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I don't get it? Milo is sucking black dick right now.
Both funded by jews
milo may not be /our guy/ but hes better than most normies
Milo would be hanging off MLKs dick like MLK from a tree
He's gasoline that's dangerous and we don't want anything to do with him. But we should pour him over the antifa and let them light themselves on fire.
both republicans, and both proof that democrats are the real racists and homophobes
they have kept blacks on the democrat plantation for too long, and they hate gays by bringing muslims here
i will never understand why blacks do not vote republican, the republican party freed the slaves and gave them the right to vote
I don't really care for Milo that much because all he does is say some mildly edgy shit and may throw a few facts in while doing it. Kind of neat how he makes liberals explode with rage because he challenges there world view by being a gay guy who doesn't agree with them though.
Best metaphor I have heard in a long time.
What's up with all of the foreign posters today? And how come I'm banned from posting unless I'm on my home network? Wtf is this shit?
I know literally nothing about him. I only hear about Milo in /pol.
Americucks btfo
Both faggots
This is too insightful for the average polfag to comment on so please, have this you
Absolutely subversive
I like it
Progresserv here.
You are not even close. Free speech is just a bullshit talking point for reactionary conservatives who want to get a more comfy racist sized safespace. But I do have to give him credit in triggering the left and showing just how bad they can be. But to me that has less to do with some kind of big movement and more just how social media has elevated a lot of really dumb and shitty people to create active communities of retardom that's both more isolated and more visible than before.
But it's not like he's some great fighter. More that he's this token gay jew who found a niche and is comfy with just playing his cards and not looking back.
Only reason he got big is that he took a central part in GG and converted that e-celeb status smoothely into something more trump and "alt-right" reactionary focus.
quality post straya
Pretty much
this, literally, and both sexual degenerates (MLK was a massive adulterer)
>free speech is bullshit
Go back to work, Winston
mlk was a christian republican
and a massive fraud and moral degenerate
attached is a declassified document from the FBI to MLK written in 1963, urging him to kill himself.
> MLK and Milo are civil rights leaders
W-what? I thought SJWs are the ones who fight for SOCIAL JUSTICE and civil rights?
> Free speech is bullshit
> comfy racist safespace
t. 17 year old who has absolutely no clue about free speech but baits bretty dan gud
BTFO commie and go get a job at IKEA