>southern """"""culture""""""
Why are southerners the niggers of white people
Florida fag btw.
>southern """"""culture""""""
Why are southerners the niggers of white people
Florida fag btw.
Other urls found in this thread:
>southerners are the niggers of white people
>the literal niggers of southern people
I've met more mudsharks and thieves in Florida than anywhere I've ever been.
you are worst yankee. you are the yankee idiot you are the yankee smell. return to new england. to our pennsylvania cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,west virginia we will never forgeve you. hillbilly rascal FUck but fuck asshole yankee stink union kansas shmansas..battle of fredericksburg best day of my life. take a bath of dead yankee..ahahahahahBOSTON WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget john wilkes booth.fords theater we kill the king , dc return to your precious maryland….hahahahaha idiot yankee and catholic smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE CHOWDER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. south carolina+virginia+texas+georgia=kill union…you will war of northern aggression/ dale earnhardt alive in dixie, earnhardt racing cars in dixie . fast driver earnhardt dixie. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of dale earnhardt… you are ppoor stink yankee… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a crab shack
dale earnhardt alive numbr one #1 in dixie ….fuck the north ,..FUCKk ashol yankees no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. earnhardt aliv and real strong wizard kill all the yankee farm aminal with car magic now we the south rise again .kenya presidant barak obama fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and union wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. confederacy greattst countrey
florida a shit, get fucked by crocodiles OP.
this guy is a jew pretending to be a country musician so his hollywood buddies think hes clever.
tho russkis was the niggers of white people
How does it hold up to this Country classic
No thats the Swedes
> tfw Cali fag
> tfw in love with southern culture
> tfw no southern qt grill will ever marry an almost-sandnigger commiefornia fag
Why live brothers
Because nigger culture has infested southern culture.
Southerners that aren't infected are wholesome and some of the best people you will know.
This is now a redneck music thread
Why is literally every amateur cuckold porn always a redneck?
go fuck yourself
I prefer this
Michigan fag here
>tfw when you won
b-but m-muh d-dixie
Because the jew fears the cowboy.
Fuck the South
Bunch of no good, mountain dew drinking, tobacco chewing, inbred cocksuckers. Your women are coalburning sluts and you "men" are a bunch of closet fags who fuck each other in the ass when you go hunting in the woods.
Eat shit and die.
How about you learn to type proper English or else go back to wherever the hell it is you came from?
You already tried to genocide us for not having the same ideals as you
But the country boy will survive.
Thats a comedy album you simp.
he is a jew and he does what jews do
Nah, southerners are great. Much nicer and down to earth compared to LA filth
>this isn't satire
>meaning not done by a jew
>literally some guy in a hotel with a camcorder
Southern Honor culture aside, the south is a cesspool wasteland of white trash and we are better off without them.
Nigger tier useful idiots susceptible to base line propaganda.
>falling for modified copy pasta
>But the country boy will survive.
Really? You wouldn't last one minute where I'm from, Cletus. You can't handle a concrete jungle. Stick to the boondocks where you can fuck your sister and drink moonshine.
I fucking love southern music desu.
>go back to wherever the hell it is you came from?
Why don't you fucking leave since you obviously can't identify a spin on a classic copypasta?
southern culture died 1865.
Read "Black Rednecks And White Liberals." Sowell explains it all.
No matter what happens to the world I know I can eat tomorrow. All I have to do is walk into the woods. You on the other hand? if crisis ever hits you will have to wait for the government to feed you or take from your neighbors.
>Nobody recognized "YU ARE WORST TURK" shitposting
Holy shit, Sup Forums seriously is 90% newfags nowadays.
Originals are always the best.
you cucks will never
>have a thicc corn fed southern gal that can cook, knows how to raise children, with good christian morals and values
>drive a lifted truck
>midnight cookout/bojangles runs
>know everyone in town
>drink sweet tea on your front porch
>work outside
>say "sir" and "mam"
>have manners
>act respectfully in general
Hope you get mauled by a bear :)
>damage control
So much damage. I can't even begin to express how much it hurts.
>have a thicc corn fed southern gal that can cook, knows how to raise children, with good christian morals and values
LOL. Your "christian" southern gal is nothing but a cumdumpster for niggers. Every time I walk through wal-mart I see nothing but white single mothers pushing a cart with 3 niglets by her side.
>drive a lifted truck
Enjoy getting 10 miles to the gallon :)
>midnight cookout/bojangles runs
>know everyone in town
Living in a small town sucks. No privacy or intimacy whatsoever.
>drink sweet tea on your front porch
Enjoy diabetes :)
>work outside
I do work outside, what's so special about it?
>say "sir" and "mam"
>have manners
>act respectfully in general
What, you want a cookie for having decent parents?
Well then go back home you Yankee fuck.
God Bless, user.
its atually swedes. you are called snowniggers for a reason
>Florida fag
Florida is not Southern.
Thats a comedy cd you fucking retard, its satire, dudes name is ben something, he did the ben show on comedy central.
Fugg, who is the artist? I'll support him, and I don't even like country.
Southerners are the only uncucked whites left in America
Texas country is good
Nothing more pathetic than "south will rise again" larpers. You guys literally tore this country in half to keep niggers here. Lincoln wanted to send them back you fucking faggots.
>Yankee faggots still salty they lost the culture war
You do realize that guy's a comedian, right?
But it was the North who agressed us. All we wanted to do was fuck off and be left alone
Florida has an absurd amount of white trash
I wouldn't jump to conclusions op
Yep. he was a failed comedian. Made some edgelord country music- people bought it. This is his life now.
You stay the fuck away from Alabama, boy.
>1 Post by this ID
I bet you don't even live in Florida you nigger.
>tfw Florida voted for Trump
>tfw would always be red if we could just nuke the cuban cancers known as Orlando and Miami
Wheeler Walker Jr, the based country artist.
You've clearly never been to the South
>Sup Forums is all neo/pol/
>a good meme goes mistreated
Southroach posting gud bosting
>going to walmart
decent southern folk use their local grocer and mom and pop shops, fag. If I'm gonna buy a new knife, I don't go to walmart, I go see Greg at his shop.
(Dox of CTR members)
His name is Benjamin Fischbein
Nice b8 this is a comedy album, niggers are too dumb to even look into it before posting unfunny memes
>implying Which One 'o You Queers Gonna Suck my Dick isn't song of the year
smdh tbqh familia
I don't know why you're surprised. Hardly anyone here today made the jump from Sup Forums to Sup Forums - they're just straight from reddit.
>bears in the south
Keep fighting please I need more laughs
There's your problem. Southern belles shop at Target.
Florida has all the awful white trash degenerates. They're the exception that proves the rule.
You knew someone would..
No ones saying there aren't coalburning cumdumpsters all over Walmart...
theyre alligators u poofta
Trashy white people are everywhere. The South was just able to brand it.
Florida has crocodiles as well.
you faggots realize that this is parody, right?
wheeler walker jr is the weird al of country music.
How would you possibly know that or even make that assertion?
Florida has an absurd amount of retired Yankees living in trailer parks, acting like they're better than everybody because they were smart enough to get the hell out of the cold. Something a rat can figure out..
>Still get to be Western, but not Southern
Feels good man.
You mean Ben Hoffman the jew, right?
Fun fact most of the local stores in the south were/arr owned and ran by Jews.
>>have a thicc corn fed southern gal that can cook, knows how to raise children, with good christian morals and values
Fat who just deep fries everything, and thinks Applebees is fine dining.
>drive a lifted truck
So you can scrape limbs while still having the same ground clearance.
>midnight cookout/bojangles runs
Drinking light beer and being around a bunch of obnoxious idiots.
>know everyone in town
And have no privacy. Also nothing to do in town. All the while your daughter gets knocked up at 14.
>drink sweet tea on your front porch
Sweet tea is white trash kool aid. Either make tea right, or brew sun tea.
>work outside
>say "sir" and "mam"
>have manners
>act respectfully in general
Implying these things are exclusive to the south.
While y'all are poking fun, know that I took this picture today.. in Georgia.
Enjoy your snow.
The white southerners (excluding the Planter/Slaver class) were originally settlers from North England (Midlands), Scotland Highlands, and Northern Ireland Scots (known as Scots-Irish here).
Today's "Southerners" are transplants from other of parts of country.
During the first half of the 1900s many white Southerners migrated north for manufacturing jobs.
During the cold war much of our Military Industrial Complex was located in the South.
>implying The Outlaw Josey Wales wasn't Clint's best role
>implying John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn wasn't his best role
>both confederates
how does it feel to have such shit taste?
It's like you don't even know about the High Plains Drifter.
How would you know?