Just moved from the mountains to the city... How the FUCK did these people get here? they're EVERYWHERE. Last i checked we aren't accepting Chinese refugees, so aside from the viets, how exactly are they getting residency here?
The worst fucking part about these people are their public transport manners, just sitting on the hall side of a 3 seater on a train, making sure no one else can sit down. fucking hell
Why not try to date one user? Your women are shit anyways. I have never met a bigger root rat than aussie women. At least get a chink who will treat you like a man, even if you have to deal with some ching chong talk when family is around.
Logan Phillips
My gf is viet-hongkonger Mainlands on the other hand are fucking subhuman
Josiah Harris
I'm fine with them, they make awesome food and they're more concerned with yelling at each other then the rest of us cobbers
Kayden Nelson
Enjoy your children being unemployed because billionaire chink tycoons who got rich off chink crypto-slave labour have bought the entire country and only hire their slant cronies
If you want to see the dizzying heights of what Chinese civilisation can achieve, go to Hong Kong and Singapore. You will be cured of your gookophilia instantly.
Nathan Perez
can you explain more bout hong king and singapore?
Landon Johnson
Actually the Asian population holds the least jobs in Australia, the overwelming majority of middle class is white, and I've been to China and Japan, it ain't as bad as everyone says (okay China's pretty bad but still)
Andrew King
Both Liberal and Labour will sell out their people and country for a quick buck
1/3 of Australian arable land is foreign owned
Just look at the Adani mine in QLD. Its proven it'll fuck up the reef and ruin all the surrounding farmland yet they're still allowing the poos to do it. What kind of treacherous leaders throw their own people under a bus like this?
Aiden Brooks
>Sitting on the hall side of a three seater train Just go up to them and ask them to move so you can sit down Old women do that in my town on the bus every day
Grow up man
Brandon Morris
probably the same way they get to the US come here on visas and never leave
Christopher James
Total absence of humanity. No pleasant interactions between strangers. Everyone's suicidally workaholic and status-conscious in the most shallow and niggery way. Merchants are dodgy. It's shit, and should even be obvious as shit on face value.
David Davis
That's just hyper massive cities lad.
William Cook
9/10 gook women are fucking disgusting
Ethan Price
dumb post, you get the booby prize response
Wyatt King
i have noticed this in sydney too after leaving the mountains not just with chinks but the whites here too
Christopher Walker
It's not coincidental that Europe is a patchwork of small cities, but the Chinese government has to control the movement of people to stop everyone in the country hopping on the next bullet train at the speed of Jackie Chan to go hawk fried chicken dicks in Shanghai
Jayden Davis
They buy their way in by starting business, then use every loophole to bring their extended families over.
Plus lots of illegals that work for these companies under the table. Their sense of community and family is strong, and they aren't low IQ shitskins, so they know how to exploit the system.
The "Yellow Peril" was absolutely correct. Australia will belong to the Chinese within a couple generations.
Michael Murphy
oh you're from the mountains? don't dox yourself but, katoomba? it's a degenerate leftist stronghold.
Grayson Adams
fuck you're blue-pilled cunt
refugees are barely the issue in this country
the main issue is the 200,000+ international migrants that settle in Australia a year. When they arrive in Australia they buy up family homes at competitive prices increasing housing prices to making the housing market impenetrable for young Australians. And then once they're nested here, they have children, causing these foreign populations to increase. These international migrants are having a baby boom in the country.
The worrying thing about international migrants from the Middle East and Northern Africa is that even though their dad might be a part of the talented 10%, a smart doctor, their children usually revert to the retarded and violent mean of their home population. That's when you get gangs like the Apex gangs and terrorists are most likely second generation migrants.
Levi Bennett
Australia was 12% asian in the 2011 census, it's likely 15 to 18% now. We're getting displaced and the only party that is trying to do something is One Nation.
Xavier Evans
yeah we've been sold out by the politicians and the rich who will just move country when they're done selling out the land from under us and making us slaves.
our current pm is the worst offender.
Josiah Cruz
Turbull is literally a Goldman Sachs banker. He bought himself into politics going right back to the Howard government.
Fuck him.
Aaron Cooper
One nation doesn't care about Asians anymore
They're pushing the Muslims because that's what people care about now
Joshua Butler
Dude, just be happy their Asian. Imagine what things would be like if they were Mexicans.
Brandon Kelly
It's because Australians are out working multiple casual, part-time jobs to cope because the middle-class no longer cannot find a permanent full-time job in the current services-based jobs market. Stable jobs are being sucked up fast and the migrant population boom is not going to help.
Josiah Foster
gotta start somewhere mate. more people are voting for one nation that ever, they've overtaken the greens as the main third party in Australia.
I was a labor voter but i'm voting one nation from now on.
Aiden Evans
There are literally not enough jobs for the amount of people we are bringing in. It's fucking insane.
Julian Scott
There are not enough jobs for the people already here.
Every politician, EVERY SINGLE ONE, including One Nation, boasts about Australia's multiculturalism, which has destroyed this country. We are fucked.
Ryan Reed
Somewhat applicable meme
Daniel Johnson
Fucking this. Have lived and worked in Cambodia, Beijing, Singapore and KL.
Asia being nice is a fucking meme. I fucking hate it and loathe the fact Melbourne and Sydney are now rats and mice strongholds.
We all pay for the nations infrastructure via shadow taxes. The highest concentration and established of this urban infrastructure - being Syd & Mel- the Asians have outright stole from under our noses while some Jew Real Estate agents got rich.
Good going Canberra, the Foreign Review Board is yet another worthless toothless government department pointlessly sucking up tax money.
I'm glad Turnbull got shirt fronted by Trump, these cunts in power both sides have had it too easy for too long.
Anthony Myers
sub human chink detected
Noah Bennett
My wife's an Aussie, and I'll be the first to say that this is false. Accent is hot as shit too.
Jaxon Barnes
nor houses, hence why nice quarter-acre and acreage family blocks are being knocked down to make way for towers of overpriced shoeboxes to cope. International students and singles are all flocking to these. The sad thing is that these dwellings are not made for families. High IQ whites generally only have children when they are in a nesting environment like a family dwelling, not a shoebox apartment. Unfortunately, educated whites are being convinced to flock to these shoebox apartments in university towns and suburbs to get away from "oppressive" mum and dad.
Easton Davis
Fuc off, Australia (white) people are tha most beautifull after dutch. You have to be literally gay not to like the girls there.
Jose Garcia
you're a fucking weak cunt
Owen Hall
FINALLY SOME WOKE. I really hate how pol "white supremacist" are always suporting mixing race, trans, and other degeneracy against white people reproduction. FUCK ASIANS
Brandon Thompson
When will the fucking galmorization of this "muh east aryans" "muh honorary aryans" shit stop?
I guarantee the people who perpetuate this shit have never interacted with these asians once they start to get a majority in an area. They are fucking vile in Sydney and Melbourne. Loud as fuck, rude, constantly screeching in their god awful languages. China's not sending their best.
Julian Thomas
even china's best is shit compared to ARYAN MASTE RACE, weabos please
Jace Nguyen
>Australia (white) people are tha most beautifull after dutch I never said that they were ugly. I said that they're massive sluts. I know you beaners have a hard time with English, but with practice, you too can learn to communicate intelligently to the point where ordering my burger in the drive through won't be a huge pain in the ass.
Nicholas Green
>Accent is hot as shit too Agree to disagree except for this point.
Blake Gonzalez
I met my wife in college, and she was legitimately the least slutty girl I knew besides one hyper-Christian.
Cameron Jones
Are you in Brisbane, if so, that's certainly the case.
China probably has to be one of the worst migration groups, they are at a population in the inner-cities and university towns where they will not integrate at all. Hence they loiter and walk around in their ethnically homogenous groups speaking Mandarin to one another and talking to mum and dad in the same timezone really loud on the phone or on skype.
In the Internet Age, you know longer need to integrate as an international migrant anyway because you can stay segregated and completely connected to your home culture and ties 24/7 online through social media.
Integration is a joke anyway however, international migrants should not be here to begin with. Civic nationalism (forced integration) is just multiculturalism by another name.
Reminder that it only takes 1% of China to come to Australia and completely demographically displace white Australians.
Henry Russell
Our economy is concerningly dependent on a bubble fuelled by a ponzi scheme of mass international human migration capital and selling natural resources in bulk as quick as possible to China.
It needs to come to an end soon so we can diversify our economy otherwise the potential effects when it all comes crumbling down is just going to be increasingly devastating. Our current course in unsustainable.
Cameron James
>international migrants should not be here to begin with So you all will start deporting poms now?
Luis Long
If you are as cucked as we are in Europe, most of them probably come by family reuinification.
Samuel Fisher
>China probably has to be one of the worst migration groups, they are at a population in the inner-cities and university towns where they will not integrate at all. Hence they loiter and walk around in their ethnically homogenous groups speaking Mandarin to one another and talking to mum and dad in the same timezone really loud on the phone or on skype. are you absolutely sure they're permanent migrants? sounds like entitled students desu
Kayden Bell
I guess Americans don't consider them that bad due to our nigger problem and Europeans don't consider them to be that bad because of their Arab problem.
Justin Mitchell
>this They are insufferable at uni. We just had a cheating scandal here where gook tutors would mark up gook students and mark down anyone with an english sounding name
Kayden Miller
there is nothing in this world i hate more then Chinese people. not even Nazis.
Jonathan Ortiz
>Hating the only people who can out-jew a Jew
As expected.
Jayden Sullivan
How do we speed it up
I want to be a dog and bite all the bubbles
Liam Scott
>"muh east aryans" "muh honorary aryans" That is just Japanese, and they aren't too bad.
In South Brisbane there are several "claimed" areas by Chinks and Vietnamese and they are both disgusting and smell terrible. Have you been to one of their markets? I was nauseous, fucking disgusting.
William Scott
false Hong Kong and Singapore are independent countries held by Britain, much like the colonies of Africa (South Africa, Rhodesia) had cities with malls and technology stores while the Africans were given 'homelands'.
Andrew Rivera
you mad brah
John Reed
Parker Turner
By the way, whatever happened to the results of the latest Census?
It's almost like they're deliberately withholding them so everyone forgets about it.
Isaiah Jackson
Good lad
Angel Brooks
>Hong Kong and Singapore are independent countries held by Britain
we were held by britain you stupid cuck. until they decided to abandon us after world war 2. Singapore is the only country in the world with independence thrust upon them.
James Lee
We're bringing in 600,000 people every year (mainly curries, sandniggers and soulless insectoids)
We have 200,000 new jobs every year
We have 200,000 school leavers every year
Remember these statistics and tell everyone you know
Nathaniel Ramirez
the chinese people that own the convienence store by my house use to live in straya land.
the way they explained it to me is that alot of chinese people go to straya temporarily before moving somewhere else.
the idea is they can learn english in a more tolerant easy going place than jumping straight into america or where ever they want to go.
Luis Murphy
>We're bringing in 600,000 people every year This cannot be fucking true, is it?
Lucas Allen
> Straya > Tolerant I have never seen more casually racist people than Australians.
Brody Adams
How the fuck do chinese just get residence everywhere? Is there some behind close doors deal to just give them visas and citizenships?
Ethan Cooper
>in a more tolerant easy going place
Fuck how the mighty have fallen
Carter Kelly
No. But it is still way too many, last year was nearly 400k. That includes people on student and 457 visas because we all know they don't go home.
Anthony Gomez
why don't you ask them? oh yeah..
John Lee
You fucking bet it is
They never include the 457s or student visas in the total immigration number
Bob Katter is big on this shit, he is redpilled af in all his goybook videos
Jose Hughes
Angela White looks the best when she is taking Asian cock
Dominic Gray
Her Japanese vids are nice also
Thomas Kelly
Asian cocks look like that weird pseudopenis a clitoris turns into while taking testosterone pills.
Thomas Lewis
Chinks have triad and tong groups in every community. They're completely ran by the Chinese mafia. All that real estate is bought with drug and gambling money.
Parker Parker
Same as how mexicans legally migrate to usa 1 guy who legit took a job (probably high skilled) with no locals took up, had a sparkly clean record and will beat just about any point system And he can offer then temporary residency to family and friends with 0 problems Those people make connections in australia, with a permanent address and start a business
Adam Barnes
So you'll become a 50/50 East Asian and White nation.
The rest of us are becoming 50/50 Arab/Black and White nation.
Fucking stop complaining you cunts, you have literally nothing to complain about.
>muh somewhat less safe roads >muh chink signs everywhere >where all the blonde people at?
fuck off
Hunter Flores
>50/50 lol
Noah Harris
typical aussie to extract the only irrelevant part of the post
Juan Foster
asian master race taking over
Jose Howard
What annoys me, is they have zero spacial awareness.
How can these assholes grow up in countries full of hundreds of millions of gooks. But they can't manage to not take up an entire footpath or shopping centre isle on their own?
I've taken to telling them to get out of my way or I'll "punch them right back to their own country".
It's so bad about some parts of Brisbane I feel alone in my own country. If it isn't the gooks and poos, it's the fucking krauts. Nobody is speaking English.
I don't give a fuck if the Germans are white, they come down here with their liberal ideology from the cucked Merkelreich and suddenly your whole town is full of sissy kraut faggots.
The amount of immigrants here is obscene.
Bentley Cox
Because your dick knows what's best
Ian Martinez
South side or North? Is North still white?
Ayden Roberts
>Enjoy your children being unemployed because billionaire chink tycoons who got rich off chink crypto-slave labour have bought the entire country and only hire their slant cronies
This. Chinks are just Jews who are not as good at hiding in plain sight.
Daniel Watson
>t. Yellow fevered weeb faggot
Sebastian Hill
Holy fuck I think this every single time I have to walk around Toronto. Chinks will walk slow as shit, 5 abreast, in the middle of the sidewalk. I've started just barreling through mindless chinks.
Eli Moore
>What is housing density.
Luke Gray
house prices are massively inflated everywhere, even in the country
Noah Brooks
In Atlanta, our biggest thing is niggers, and they don't take up too much space in my experience. I don't use MARTA though, so I'm not sure about social networking ettiquette.
Charles Martin
>Integration is a joke anyway however, international migrants should not be here to begin with. Civic nationalism (forced integration) is just multiculturalism by another name. It worked just fine in the past, but that was integrating a few families here and there, not entire fucking suburbs at a time (which doesn't work)
Wyatt Scott
>that'll be $500k + tip for this single bedroom apartment in a high capacity unit
Dominic Lee
uuhhh come to canada m80
Logan Sanders
but whats with all the asian hate? Asians are fine.
Colton Morales
Fuck off gook scum
Jonathan Richardson
Nah it always takes longer than a year before they release them. They have to do some number-crunching and always make sure a report is done up with some analysis essays first to release with the data so people and the press can make sense of the data and are aware of some of the major observations.
The census is going so depressing and black-pilling. Asians and Islam will dominate.
Leo Phillips
I know we are going to be less than 90% white, but how I am afraid to know how bad it will be. It's disgusting.