Will Donald Trump finally cut of all work visas and kick out the POOs taking all the tech jobs...

Will Donald Trump finally cut of all work visas and kick out the POOs taking all the tech jobs? I need a job since a just graduated.

Take your GPA off of your resume, it's terrible. Describe your previous jobs better, add a bit of fluff.

This one is funnier than the pro gamer CV great job, OP

Lie on your resume

>2.24 GPA

Yeah take that off you fucking brainlet

Fucking hell that's a shitty resume.

kek that's worse than my old one
I sitll haven't got a job though

Probably a troll thread, but remove that shitty gpa, get rid of all that whitespace (you're not writing a python script buddy), and maybe take this to /adv/

>shitty GPA
>"skills" are just bullet points without description, examples, experience being mentioned or even level of proficiency
>Interests: Anime, gaming. Seriously?

You can blame poos all you like, you are shit at selling yourself.

probably the worst resume I've ever seen GJ.

McDonalds wouldn't hire you.



>Not created in LaTeX
>into the trash it goes

in the trash it goes

>this resume
Nice autism OP.

Your CV says you know latex, but you didn't use it to make it. Why?


Please tell me you never actually sent that to an employer?

it's a copy and paste into word so I could post it here a while ago

I used this for about a year before getting help with a job councillor


fucking terrible, I would throw that shit out immediately if it was handed to me.

get your grades off that shit
Your interests are terrible

-1/10 would not like my bird's cage, it doesn't deserve his waste

Did they tell you to remove the interests section?

They helped me rework it so that I came across as more sociable and outgoing.

I'm from Omaha wanna hang out OP?

10/10 CV, would hire. OP I'm looking for a vice president at my hedge fund with an 11 digit AUM. Wanna join? $1.5kk a year, 380 vacation days annually.

How long after that did it take for you to get a job?

Nice bait resume.

A year on and I still don't have a job.

it's funny because it's true, vast majority of white kids blaming AA for inability to get into grad school or a job just have shit tier gpa's

Check the Autism box under disability. Your resume matches.

Holy shit please don't tell me you're using that pile of shit as a CV for a tech company

It's pretty easy to not make it cancer

Change to summary about yourself. Copy some examples about how "hard working" you are

Add references. Just asked any person from a previous job that doesn't hate you to say a few kind words. Describe the job better. Stop sounding autistic. "Feed animals and clean up after animals" -> "Ensure the safety and well-being of animals kept at the store. Guarantee the sanitation and other standards are met"

Stop using fucking abbreviations. Remove GPA.

Autism incarnate. C isn't a skill. "Trained in proficient programming of the C computer language" is. Include skills apart from programming. Make them up if you don't have any.

Again, remove autism please. Add some bullshit hobbies.


At least fix the fucking formatting. Look at examples online or use a fucking template. It's not hard

Pic related, page 1 my CV.


>Six years to graduate


it's a troll but the thing is there are tons of young Whites who unironically have qualifications like these, complaining about pajeets and niggers

dude right in my lab the other day bitching hard about getting rejected by Amazon, he's autistic, fat, and has a 2.9 GPA. and he can't think of any other reason than muh man holdin me down, muh AA, for why he got turned down. it's really sad

you.. you aren't serious, are you?

Someone fucked in setting these guys' life expectations. Sup Forums and the alt-right in general seem to be filled with these sorts of morons.

>gpa 2.24

I like that you aren't afraid to admit it, but you're better off just saying that you have one.

Right, anyone else does C+?
Go and Rust are missing from the resume..