1. Better skin tone. Forget the pale ghoulishness skin of Caucasians with beautiful bronze skin of East Asians.
2. Better cheekbones. Most Caucasians are narrow faced dweebs, East Asians have the best prominent cheekbones of any race.
3. Fuller lips. Caucasians have no lips at all.
4. Better hair. Asians have a lower incidence of balding, higher incidence of NW0, coupled with thick voluminous hair. An improvement on the stringy, dandruff ridden, thinning hair of Whites.
5. Superior Intellect. Less primitive and higher IQ.
6. No body odor. East Asians produce little to no natural body odor and sweat less.
7. More thickset abdomen with thicker legs, especially calves. White boys have chicken legs.
8. Better fat distribution. Caucasians gain unsightly bunches around their stomachs especially Visceral. Whilst Asians fat mass is evenly distributed.
9. Superior Aging. Caucasians age like milk,
10. More 'aesthetic'. Eurasians have an ethereal beauty about them, that can not be attained by Caucasians.
East Asians are more attractive than Whites
Other urls found in this thread:
Hitler said that the Japanese are also aryans
In before butt hurt lanklets
Bog looked good young
Not even close. Try again OP, or better yet just kill yourself.
White people just admit East Asians are more beautiful than you.
Two things.
On the Physical attractiveness thing, I can't really speak about men of either race 'cause it's always dicy for a stright male t evaluate which men are more attractive because we're not the ones to tell. What I CAN say, with absolute confidence, is that the most beautiful women, and the most attractive partners, are white females, there's just no competition on that. As pretty and cute asian females can look they simply aren't as well-built as white women nor as facially exquisite. What I extrapolate from that is that it should be the same for the males of each respective race. At least it would make sense.
On the IQ stuff, there's this huge misconception that east-asians "are smarter" than caucasians which isn't necessarily true. They certainly tend to have a higher average IQ than caucasians but they also have a lower standard deviation value on their bell curve, meaning that they have less "dumb people" but they also are weaker than whites on the higher scales (120~130+IQ)
squint eyes cant eve see
cant drive a gf anywhere
unathletic as fuck
flat face
usually either fat as fuck or skinny as fuck
le cookies are ready joffrey
t. scoobert
On average, when they're young, they're very attractive.
They spoil fast, though.
That's some collossal b8. Inb4 400 replies.
Micropenis is a medical condition that afflicts mostly white people. Asians dont have micropenis.
Enjoy your 5" peepee Chong, no one else will.
Don't use the typical muh dick argument, there are plenty more arguments than that.
This is more true than what OP said.
And that is why I always watch asian twink porn!
>not even east asian women believe this
>their cosmetic surgery all involves making them look more like caucasians
>their cartoon porn all look like caucasians
even though you're a cocksucker who hates white people i agree that asian-white is not repugnant like black-anyotherrace.
only white and asian females are attractive the men look like traps. Soon you will be able to choose the gender of your children, please for the sake of the child only chose daughters. i know it is hard to accept but the world is gonna be and african one! Take care, friends ;)
Lmao get help EurasianTiger.
You are fucking insane and I have already reported your all accounts, pretty sure you are on at least one watchlist.
Everyday I thank the lord I was born a white man and not a hapa. BTW you looj asian as fuck. 200% more asian than actual asians lmao.
What's your opinion on David Bond OP?
Is this an Oriental supremacy board nao
What do you think of Squattin Casanova or the other tens of thousands of Asian PUA men on Youtube picking up White girls?
who is that?
in addition Asians are more family orientated and less degenerate (in general) than whites.
Asians are superior yet due to the mainstream media depicting them as beta cucks they lose out.
I'm still not seeing anyone here actually presenting any compelling arguments as to why east asian males are better romantic partners than caucasian males.
I'm open to debate.
>better romantic partners
The biological reason for sex is to inject male sperm into a vagina to have children. What ethnic/racial group has the highest worldwide population?
Man I'd love to behead a Chinese faggot. Evil disgusting cunts.
Yes that doesn't have anything to do with agricultural capacity at all
Even if it was true that east asians have a higher reproductive rate it would be of no consequence as to the quality of the offspring.
What you are basically suggesting is that east asians are somehow more r inclined than whites, which, in my view, makes east asians worse in the long run.
jeff is like 5'9, that guy must a mega manlet
Forlast 500 years, Europeans have dominated the planet having the highest incomes, wealth, technology, etc. It has only been in the last 100 year that East Asians have been playing catch-up (and will probably surpass the West in the future) and yet with all these advantages, Whites are shrinking percentage of the global population.
Again, what is the biological need for sex ???
>l-look at these asian men with american sluts
what are you trying to prove?
asians can take their turn on american trash?
give me a break, literally no woman in Europe would ever even touch a gook.
go back to your shed
Just gonna drop it here.
You forgot the average size of penis is ridiculously small meaning majority of asians cannot properly please women.
Of course, the Jew wants to promote BBC.
Jungle Asian pride, worldwide.
>mfw even kikes are calling gooks out about their dicks
>mfw asians cant pull muh iq on jews
Im not promoting bbc, i know that white people have a much greater chance of a penis size that can properly please women
Chinese in mainland China are factory produce,tpyou can see imperfections,they all have like clearly visible production defects,like a huge hairy mole or some weird finger or some shit ,it's truly amazing is like even the chinese are made in China, while japanese are a higher quality product...I'm still fucking amazed by it
Ps I don't know if you're chinese or not so it ain't an attack on you.
For the las 200 years that is correct,500 years ago we were still trying to fend off the ottomans who had just conquered constantinople and we had barely kicked the moors out of spain, chan was faring way better,even when spanish nd portuguese went to japan they copied the arquebus and in 20 years they had more arqueabuses than all of europe (that's why they went to korea and btfo of all koreans and chinese in land battles (but lost in the sea battles so had to go back to japan)
It wasn't until the industrial revolution we got some leverage in wich our industry out produced asia.till then asia was stronger economically and it wasn't until the opium wars than England could impose her will on China till then China only accepted silver and the rest of the trading partners had to comply even if they used gold
It's only a joke, Chaim.
These threads are always funny, watching white autists become butt blasted like this is hilarious.
>and will probably surpass the West in the future
What makes think this is even a possibility? The best you have ever been in relation to the West was in the 80's/90's and that was just because you flooded the international market with all your quickly made shit that you accomplished by overworking all your men to death.
The West still leads the world in innovation in pretty much all of the scientific, technological and artistic fields and there's no reason to believe that will sto being the case. All you people seem to do really really well is copy our ideas and mass-produce them.
>Fuller lips. Caucasians have no lips at all.
>The girl in your pic literally has bigger lips
OP = faggot
Oh, come on. I'm Asian and even I know Asians strive to look like whites all the time.
Of course op is a fag got probably is a pasta but I can't remember anyways the asians age like milk...i dont think that's a compliment I know lots of asians ain't keen on milk but aged milk ain't nice...
Aged Milk is what you see ipon the fridge and simply seeing it causes a gag because you remember the smell of aged milk...how the fuck is that a compliment?
well they are honorary aryans after all...
>5. Superior Intellect. Less primitive and higher IQ.
less primitive, huh?
is that why a chinese child can be beaten out in the street and literally no one bats an eye.
and with that high IQ of yours, how come asia is such a shithole?
Latinos are better we age slowly and actually look like human beings with souls unlike robotic Asians
would def bang that THICCCC white slore
I'm going to agree with him, Flip men (the ones who have money) dress like westerners, no one strives to dress like Koreans or Japs since it looks faggy.
A ok my bad I read it wrong anyways a white people don't age badly,it depends on genetics I've seen asian women melt like a bad wax statue after the menopause.it all depends on the person.
Overall I like asians way more than anything that ain't white or my rape babies
KEK op btfo
Cool story coming from a degenerate Brit. Your culture consists of drinking and beating up people who support a different football team.
i'm a fucking cuck, i like to watch my white, blue-eye'd wife get fucked by niggers with big manly cocks.
>posts mestizo
hey, ling ping. whatcha doin?
Basically you just explained that Asian men are more beta and feminine and are low test.
Now kys faggot
>be rugged
>grow beard
>hunt animals
>poop outside
>feels good man
Call me than i'll fuck yo wife mugafuga muh dik.
Asian masculinity back at it again with the hapa meme
That's photoshopped,the rodied body is in full tension and his face (and neck)don't belong if you see the light doesn't correspond as there is shadow in his face and not in his body and the colour ain't the same
>Ps I don't know if you're chinese or not so it ain't an attack on you.
I refuse to believe a Spanish guy doesn't recognize our flag, And to suggest that I might be a chinese dude living in Portugal is a wild shot in the dark.
And just to make a quick comment; even the japanese people have their general imperfections which I guess is from all the inbreeding. When you watch nip porn it's astounding how many of the girls a«have really fucked up bodies, and a huge percentage of them have this disgustang ass shape where their tailbone seems to protrude urther than their butt cheeks and it's just the nastiest thing.
We used to actually be attractive, too. Compare pic related to any k-pop band today, we've become pussified as fuck. Won't lie that our women are still the best, though.
White dudes always shit on Asian men because they are stealing their 'women', like niggers. Also like niggers, white men only date ugly Asians. Asian guys don't date ugly white girls, even if they are ugly af, if you see an Asian with a white girl she will at least be a 5. A white guy will almost never get an Asian above a 6, and even that is rare. Best part is, is these white losers legitimately think they have a hot girl. It's so pathetic.
I'm kinda pissed on your behalf that your women are so popular. Seems rather unfair that it should be so unbalanced.
It's just the Japanese media catering to what the majority wants, twinky looking guys playing action heros.
All Asians are scary ugly, in a ghosts from Ju-On kind of way.
average asian is a cuck
Most women don't want to date a criminal though.
Fair. White men take our women, so we take their women.
I have no problem with asian men racemixing with white women. Literally absolutely none. I've gotten a long great with a lot of Asian guys, and we can prevent the Muslim hordes from destroying civilization.
I think it's funny how that jewtube faggot thinks anybody cares if a chink fucks a white woman. It's so rare, literally nobody cares. Everyone and their dog would rationalize it and say " at least it wasn't a nigger, the father will be around, and the kids will be smart" and they'd be right.
Eurasian """"Writer"""", you're a nigger. 0% white, 0% Asian, 100% nigger. If I had a hapa son, he would kick your ass.
feel free to stop posting anytime saku
For now. They are robbing you with trade, sending their best students to your best universities, and one day will be richer and better educated than Americans. Best part is, the average Chinese will still be poor compared to you when they overtake your economy. Once they become equally prosperous, the US will be even less relevant than the EU is right now.
It's a fact.
Maybe in Canada. The days of Asians trying to look white are gone, they follow Korea for trends now instead of the West.
Really? It's probably the colonial mentally but Korean fashion just looks very feminine, great for women, sucks for guys.
>East Asians are more attractive than Whites
Dumb white larp
>6. No body odor. East Asians produce little to no natural body odor and sweat less.
LMAO that is complete bullshit. You dirty Jap tourists in Hawaii sweat ALL the time in a climate with hardly any humidity.
You all smell like stinky cunts from the whale shark you all ate that morning.
Tbh Asian men shouldn't be upset that racemixing Asian women are being filtered. There's like 2 billion of us, it's basically impossible to cuck our race. Besides, the best Asian women will always be faithful to their own race, as is with all races' women.
我不會撒謊,我以前投票給特朗普。 看到特朗普碰撞和燃燒是有趣的。 但在所有嚴重性,我們不能讓他獲得核代碼
I agree personally, but that's considered attractive there. Macho men, not as much.
The ironic thing is Sup Forums Hypocritically embrace WMAF
fuck pol
The nly way Asians can surpass Whites is if Whites let them. As simple as that. If asians did not exist our world would be the same. I Whites didn't exist evryone would still be in the medieval ages fighting with swords and dying from a cold.
With globalisation we've been very open and generous with our info and they had all the access they wanted t western technology, and even after nearly two centuries and places like Chine relentlessly and blatantly just stealing intellectual prperty from western companies and all of asia having this insane culture of working their population to death for the prosperity of the country the west is still the place all the human progress comes from.
You keep telling yourself that, poo.
white men breed the best looking asians on earth. dont forget that.
And yet pol go for asian women
Ugly asian women