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No thanks
I'm sorry you were born.
For what?
Just say sorry
You first.
*unzips dick*
Not even cute
Fuck no. Whatever happened, she/ he/ it had it coming.
I'm sorry your dad converted to Islam and radicalized himself despite having the chance to fulfill his western potential
Someone explain?
Thats war
Who is this?
Our emporer went ahead on a raid that got her killed
Why do you only show the picture of her looking like a western child?
Show the picture of her wearing a fucking hijab. She had to wear a hijab in the moment she was shot. Nothing to be sorry about she was already lost.
The news that Hollywood don't want you to see.
Earth is overpopulated anyways.
When you see a roach do you feel sympathy? No, you destroy it as fast as possible lest it scamper away and breed a colony of more roaches.
the hijab isn't whats making her look uncute in the second picture, it's that she's dead.
That blank stare. Almost like her soul was gone.
As a marine stationed in Germany, I hereby apologize for the United States of America not deploying nuclear bombs much earlier to wipe all of you primitive and degenerate shitskins from the face of the Earth.
blame her death to obama
There is zero proof she died and her (((father))) was a terrorist.
I apple a guize
dat look when you have to wait hours for your beloved husband to return from his daily business which is killing other sandniggers of course.
Who is this semen demon?
She looks ok to me
they take ours, we take theirs
nobody is demanding justice for our people
I throw pork at her grave
trump is doing what he said he would do. and it's working.
Muhammad plz go
Obama intentionally droned her terrorist dad and brother.
Trump accidentally Navy SEALed her.
>dying in 2017
I don't think there has been or there will be a worse year to die in.
Liberals are butthurt because Trump accidentally Navy SEALed her.
Liberals are ignoring that Obama intentionally droned her terrorist dad and brother.
No. That's what happens when you marry a terrorist.
haha topkek
intentionally killing terrorists is good.
accidentally killing little girls is bad.
Shit happens man.
Yeah, it's unfortunate, but that's what war is. People don't realize this, Americans had tons of support in WW2 but were doing things of this caliber. Media didn't report on it though so that's why it was such a popular war. The same goes for Vietnam, with all the kids dying.
You can't save everyone, and sadly that's what happens when you fight these people. The point is it wasn't intentional and that is why we fight terrorism, so that children like this aren't raised in these conditions and by parents who would do far worse to American children (cut their heads off, not a painless shot.)
killing terrorists before they get old enough to kill and recruit is also good