How the fuck did they get dragged into THIS?
How the fuck did they get dragged into THIS?
maybe it's a movie about antifa beating up cops
Look at that beard. God Mel Gibson is based.
movie is actually a pro-cop movie and the lies of the left
They'll be playing the cops
OP here. Just read up on it, apparently this movie is going to be pretty based.
>Gibson and Vaughn will play cops who are suspended when a video of their strong-arm tactics gets wide attention. They then descend into the criminal underworld to exact vengeance.
maybe its pro police brutality?
>tfw they are sneakily announcing leathal weapon 5 riggs + new character vaugn
Mel asked for it, vince got the cross.
They didn't get dragged into it, they're gonna create the greatest pro-cop movie of all time and redpill millions. Cap this.
Isn't Vaughn for the 2nd amendment ?
Reminds me of that old movie "Colors" with Robert Duvall and Sean Penn.
Oh my god that sounds fucking awesome. Pls let t be.
This is going to be a GOAT teamup.
I feel like Mel's grooming him to follow in his footsteps.
Vicious Vince in Max Max when?
Is that Mel "put kikes in the oven" Gibson?
Based Mel is actually based unlike his fellow fag countrymen.
>That glorious beard
I hope it's a pro-white nationalist buddy cop comedy.
Fpbp satan confirms.
that sounds fucking rad
Also why don't Americans ever read past a headline?
Does the morbid obesity impacted around your eye sockets prevent you from looking further down the page or something?
So basically an updated Death Wish then.
Bronson would be pleased.
[spoiler]its pro police brutality[/spoiler]
apologize now
It's a comedy. A real feel good movie about killing niggers.
>That beard
Jesus, that beard is badass.
Vince needs to up his game.
Dudde anything mel gibson is in and Producing, directing, and acting in, all on his own going to be either super Christian or super based with no mention of Jews at all.
Hacksaw Ridge was the first ww2 movie ive ever seen that didnt even mention jews. not once.
How have (((they))) not shut this down?
it'sgonna be amazing
That's a Twitter post you inbred faggot. There is no further reading by scrolling down.
Make beards masculine again
I don't wanna pay shekels to hollywood anymore but that sounds breddy gud.
>That beard
Has Mel Gibson been living innawoods for the last aayear?
Only terms are they get to be the ones bashing the niggers head in kek
Their reactions to the Meryl Streep debacle, I would assume.
Oh fuck, that sounds like a good movie.
Based Mel
>all-star cast as the lefties
>Mel and Vince play 2 sadistic buddy cops
>show up for first day of shooting
>"Okay this is gonna be the riot scene, PLACES"
>Alec Baldwin suddenly notices they have been given no lines
>George Clooney remarks that it seems a bit odd that there are no cameras or mics
>Meryl Streep finds it highly unprofessional that there wasn't a propmaster on set to do a safety check on the fake guns in Mel and Vince's hands
>Mel takes aim and shouts
filmed on location in the middle of the Mojave desert
Required watching for every 4channer.
Make Hollywood based again. Gib business and make people see that the public wants to watch pro-cop movies
This is going to piss A LOT of people off.
Therefore I'm going to fucking love it.
Mel Gibson is batshit crazy but every once in a while he comes out with something 10/10.
In the movie they play the cop protagonists. They're the good guy renegade cops who don't play by the rules. Variety is saying its about police brutality in a bad way
So click the link you donut eating hotdog fucking spastic.
lol trump cant grow a beard, need high test for that
Mel's joints are self funded.
1. They are playing the cops.
2. The cops get fired for using excessive force.
3. The cops turn into vigilantes.
4. The rest of the movie is them handing out beatings to people who deserve it.
It's literally "Based: The Movie".
>Maybe something as good as yours truly?
we can only hope
Based as fuck, can't wait desu, I want some old school Mel in action.
It will make billions, fuxking do it
Third movie when?
Shit, I thought you were obviously trolling because Hollywood would never allow a movie that awesome to be made, but it's true.
Im seeing it.
>batshit crazy
he is just overdosed on redpills, it looks like insanity to a NORMIE like you. He is too aware for (((Hollywood))) to control so he is consistently blacklisted from movies. He sees the jews for what they are and it drives fucking nuts, along with his backstabbing whore wife.
Good for him for making his own movies and doing well while every Ultra-jew movie gets BTFO at the box office. see: Ghostbusters
Getting redpilled cost me to lose respect for many entertainment stars but it made me appreciate and understand Mel's works a lot more.
their (((overlords))) weren't too happy when they saw pic attached so they forced them into this movie
Nice fuggin hair cut Vince
holy shit it sounds like kek has been working on hollyjew
idk i personally hated the comedy overtaking the second one, i'm all for a third if they make it good vs evil vigilante irish baddassery, we could only hope it would be about fighting back against rapefugee attacks tho
>please make this happen in real life
Noice, It's like end of watch but with Michael Brown
based Mel produces his own shit
>Icon Productions
This. Good fucking job ruining their careers, pol
mel clapped when she was finished
what are they, best buddies now?
it's called conformity, nigger.
Mel Gibson looks like Albert pike. Kek works in mysterious ways
Bad Goys, Bad Goys, whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when (((they))) come for you?
No way this is real. I refuse to believe this is real. This is Variety doing some sort of alt-right trolling. No way am I believing this.
i think if we memed this into reality the spacetime continuum would be destroyed from the hearty KEKs
>tfw no gf to go to the cinema
>tfw going to the cinema alone feels weird
I'm tired of all this winning
that sounds pretty good actually
Based Mel saving cinema once again
wear your MAGA hat and friends will find you
Why do nonwhites love the term "based"
This bad goy just can't stop dropping redpills, he's gonna get vetted for 10 years again, absolutely BASED
Love these guys.
dorner cameo pls
So, we all agree to meme this into the Oscars, right?
>tfw no MAGA hat
I get Mel, but what has Vince done to qualify himself as a based man? Doesn't he always act in shitty romantic comedies?
>police brutality movie
>its pro police brutality
kek based mel
Wtf i love Mel Gibson now??
>ywn take a ride on Mad Mel's BBQ Bar Mitzvah Bus with Mel, Vince, and other redpilled actors