Come home to baltics, white men

come home to baltics, white men

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>come home to baltics, white men
Come home to Russia, baltic men

God i hate everything about India. Please based pakistan nuke these subhuman cow piss drinking poo-in-loos.

Can i come to Latvia pls, im very white, Celtic roots, not well educated but hard worker, want to marry a white woman and raise white children.

are you into commieblocks and high suicide rates?

any baltic germans left up there? how do ethnic latvians view them?

or did stalin gulag us all after 45

Im pretty fucking close to suicide as it stands, maybe id fit in better in some dreary shithole surrounded by misery, other peoples joy just makes me sadder.

t. akmed

Enjoying your last few days in Murica, Muhammad?

>im very white, Celtic

mate i burn in british autumn, im as white as fucking snow.

Celts are not white.

were the fcking definition of white you petrol sniffing mong.

Fact: Latvians are the strongest race in the world

I much prefer Hindu Indians to Muslim not-Indians

why did they got owend by slavs ?

>t. ahmed


Pick one mongol

No you aren't.

literal backwaters of europe
you people are worst than slavs
I have never met a enjoyable human being from the baltics

I know you guys are upset that canada stole your crown but your just not putting the effort in anymore.

A rocket launcher...
Whatever reason you have to give I guess

just as we were going to let putin swallow you up you gotta pull my heartstrings like this
luv u bb

wtf I love latvia now

M4s should never be held at shoulder arm.

Is it the weather?

not really mate, i got some deep wounds, i dont know how to heal them.

Sorry dude

thanks man

you can come to Slovakia, worker shortage here right now, the pay is not as high as in UK of course, but adjusted to PPP you can live comfortably

one step, then the other. ad nasauem. that's life. struggle through the shit in order to get that delicious honey.

>deep wounds, i dont know how to heal them.
Turn pain into hatred, turn that hatred into motivation.

It. Pajeet


If whites are the master race why are countries like Latvia and Poland such shit holes?

wow, so we got a say in it? USA send 10k negros to Poland recently. They caused many accidents driving through the country, to the point they're called "special" forces now.


Come home, baltic man, we need your sprottas

Really cringey

t.nigger soldier
t.nigger Russian

>tfw never seen an anfrorussian
The only blacks you see in moscow are foreign students, I don't think they settle down since there's no gibs or career opportunities for them

Nah, he just post memes everyday i'm sick of it.

Estonia is based.

They give us finns home to go to.
Plus they have 10/10 girls everywhere, i've visited estonia 3 times and i've never seen a fat girl.


D- do you need white mediterranean men (spain)?
sometimes I don't feel white.