Muslim ban tards

found this stupid picture.
so they're saying that immigration leads to death?
therefore they support the muslim ban?
how r they this retarded


Things is native americans didn't have a choice, they were conquered by superior people.

>100 million native americans
where do they get this number?
Also they should be glad about being dumped in america seeing how much more wealthy descendants of slaves are then africans who stayed home

Those 12.5 million Africans would have been much better off in Liberia. It's cruel of the Americans to keep forcing them too stay just because they like rap music.


Don't you know a hunter-gather lifestyle can support the population of Europe and Africa combined at the time goyim?

lol, deport the muslims and the blacks? it's what they want isnt it?

oh but the blacks also think they built america when all they did was pick cotton? amirite?

Liberals have a gigantic blind spot in their minds to this argument. They keep making it and then putting on a smug face like they just won the debate and everyone is left utterly confused.

Just keep remaking the same mental pretzel.

Immigration is good. White people immigrating is awful, they killed everyone and took their land! This happened every time and they should have been resisted and the local people should have had their lands, they have a right to them! This is why immigration is good.

I wonder if they could articulate what they think if you prompted them by asking if the native americans would have been better off actually having a wall? Maybe it's just the default liberal opinion that it's okay for everyone but white people, because white people are bad, because of some kind of liberal original sin.

lol yeah. its like they can't follow logic for more than one step or past a catch-phrase or a chant.

a liberal said to me the other day "walls dont work! look at history!"
i laughed for a while then decided he was too dumb for reasonable logic >end of conversation

what do you guys do when you're slowly getting killed inside by so many retards? alcohol?

with a white ban, whites would have conquered America anyway
The difference in technology was brutal

>where do they get this number?

Oy vey, goyim! Six million peaceful natives were brutally slaughtered by the white man! When their ships landed and began stealing the land from sixty million nature-worshipping indians, it was the end of a beautiful culture! You goyim should never forget the hundred million dead indians!

Humans have been conquering land and killing other tribes since the start of history. It's perfectly natural, as it's also natural after you conquered it, to protect it against new raiders. If you want America back, then you'll have to be superior to the new owners and take it back.

Lifting heavy fucking weights, fucking and being with my girl every chance I get, bantering drones with like mind friends; grilling, bullshitting and drinking good beer and liquor

>when you have no argument so you make up history
Whew lad

fuck aye mate
(translation: fuck yeah)

Go to the gym man. It builds up your mind body and soul. Good way to relief stress and escape.

>"walls dont work! look at history!"

Oi vey, such quality Public EdJewcation!

yeah i already do. lovin it

welp that reminds me. it's gym time

With a white ban slavery would have never been abolished either. Fuck off nigger.

i love pol, keeps me sane. too many retards have been given big voices in most of the media - and the most foolish are always the loudest

The only difference between the two is that if you sent whites, arabs and blacks where they originally are from blacks would blow a gasket and complain about the quality of life.

Comparisons like this are often said in virtue and not reason

The first post is bullshit. The shooter was a native burger and went to my high school (La Sierra) in Riverside.

12.5 million niggers would have died on their own in Africa considering they were usually conquered by other tribes initially anyway

You're a degenerate.

Daily reminder Jews and Muslims were vastly involved in the slave trade.
Daily reminder Blacks owned and traded blacks just the same way Jews, Muslims(arabs) and Whites did.

its a made up number these people are morons researchers don't even know what the true population was the gap is ridiculously large. Pre-contact Americas to be as high as 112 million in 1492, while others estimate the population to have been as low as eight million. In any case, the native population declined to less than six million by 1650.

this proves that they should have build a wall tho, natives went extinct because of their own damn fault
how is a wall a bad idea again?

Thats the point. Liberals dont think far enough ahead to realize that If whites displaced and genocided the Native Population that it could happen again but this time to whites.

>what do you guys do when you're slowly getting killed inside by so many retards? alcohol?

>consuming the liquid jew

Don't numb yourself. Rebuild yourself instead. More exercise, meditation. Find peace at any moment.

they should have built a wall, if they had the technology to build anything that could last more then 10 years, and wasn't made out of buffalo skin and sticks, they might have had a chance, if they had used the land and resources the way the white man does these people would still be in charge and white men would have been repelled, but it didn't happen that way, history is over and the only people still sore about it are some fat midget faggots sitting in the desert sipping on mouthwash complaining about "muh hertage", and this is coming from someone who is half native and used to live in arizona on the pima indian reservation, I fucking left stopped trying to get a non stop pity party for my dead ancestors and got a fucking job. the rest of "my people" need to get the fuck over themselves, they got conquered, it happens they did it to other tribes, white people did it to them.

>12.5 million african slaves

where do they get these numbers?

The whole native american thing has got to be one of the strongest arguments AGAINST unregulated immigration. Why do these pro-immigration people always bring it up?