This was posted on OccupyDemocrats.
This was posted on OccupyDemocrats.
Other urls found in this thread:
>spring arrives in a month
respond to OccupyDemocrats with this pic
That video spooked the fuck out of me.
These people are unable to think in terms unrelated to pop culture.
>le ebin reference
Who /snownigger/ here?
Winter is ending. Just like the left
Shake all you want, never going to get you out of your closed little world.
They are kind of right, look up the Maunder Minimum of the solar cycle.
We have an ice age coming that will likely render most of Central Asia and the Middle East uninhabitable for possibly centuries do to freezing temperatures and droughts.
The "refugees" are the tip of the ice berg.
Game of Thrones is just propaganda to get you subconsciously used to seeing such things.
We have Finnish memelords on our side
>Winter is coming
"Snowflakes" wouldn't last a day facing a real winter.
Pic is where I bring my kids for winter holidays.
Progressives stay in their urban bubbles, complaining if the temperature falls beneath 10 degrees celcius.
They complain it it's too hot, they complain if it's too cold, they complain if it rains, they complain when it doesn't rain.
The liberal (urbanus cucktus) can only survive and thrive in an indoor setting, where the humidity and temperature are strictly controlled. When placed into an outdoor environment they display aggressive and antagonistic behavior before curling up into the fetal position and babbling incoherently until they are moved back inside. They are worried about global warming for this very reason, as any increase in global temperatures will render their entire species extinct.
These people are fucking stupid winter is 80% over. #SummerIsComing
Warning to snowflakes: Global Warming.
>there are roughly one billion snowflakes in one cubic foot of snow
>one cubic foot is equal to 1728 cubic inches
>one cubic inch on snow therefore contains 578703.7 snowflakes
>63 million snowflakes voted for Hillary
>this is equal to 108 cubic inches of snow
>this is the volume of an average grapefruit.
I brushed more snow than that off the windshield of my truck this morning.
Yes, you will all soon be heaped into piles en masse.
and dont forget that the fire is rising
They always have to relate their shitty HBO shows to real life.
>can't even produce original memes
winter-chan /ourgirl/
That's actually very clever
>Winter is coming, but the fire is rising.
I'd meme it
who /menofthewall/ here?
Rocksalt is coming. Fired from my AR-15.
>winter is coming
>its February
niggers sure are stupid
Swedish military, up north. Wish i could partake in some god tier norwegian winters tho..
Anons please report this garbage and get it off our timeline
Can't these faggots do anything without making a retarded pop culture reference?
The pictures from a German. Goodjob cucking yourself again swede
Is that the Guldensporenslag?
Actually winter is nearing it's end. The spring equinox begins on March 20.
>day of the shovel
>urban cucktus
thank you for my new word of choice
>Novritch is from Austria
>Le american education system
>day of the sun rays
>day of the shovel
>winter is coming
thank fuck we got a trump-train plow
What is winter?
t. Florida
How can winter come when there is "global warming."
collectivist ideology is coming
We welcome the cold. We dream of it. All true whites do.
Just pack heat and you'll be fine
what video?
We call democrats, "Obstructionist" now.
nigga all i gotta do is wear a coat
All the snowflakes are going to fall down?