Germany starts paying up to €1,200 to asylum-seekers who go back home

So how many Romanian Syrians are going to apply?

None, we are busy fighting and protesting our government.
Hans should too due to the fact that the money will come from his pocket


much cheaper than if they stay.

>take offer
>leave to some east euro shithole
>change name from ahmed to mahmoud
>change age from 19 to 15
>go back to germany
>get free housing and aryan pussy

Now what's stopping them from coming back 15 days after getting their share of gibmedat?

12,000 Euros would work. 1,200 is way too little. Doesn't Norway pay 10,000?

If we wanted half a million out of Germany, it would just cost 5 billion, with a 10k incentive ... but only if they left in the next 3 months.


I'm sure no one will abuse that at all.