and considered themselves a part of the family so I thought they were okay. The flip mafia are kind of faggots but the other asians I met outside of airforce asians were generally patriotic beyond words. Like if you see an asian that's served as infantry I will bet money that dude is the biggest redneck you'll ever meet.
>Anyone on Sup Forums thinking they could go toe to toe with a U.S. marine
I'd pay good money to watch though.
That's just 1 nigger.
It's not that hard man, you must be in joke shape to think even 03's are these super badasses.
Blacks are as American as apple pie, they will stay here but they have to be put in their places.
Even if it isn't a real quote it's still true, if you aren't a marine, odds are we're going to shit on you. You are all plebs to us
i love marines now. invade any time
Do people who served in the early stages of the Iraq war have a reputation for being badasses?
Makes a lot of sense but I wasn't aware of it being a 'thing' if you know what I mean.
Why did you shoppe the original OP
they aren't, I was constitently the only kid in school who did the pledge while beaners/negroes never did.
Southern blacks are both patriotic and not racist like the northern blacks, at least to the extreme that north coast and west coast blacks are.
03 is just the designation for infantry An 03xx means some sort of infantry.
USMC have no race stupid. They make dead things..
I am in the south.
I like you military guys but you always start into this jargon.
Is this a reference to the German nickname of Black French soldiers in WWI?
Black people are fine, niggers can take themselves to Mexico or Africa or wherever the fuck they want if they don't want to live with whitey.
>tfw civnat
it's the only way really.
You mean practically all blacks?
why not do civnat in Africa, why always were theirs a lot of white people?
Boot is a term for someone fresh out of basic training (boot camp)
Can one of you marines explain the infatuation with Mattis? I've read his wiki article, things like that, but I don't really get why the military seems to revere him.
What's the big deal?
I thought too much.
Real talk Marines love memes. Before the internet was a thing Marines love memes and Mattis is a great meme. Chesty is the classic example as he was memeified. Marines needed a meme, Mattis was bad ass, he became a meme.
lol dyel man telling people learn to lift
you probably don't even sqwat 2pl8 u fucking goof
>"I won't scatter your sorrows to the heartless sea, I will always be with you. Plant your roots in me."
What did the Commander In Chief mean by this?
>you probably don't even sqwat 2pl8 u fucking goof
That should read 3pl8 or bench, bad meme: 0/10.
He ain't black, he's dark green
All of you come from here remember?
>without juice
Plenty of people roid in the military.
Some black aren't niggers.
I know some that are redpilled and going to vote for Marine.
This meme is reserved only for the most x^2 away motto negroes
I don't hate any blacks but regardless of their traits they are never equals to a white...
Different DNA completely different animals, I'm fine with them being here so far but I would much prefer repatriating them to Africa at our material expense.
Green lives matter
L'Afrance ?
You mean repatriating civilized black? Really?
Take care of those from the hood, that would be good.
Overall, blacks are more athletics, white smarter, which depends from the country ( because obviously, blacks from african aren't really smart ).
>You mean repatriating civilized black? Really?
Of course, they can help make Africa great again but regardless of their ability they do not have white DNA and thus can not continue whiteness, it's my opinion you can want what ever you choose.
wtf I want that nigger buck to inseminate my wife now
I believe in states to exist for the contiuation of DNA and for the DNA's interest, I believe the continuation of their DNA is best suited in an African state along with other Africans.
if we pay all the blacks 30k it would cost us 1 trillion, I would more than happily sacrifice this to repatriate them to Africa.
You mean with "niggers" who will split on them beacause they never lived in Africa?
Do you really think this would work?
>You mean with "niggers" who will split on them beacause they never lived in Africa?
You're being a little racist, Africans are normal people.
>tfw only been on the Kuwait/Iraq border on last deploymeny
That's dumb, really dumb.
I agree more with Charles de Gaules who said that minorities are fine as long they embrace the country's culture, without them being too numerous.
Get rid of those from the hoods, that will do the trick.
Don't put blacks who done nothing wrong with niggers, you just give more excuse to SJW.