pol BTFO it's time to end whitey! no pure breeds no half breed! White is not right!
End to the White Race!
This is top tier. I can't even tell if it is serious or subversive.
I dont have a picture in my folders to properly show my confusion. These dipshits need a dictionary so they can look up what fascism means
more like this please. i don't care if it's actually leftists doing it or not, they'll embrace it anyway. the general public needs to become redpilled on these people.
why doesnt pol make their own anti-fa posters
that posters is good propoganda for the right
Cool, I only see this making their side even more divisive.
this is a random guy from an anti-fa facebook page. I like this kinda work but what you said should be happening too. Like the hwndu paper that said things in different races
Wow these guys are literally the KKK I'm shaking right now
We need more false flag posters like pic related
If I had the means I would put this up in NY times square
Clever girl
That's smart, take antifa people and call them out as infiltrators, informers or sabatours. While infiltrating and doing those things yourself. That has a lot of potential.
This was the first one i made.
I like the idea of saying they need to play dumb and deny it, because that's obviously what they'll do.
No normal person will care or believe this shit, but i'll be damned if the MSM is stupid enough to fall for shit like this
please tell me that this isn't real. I like white people in general. i don't want to see them disappear. we'll lose a lot of diversity if they disappear.
Use their decentralization against them as their weakness. They can only organize with rumors and propaganda and decentralized discussion, so it's easy to introduce subversion and lies to get them eating themselves. If they try to organize and have a real leader and such, then they can become a criminal organization with a bit of digging, and then inform on them to the proper authorities.
Why did this happen?
How come people have to die to false ideologies? How much longer will it take before they realize that what they are fighting for has no importance in reality.
it scares me. I had no idea white people had this much self hatred, angst or just desire to be accepted.
usually leftists take graphic design courses
its a false flag. Sup Forums jews now.
>white people
I'm afraid these aren't people, they're vermin that must be exterminated.
Keep the party going