Why are a majority of threads started and occupied by fucking foreigners today but I can't fucking shitpost because I keep getting these stupid fucking messages?
WTF am I being cucked?
charge your battery faggot
every second post i make (literally) is being cock blocked "due to spam" the fuck is going on?
Fuck a kangaroo Dundee
That happens every now and then-this is a new one for me
Not so free, are you now?
Nope-gonna have to pretend to be Russian-Chinese from now on
>try to post at work on phone internet
>banned for 3 days because some jackass also on the network posted a giant red dick in space cumming all over planet earth
>3 days go by
>try to post again
>message like OP's where the whole range is blocked
I could log in to my pass account but I don't want to. If we can ban mobile IPs, why the fuck can't we ban canadians??
Because of the faggot that keeps spamming the Canuck who shot up the mosque.
and she's still not married lmao
That's what I'm thinking-or our coverage of the UC Berkeley last night, last place I posted before this issue. You have ATT?
If you really want this done, find the Canadian article that blames this place, and write Canada that violent extremist post here. I hate this idea, but it could be effective. Start an online petition to restrict Canadians from "hate sites".
Canada is starting a police force of fifty people to combat "online hate speech".
Getting Bruce Jenner the woman of the year was harder.
Stuff like this always happens when they bring in a new batch of mods/janitors.
Gonna have to do something-90 percent of threads today were fucking foreigners.
Is it on 4chans end or my end? That's what I'm wondering. I tried "appealing" to them but I'm not banned on 4. I've tried this on several phones. Computer works fine but that's different- I think it's ATT? I'm a paranoid angry white dude, tell me who to be mad at
Sup Forums trying to get me to buy the pass?!
You're a reddit new-fag turning your WiFi on and off probably to reply to your own posts but have a different ID
Get fucked and go back
You're more paranoid than I am
Been cummin on these tits for a while son
Nice tits tho, kys
Well that's exactly what it is. I have no idea why you'd be "paranoid" about having your ISP blocked. You can't post from mobile network anymore, deal with it crybaby
It's Ctr with a proxy, usually. From February of last year, all pro Hillary threads were from foreign flags. If you'd ask them, why they cared, they'd tell you there were in the U.S.
Sup Forums has done nothing about proxy/vpn posting.
Didn't consider CTR using VPNs, makes a bit more sense now.
I wanted to see if this was happening to anyone else, apparently it's ATT. Yes, I am paranoid so I need to confirm before jumping to conclusions and calling up my company and calling them cunts
Only one dude responded so the "issue" might not be as broad as I thought it could be