This board is definitely racist and full of awful people.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves for being so racist in 2017.
Go get jobs and girlfriends, you losers.
This board is definitely racist and full of awful people.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves for being so racist in 2017.
Go get jobs and girlfriends, you losers.
meme trump into office
pick one antnigger
You should not speak badly of the people here. You will only radicalize them.
We'll get jobs and wives, but we won't stop being racists.
I have no idea what race you are but I hate you more than anything ever
>have kids
>hate niggers
Not mutually exclusive. Kindly neck yourself
Wtf we aren't racist
>1 post by this id
We're not a board of racism any more than Islam is a religion of violence. You're casting everyone here into the same boat because of the actions of a vocal minority. This is like condemning Islam on the basis of a few people. It's only going to cause radicalisation.
>using the word racist unironically
>in [the current year]
NOT ALL Sup Forums
kill yourself nigger
You shut your whore mouth. I hate EVERYBODY EQUALLY.
Fucking normie.
Ha Jokes on you!
i think girls are gross
oh and also
fuck you nigger
Have job and long term girlfriend. Still hate the scum of society, which disproportionately include Muslims, blacks, and abbos
>tfw 26 years old, own my own house thanks to military savings (if you want to serve, don't spend your cash on useless shit).
>studying biochem
>gf of 7 years is pregnant and we have $50k set aside for everything we'll need
>im a loser because i dislike hillary clinton and don't think violence is the correct response to political debate
It's hard living around drooling retards, but things are getting better everyday.
What a timeline to be based.
Its a shame we cant get a job shitposting like you shill.
getting an education through memes. Sup Forums in a nutshell.
I own a business and my wife hates jews and niggers too.
Post yfw you don't have a white-trash hillbillie conservative wife that calls you Daddy as you slide your cock into her ass.
>This board is definitely racist
Racist is a meaningless term, give us your definition of racism and then you might be surprised at our ideas about it.
No most people here are cucks and are barely racist
Haven't you seen HWNDU, it's full of shitskins who are here for the memes
As a black guy, i'm just here for muslim hates, black from the hood's hate, SJW's hate and memes.
Couldn't you find more nigger mouth and potato quality jpg? Low effort bait
MFW the Racism on Sup Forums was satire.
Go get hung from a tree you christmas ornament.
So don't let it get under your skin. You're obviously new here.