How can a Commifornia raised Iranian be so fucking redpilled
How can a Commifornia raised Iranian be so fucking redpilled
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It is real easy to get redpilled when you live among the retards.
He is Iranian? Looks pretty white tho
his name is Jon Jafari. His parents were Iranian immigrants.
Iran means "Land of the Aryans" :^)
Something in the Persian upbringing?
Another Cali Iranian.
He's Hungarian and Iranian
surprise surprise
flyovers think that California is actually a liberal mega city called "San Angeles" and are too ignorant to figure out that a sizeable population of non-leftists exsists
The nose is a dead giveaway, tbqh.
At least post the entire thing.
Great comversation that lasted bout 4h30 minutes between them.
He was raised in LA
John's middle name is literally "Aryan"
His last name is literally fucking Jafar. He might as well walk around in a turban.
John Aryan "Nigger Safari" Jafari
i love iran and iranians, based as fuck cousin aryans, we should ally iran desu.
Actually if you look at most of the people closest to Trump right now, many of them grew up in liberal households.
He's half Hungarian I believe. Also, Persians look pretty white.
JonTron is a WEED LMAO though
get off pol jontron
Theory is that everyone involved with consuming or publishing on old newgrounds have a higher potential to be cool.
Germany BTFO
Geez, has it really been 7 years.
Living around niggers is what made me racist
>Looks pretty white
For u, ahmed.
His middle name is LITERALLY Aryan.
Because it's really fucking profitable right now. Counting the views as we speak.
>what is it with you and onions
He probably really liked Shrek.
This. His parents probably fled after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the epitome of red-pill.
>1 hour long
are you kidding me
Because there are people that still think for themselves regardless of their environment. The human race can be saved.
You could always watch the 4 hour version.
This isn't realistic. He gave her two polite warnings before punching her.
just give me a rundown
Anyone who uses the internet for real information, and is above the average IQ is probably red pilled.
You have to be a sheep or blinded by beliefs or emotion to not be redpilled if these things apply to you.
I'm a Mexican and Black guy from Riverside California myself
>JonTron is a WEED LMAO
It's kind of off-putting, isn't it?
I kind of like his videos, but I have nothing but contempt for people who do drugs.
I doubt he would have made a name for himself if he was a complete 24/7 bong.
It was an early redpilling.
I'm pretty sure it started with that whole gamergate mess
Jon was always the "fuck the industry amiright guiz" sort of gaming personality, so when the collusion in the five guys thing came to light, he threw in his two cents and said it was wrong.
That was very early in the whole incident, before any thoughts of "culture war" or other leftist shenanigans were even on anyones mind.
The problem is, they changed the narrative overnight, and Jon became a designated target. He got beat the fuck down without really doing anything.
When that is your first exposure to those kinds of people, you are guaranteed to have a lifelong hatred of them.
Sorry to bring up GG again, but I think that was the watershed moment.
He is as white as your average Ukrainian
Isnt that guy a cop?
He's half Hungarian also i think
Iranians are pretty redpilled tbqh. Also they are white and aryan.
>JonTron is a WEED LMAO though
If you've ever been to southern California, weed is the absolute last fucking drug you should be worried about people smoking.
I look like JonTron and I'm full Iranian.
I have a bit more body hair though.
I wouldn't say polite. More like threat, despite that they double down.
Is crack still popular in the streets or meth took its place?
probably shaves his unibrow
I hate having a unibrow
fortunately mine is pretty thin, but once you see it the image is permanent