Sup Forums META

Official thread

I pay for a Sup Forums pass and see ads. This is next level jewry

gook did this

Apparently hiroshima nagasaki can speak perfect english but pretends to be retarded to dodge any decent questions.
>Hiroshima, why are you selling our data to advertisers?
>I don't understand the question

I'm a premium member and see ads too. Fucking hiro.

Remember 2014

That was a great year for Sup Forums


First off, filter "CTR" "Cuck" "Shill" et.c

It's used for nothing but shitposting and trying to discredit valid arguments

The option to filter/highlight posts based on flag would be cool.


This would be great. I'd never miss an Australian shitpost ever again/

fuck off CREW

Too many people fall for easily-identifiable bait. I don't think that will change anytime soon. There seems to be a vested interest in shitting up and watering down the board with infantile discussion. This has been going on since Donald Trump won the Republican primaries.

No, we need flags to show how shitty canadian posting really is.

Ban all religion threads from Sup Forums

religion is not politics

>Sup Forums

Install an adblocking program.

This is a nice concept.

He sells data to advertisers for money. It is one of the only ways one can really make money with a place like this anymore.

Of course it is.

Ban HWNDU, former trump voters, reddit, and communists.

Newfags can't resist when they see a bait thread.

They don't seem to realize that they are killing actual discussion threads whenever they encourage shitposting.

Don't even sage. You'll just egg the OP on. Just ignore the thread, hide it, and move on.

sort of sad that i get a warning every time i avatar-post

For maximum chaos:
>filter all instances of Jew/kike to Aryan/Nazi

Flags bring a lot of good banter. We must play to our strengths and not lose our charachter in trying to have at least SOME decent political discussions.

Also rangeban leafs. I´m sorry anons but everytime you post I remember how cucked our countries are.


To all you non-partisans/memers, this board is only going to get more stringently right in response to the war of ideas and memes currently taking place across all of cyber space. Shills will be here to stay for the long term.

There is no going back now.

This goy gets it.

as much as I was against flags and IDs initially, I feel like in the long run they've only helped improve post quality
pre-Sup Forums harbor most posters were pretty decent, but we've been flooded with shills ever since and IDs make it easier to call them out on their bullshit

Fuck Canada. Canadian genocide when? Please Hiro.

...and shillz wonder why they stick out as shillls.

Also there is literally THE REST OF THE INTERNET for people who truly hate our views. I do welcome those who wish to discuss, show their view or point out what they see as fallacies or whatever the fuck.

But cunts wanting to shut us down because they think we are a safe space need to an hero.

ShareBlue. CREW is the legal side of it. only shills repeat "CREW" because they don't want everyone knowing the name ShareBlue.
backwards bullshit

> what is AdBlock?

There's way too many shills on Sup Forums these days. Goons are running wild trying to spark actual physical street wars in the USA, while nerd virgins are spamming demoralizing fake news 24/7. Mods are, of course, busy banning fire safety threads to intervene.

IDs were a great idea.

Samefagging is at an all-time low.

If only there were some way to enforce a lurk protocol on newfags.

That was the final year of Sup Forums

ID's are great, but I only support getting rid of flags if we ban Canada.


You want to know what would be a good idea? Banning people from making threads until their IP / MAC address has been logged as active with Sup Forums for several months.

>not a single Trump post
>gets weren't invoking Egyptian gods
>nobody cared enough about the board to shill or shitpost
>niggerhate and natsoc threads every single day
I don't remember it so well but perhaps that is for the best

AHAHAH why are you still here?

please God yes.

1-2 months would be more than enough.

Just enough to fucking filter out this 200% shillpost ratio

don't let the globalists win
if he removes flags, how are anons going to get their RDA of Union Flag?

Do you not understand the nature of anonymity? It's a fucking terrible idea.


The flags aren't recognizable enough, just the state's initials by the flag would work

>no, no, ISP don't log for real right?

Still, are you comfortable with the idea of Hiro having a database containing your ISP and MAC address, along with everyone else who posts here? Does that really seem like a good idea to you?

>But cunts wanting to shut us down because they think we are a safe space
>implying pol isnt a safe space

>He doesn't have it already

But hey, I agree with you that the idea is stupid (example: proxy users can't post, people who just moved can start over ect.) just the argumention I disagreed with.

>what is a dynamic ip

Read the thread my white friend. We're in agreement.

>he forgot about JIDF

Ban all phone posters.

This is actually not a bad idea. Lurk by phone only, no posting.
>posted from my phone, haha


I've thought about finding new message boards to post on that more reflect my view personal beliefs and view points, but honestly it gets boring having everybody agree with you all the time. That and I've been here since I was 17 or 18 (30 now) so it's really comfortable to navigate and post. It's unfortunate that I've watched the place I call home turn into something I don't really recognize or like that much any more, but if history has taught me anything, it's that board culture changes in waves over time, so I'm hoping it will eventually shift.

hell fucking no

Flags killed banter tho. It's just the same jokes over and over. Swedes of all people should know this



Go shoot a mosque, we don't need more canadian posters.