>Be Aussie >intercept refugee boats. >dump them on Papua New Guinea Island with absolute shit conditions >U.N. in an uproar over it. Says It's illegal. >Refuse to let them in Australia. >Dump them on the U.S. because Obama is a fucking retard who has to pat himself on the back at the tax payers expense.
Are Australians always this based?
Thomas Hill
Brody Roberts
Not so fast.
Obama's deal included Australia taking thousand of Central Americans; at least three times as many.
A shitty trade deal from shitty globalist leaders; Trump was right to call it dumb.
I wish we could just push them deeper into PNG and let the cannibals sort it out.
Jack Wood
wouldn't it make more sense the Americans to take central Americans and Australia take the afgan/iraq/sri lanka refugees? Do Australians prefer central Americans or something?
Xavier Butler
I have no idea what was going through Turnbull's head. Either he thought the populace would be more amenable to Christians over Muslims, or maybe he wanted to look lke he was doing something.
In any case, this has made him look weak. I wouldn't be surprised to see another backstabbing.
Jaxon Bell
well if he and Trump don't like it why don't they just back out?
Easton Rivera
Turnbull is scraping for any validation he can get. He's not popular, any success he gets he can point to for Good Boy Points in Question Time.
Not a perfect solution, but I can't fathom why he went to Obama to offload boat people, when Trudeau is signalling everyone about his openess.
Jordan Roberts
Nothing is going through turnbulls head, i swear he's fucking brain dead
Luke Rivera
Can somebody give a timeline from when this policy began?
It sounds like its been happening for a couple years, but I have a hard time believing it began under Gillard
Oliver Bell
If they were based they'd have given the 'fugees a free one way helicopter ride into the aussie outback/wilderness with nothing more than a broken compass and the makeshift shivs they had on them at the time for survival.
The 'fugees who make it back to civilisation alive, get to stay, but with dire warnings on what will happen to them if they cross any lines haunting them for the rest of their lives.
Anthony Garcia
>yfw new zealand offered to take them, and we said no.
John Johnson
>be highly dangerous, homicidal, thieving scum in Britain, barely different from the regular folk >get deported to penal colony on the polar opposite point of the world because you are that bad >survive months eating rats and shit until you arrive to jail continent destination >your new country is a barren wasteland with worst animal (and human) species in the planet where everything can kill you, eat you or both
I fail to see why even Muslims would want move to Australia.
Benjamin Jenkins
hehehe take your dirty boat nigger america
Aiden Russell
>yfw the deal was for Nz to rubber stamp them as permanent residents and then wave them on to australia
Ayden Hughes
just start sinking the boats faggot.
Parker Lopez
Fuck no cunt. He don't want any non whites especially spics with American accents. We like you guys as tourists but we don't want you living here.
Lincoln Ortiz
The longer trump spends arguing about who takes them. The longer we don't have to do anything with.
With enough time the food supplys on island runout and then they are noones problem.
Thank you trump.
Cameron Morgan
send them back
Mason Murphy
just use subs, seriously
Lincoln Campbell
americans, this seems based on the surface. don't be fooled.
the liberal party will rail on illegal immigrants and welfare but then expand legal immigration to get cheap labor for their companies as well as siphoning the taxpayer purse for politician benefits.
they are corrupt kikes who sold out our country and are just as bad as labor (sjw cuck party).
they're not based, they can't be trusted and they're 2 faced as fuck.
they're also the reason we have no guns.
Camden Brown
I thought if you wanted a gun in Australia it wasn't that hard. I also heard most people have them in some places....?
Logan Lee
The reason he did so is because our policy is to not allow illegal boat arrivals to enter the country. We have signs in Indonesia saying even if you come by boat, you will not be allowed to stay. This was a way to ensure that promise, because technically, he did keep it under this deal.
Julian White
merchant turnstein is a real shitcunt
Zachary Wright
you can get them, but you can never use them for home defense.
so they're practically banned, they're just for hunting and range.
malcom turnbull is a fucking jew, he killed off our internet nbn deal to make it shittier, cost more public money and get a contract with telstra to maintain the old copper.
his corruption is fucking blatant and knows no bounds.
Logan Butler
>steal loaf of bread >coppa catches you >get thrown into overcrowded prison >"oi mate you wanna get hanged or go to australia" >yeah nah think ill go to Australia >also but the way what is Australia >"Heh righto cunny" >6 month boat ride where heaps died of scurvy or some shit >get off the boat >fuck me cunt this place is hot >where is everyone? >who are these black fellas trying to kill me >i wish i had just been hanged
William Jackson
While the govt is distracting you with their 'tough' facilities in papua new guinea and nauru, they let 200k immigrants in legally from every third world shithole in asia and africa. Huge swathes of sydney and melbourne are now effectively chinese, pakistani, vietnamese and sudanese exclaves.
No, Australia is not fucking based.
Bentley Thomas
Australia doesn't have refugees because to seek refuge would mean going for the nearest possible place of safety and not crossing a fucking ocean in an unsafe boat at $5k a head. We have migrants who seek a better life coming here and there's no benefit to them or us by letting them in especially when most can't read, write or even speak basic english which means no job prospects and instant welfare.
Fuck turning back the boats. Use them for target practice.