Check the news 2 hours from now
Nimitz class USS Theodore roosevelt will be completely destroyed
Check the news 2 hours from now
Nimitz class USS Theodore roosevelt will be completely destroyed
If it's based Houthis, I allow it.
This faggot coming back
Jordanian bitch you've already been reported for the shit larp thread you posted earlier.
ehh, report this shit to the CIA just in case lads
really don't want another gay war for Israel and Saudi Arabia
And the Middle East will be literally turned to glass
FAGS posted this over to hrs ago in an earlier thread...what gives? Your skiff running late?
What are the POWERBALL numbers going to be?
Don't post dumb shit like this, I'm in the Navy and I have friends on that boat
fugg i should try next week
eat a pork dick muhamad
shitposting on Sup Forums nowdays is such a hard job
Back in the day from 2009 to 2011 it was so easy
all those ones, zeroes and sevens wasted. try next never
OP you know people will be knocking at your door in a couple hours.
-The United States Govt.
Its been over two hours and nothing, Larping faggot.
It's been 10 minutes
This is his third thread on the matter he first posted this well over 2 hours ago.
Im actually being serious tho /pol is getting sketchy to do this shit on cuz its so heavily monitored by all the intelligence agencies. Hope your behind like 10 proxies cuz they give people max sentences for saying threatening shit.
just what i was gonna say. this faggit running his mouth
drone now knocks to doors?
Ur a pussy
Why even LARP about something with 2 hour window.
A) youre on a list
B) 2 hour window of opportunity?
Just WTF Jordan
is it still floating?
If you're in the Navy, you should that is a SHIP, not a boat
>bullshit. Jordan you can't afford the guns
Checking for confirmation from Kek.
*OPs pasta posted this morning
Beware the eternal newfag
That much subtle bait
kek, sometimes breaking kayfabe can be funny too
oh nice. its the larping faggot again.
Mr Trump ahora sí concuerdo con usted, por favor construya un muro hermoso y alto e impenetrable, que no vuelva a pasar ilegalmente ningún mexicano, guatemalteco o hondureño, etc, que no pase ninguna de nuestras semillas, de nuestras costumbres, que ni siquiera nuestras miradas puedan atravesarlo, asegúrese de reforzarlo bien y por ambos lados, para que no pasen más armas de allá para acá, que no venga ninguna empresa americana a contaminarse con los mexicanos, que no pase nada de su comida que tanto ha enfermado a nuestros hermanos, que nuestros jóvenes pierdan el deseo de ser como ustedes y se reencuentren a sí mismos y con su patria y su gente, que nuestro campo produzca lo que tiene que producir y alimente a los nuestros en lugar de pudrirse en las bodegas de los wallmarts, construya hondo, no vaya a ser que se pasen para allá los narcos y que tampoco pueda llegar nuestro petróleo, eso nos obligaría a ser más productivos en cuestión energética, tendríamos el impulso que tanto necesitamos para ser autosuficientes y obvio ya no los necesitaríamos para producir nuestra gasolina, ponga torres, drones (que inventó un mexicano) para que ningún arma apunte desde el otro lado del río a los desesperados por encontrar una mejor vida y terminan encontrando la muerte, para que los que se suben solos o con sus familias a la bestia dejando todas sus posesiones en busca del sueño americano despierten y empiecen a crear una nueva realidad latina incluyente, trabajadora, honesta, por favor coloque cuanto antes la primera piedra de la gran tumba norteamericana.
Cut the grass and fuck off you beaner.
haha oh wow enjoy your v& faggot.
hope youre behind 17 proxies
damn u lol
hope you burgers are ready to die for israel
fuck (You)
vessel, learn some non-nigger tier vocabulary, you fucking half-ape
Would be 9 times worse than 9/11
This is a repeat thread. LARP.
Fake and gay.
>completely destroyed
Just like my sides.
Nothing is going to happen.
>said the palastenian
>Check the news 2 hours from now
>Nimitz class USS Theodore roosevelt will be completely destroyed
All Arabs are liars
>fugg i should try next week
All Arabs are liars
>Back in the day from 2009 to 2011 it was so easy
How would you know?
All Arabs are liars
This one was actually pretty good.
>Thinking you can destroy a U.S. carrier.
Nice joke.
You fucks better not fuck with our ships