Is there any hope for my Mom?

Well Sup Forums?

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Honor kill her now to save your family

Who gives a fuck just tell her that she's a fucking retard and shouldn't be allowed to vote. That's what I told my mom.

Show her the video of the bald dude getting shoveled

free speech only applies to the extreme left now. it's literally textbook fascism.

Neck yourself.

Yeah if you really want to you can change her. Women, especially moms, are easily swayed if you're consistent. Why do you even care though?

Have sex with her.

>getting trolled by your mom

>Why do you even care though?

Im really close with my mom. She helped me start my business and we live on the same block and eat lunch together multiple times a week. So it would be nice to not have her being a raving lunatic when we discuss politics.

Your mother is a retarded faggot. Please tell her we said this.

Ill pass it on as "From Denmark, With Love"

>trying to have your mother's politics align with your own
lol why

Your mom is a retard. Take from the worthless cunt what you can and watch her die when Trump takes away her welfare.

>not fucking your mom into submission

Even your mom is cucking you.

Tell your mom she's fucking stupid

Tell her "kys", and explain it means kiss in Danish.

ask her why she supports violence

Your mom is advocating for your death. This is a violation of the NAP. You know what happens to commies who violate the NAP.

She doesnt consider them 'Riots' It was the same debacle with San Jose last year.

Ask your mom why supposed "anti-fascists" on the left are the ones rioting and assaulting people and burning down trees and buildings?
Ask her dumbass exactly how that communicates their peaceful intentions?

The only way to get a women on point with you views is to fuck her silly.

It worked for my sister.

Someone should light your mom on fire.

Plenty of hope, you are the problem, beating around the bush like a little bitch and trying to seem all cool headed like you're so above each side.
Get a grip of yourself you degenerate, learn to express yourself and stop worrying you will hurt someone's feelings just because you know how to argue your point.

Fucking limp wristed faggot

Next rally kill her then bring your AR-15 to a rally and unload.

Tell her to shut her fucking cunt mouth

This. Also that peeper sprayed woman. Let's see if she still wants to reply with "lol" when confronted with actual acts of violence.

Tfw your mom cucks you with your dad

Sounds like it's time to become less close with your mother.

>being close with any family member who is a liberal

My mother has paid my college tuition in full. I always tried to be responsible but the stupid bitch has constantly supported bullshit and whenever in a position of power to make a decision in my life as a teenager she always made the wrong one. I can guarantee she'll get a call every 5 or so years at most once I finally become financially independent and leave home.

Call her a brainwashed cunt and disown her.

lol what?

I was being.. fairly direct right there. What specific points are you accusing me of being a limp wristed faggot at?

My mom was a ewe who believed everything CNN or ABC said until I started pointing out some of their many lies, half-truths and the scandals they chose to ignore, and how they're owned by globalists who want to screw the American people which makes them push that agenda, and then she started watching Fox News. Seeing Trump himself call CNN "fake news" on national TV was the nail in the coffin.

Correct answer. OP, quit being a queer little bitch

Yes, why would you want to persuade people? And why not be a nation of dog-fellating cuckold's led by a faggot?

I refer you to..

I gotcha senpai

I fucking wish they'd be silent even for 5 minutes

>t-they set a tree on fire and hit some people

They started a fucking riot, lit MANY things on fire, destroyed and looted several business buildings, openly attempted to murder dozens of people of the opposing party, and the mayor told the police not to interfere

Your mother should be shot in the head.

No offense mate but your mom sounds like an idiot. Here's hoping you were adopted.

Also reply with "no, the majority were working jobs to feed their families while these jackasses were destroying public property and undermining free speech".


Hey my mom actually knows whats going on unlike OP.

call her a political dinosaur whose views will die out like slavery

You have option a)
Stop being in contact with her

Option b)
Show her how retarded she is

Option c)
Light her home on fire while talking about silent majority

I'd go on option c) personally


Fair enough. I suppose I was holding back some to not aggravate her to actually hold a discussion.

But i could've have been far more blunt.

Kill her.

If my family was like yours I'd have nothing to do with them. I'd be moving somewhere that makes me happy and doing whatever makes me happy. Not giving a quarter fuck about them or their feelings about me pretending they don't exist anymore. If you can actually sit there and defend these scum bags then there is no hope for you. These protesters last summer are solely what compelled me to vote at all, otherwise I wouldn't of even bothered.

>Tips something over
>Leftists celebrate

Yup, point proven, well take away trump asap. Thanks for showing us the truth.

Your mom sounds like a dumb bitch OP, sorry.

My mom at least has the courtesy to make a half hearted "w-well of course I don't condone political violence, people on both sides need to calm down" argument when I bring up liberal violence to her (still waiting for a good counterexample of a violent Trump supporter who's neither a leaf or a scraggly Vietnam vet).

Seems like sane liberals right now are either shutting the fuck up or embracing full retard SJWism. Kinda like muh poor Muslims, and arguably more dangerous.


Do you people just not talk with each other anymore?

Massaging your own mom like this seems very degenerate.

Your mom is a retard. Send her straight video links.

Damn, she sounds like a sister

Your mom is smart. Tell your fagpal Milo to come over to my house Ill straighten him out for you with Pence approved electric shock therapy.

Dont get me wrong user. Im happy as fuck, love my family and our relationships but shes been really taking the Progressive Pill this last year or so.

My brothers are conservative and so is my moms fiance.

'they literally set an entire tree on fire'
Never say anything this gay again user. You're lucky your mother didn't disown you.

How so?

Or stop talking about politics with her. Wa la, problem solved.

My mom acknowledges all that stuff, but justifies it by being the living embodiment of the "well honestly both sides are just as bad" (although I'm not so secretly extremely biased towards the left) meme.

I btfo leftist friends, family and acquaintances all the fucking time, and the next day it's like I never said a word. Reminds me of Hitler describing the rhetorical style of Jews.

Your mom will cuck your stepdad with a nigger if she keeps going at this pace

I think you came on too strong here

What a dumb cunt. I got lucky to have a pretty based mom politics wise.

I still think they shouldn't be able to vote though, they don't take the threat of violence seriously because they'll never have to deal with it.



>wa la

From her first post, I'm assuming she's your average white overweight self-righteous mother that watches too much TV.

What are her favorite programs?

youre just being a contrarian.

you cannot be "technically" oppressed just because your feelings got triggered on twitter

I told my mom to watch Bill Clintons 1995 state or the Union to Red pill her.

you did that on purpose

your mom is pretty fucking retarded to think the conservatives in the auditorium were the ones rioting

>Less than 1/4th of the country

>"silent majority"

Convert to Islam then

>a wicked web
nice tinfoil conspiracy

go to bed Alex Jones, you've got filters to shill in the morning

Why not phone her and have conversation like normal humans?

You can communicate a lot just through your voice, even more through facial expression.

Human communication is extremely complex and perhaps that is the reason for so much autistic behaviour among today youth. You have never mastered the skill needed to properly communicate, since you just message everyone.

>Mexican Intellectuals
>Wa la

fuckin get some friends or become a hermit, dont talk politics with the your mommy you mommas boy.

Nope. Shes a generally good looking blonde who basically lives outside and in her businesses.

Shes not an idiot just ... politically inept.

you are cucked by talk radio

i bet you think soros has more money than the kochs.

Mohommad pls go

it's hardly the end of the world if family members agree with your views or not grow the fuck up. They have different life experiences, different concerns etc and mostly just want to live in peace. Trump hasn't been in office a month and that peace is already threatened, it doesn't matter that its protests against him plenty would vote Hillary just to keep shit quiet and these fanatical groups pacified.

What did kek mean by this?

Dude she won't listen to reason, argue emotionally. "I'm a big fan of milo, and you know I'm not a Nazi. What if that was ME getting beaten out there?"

She's a woman. Her politics are going to reflect her feelings, not her thoughts.

tell your mother she is a commie

>My brothers are conservative and so is my moms fiance.


Sit her down and cry her out until she accepts the truth.

Kek. Just laugh as her son will make sure her descendants are red pilled.

Its not a conspiracy as much an observation user. Sure my wording is fluffy but I text like a faggot according to Sup Forums so such is life.

if you follow MGTOW-Milo youre a self hating closet homo and youre gonna seek out a gay bashing one way or another

why blame a bunch of well meaning college students?

I like Milo because he is a nazi. You're mother sounds like a cunt.

>a wicked web
you have no proof thats not an observation its a narrative sold to you buy an insincere shill sponsored by a seed company

big surprise Alt Right hates women... no wonder they are mandatory-homosexual

You can't win arguments with these kinds of people, OP, and I'll tell you why.

They argue emotionally, with emotion, about their emotions. We argue logically, with information and facts, preceding step by step in a logical and intelligent fashion.

Logic and emotion do not mix. They won't accept logic because it's contrary to how they FEEL. And to liberals, feelings ARE rights. Feelings are the most important thing in the whole word to them.

That's just the way they are, they don't care that they're wrong, they might even know it, they just don't give a shit. Their feelings tell them they're right and to them, that overrides all factual evidence.

It's pointless, my man. Pointless. Just go to a happy place when they start screeching, engaging them will solve literally nothing and probably only cause more problems.

>my moms fiance.
Yea, she is beyond saving

What the fuck are you getting on about m8?

No proof? Its all extraordinarly blatant that the left is widening the scope of the term Nazi to cover most political opposition and are now transferring to Violence against Nazi's is OK.

Im not gunna google for you but if you wanna be a dumb cunt please. By all means continue.

Thank god i never had to redpill my mother

damn this one is a nutcase. tell her to fuck off

There is always hope inside the night time pillow murk ( watch the movie casino for details). ITS HAPPENING user,

Just show her The Great Story Never Told.

Nevermind you're just a bad son who actually has long convos over text, you need to see your mom and give her a hug dude.