Was anyone else exhausted and a bit anxious after 3.5 hours of this?
Was anyone else exhausted and a bit anxious after 3.5 hours of this?
What did our friendly water filter salesman say today?
> Sent From my Jade Helm 15 Internment Camp
it was pretty entertaining.
What happened?
inb4 EIDF
eddie was annoying as fuck and this could've been atleast 20x better if not for that fuck talking about his movies
Joe looked absolutely drained at the end of it... and I've never seen him so eager to end the show when the guest wants to continue.
I was.I seriously sat on the edge of my seat for all 4 hours.
I broke out the whiskey and the weed before they did
I even woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't stop thinking about it
Damn good TV
a glimpse into madness
>Pizzagate is a false flag to cover up Anthony Weiner's CP and a more sinister worldwide network
>Elites are working on transhumanism to ascend, and then virus bomb the citizenry
>Gravity fluctuation proves a malevolent 2.5 dimensional entity is trying to usurp the power of human consciousness
>Alex can take "full power" from Eddie
>Trump is cleaning house in the CIA and NSA
it was hilarious i kinda wish they continued i wanted to see how alex would really go after more weed and whiskey
I literally started reading the Cthulhu mythos today to cope with that podcast.
AJ said today that him and Eddie went out for dinner but Joe had a comedy show that night
i wish they went on for another 5 hours
alex was certainly starting to get lovecraftian there, 12th dimensional energy vampires operating pedo rings in secret government societies.
You should read The Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath ASAP
I was literally shaking
i was dizzy as fuck after listening to it. went to sleep right after and the room was spinning.
A masterpiece, alex powerlevel is beyond reading
Is Alex Jones or someone from Infowars actually Anon5?
I had to go to class and missed the last hour or so, and I'm kind of scared to finish it. I was already getting spooked.
Just imagine if they switched Eddie for some one else.
Maybe Henric from red ice or even David Icke. Hell, they could have just removed him completely.
It was such a clusterfuck, it was borderline unlistenable.
The best part is how Jones weaves all this shit with some tidbits of really obscure but objective truths that lend credence to his arguments. That was amazing to watch and I gained lots of respect for him.
I don't know how much of this was master-tier roleplaying or simply cocaine-induced lunacy; either way he won a fan today.
hi energy podcast.
>tfw will never climb to the strange high house in the mist
Dream Cycle is best Lovecraft
no, I want more
yeah okay obama, get a job and stop shitposting
Is he legit on coke?
It's not part of the mythos though? Is it long? I'd rather read the Cthulhu canon uninterrupted.
To be honest, from the ones I've read so far HPL has nothing on Alex Jones. Maybe AJ's stuff is more impactful because the consequences are real? I mean, it's most likely BS, but let's say there's a .001% chance the things he was talking about are actually real. It is legitimately a maddening prospect.
This was awesome.. everyone needs to see it. probably the juiciest shit ive watched in weeks and ive gone at it hard recently..
Reddit go and stay go
>Is he legit on coke?
No, he just snorted a whole line of 50/50 super male vitality and brain force at the bathroom.
he was a complete motormouth and was complaining about overheating
lol thats nothing. wait til you see how he is when is legit pissed about something
>Was anyone else exhausted
the psychic vampires gotcha bro
it was amazing actually. Jones successfully explained the true meaning of the ending of Evangelion.
I only tuned in halfway through for 10 minutes. It was like listening to a male version of The View. I couldn't take it.
oh yeah and he needed to go "take a piss" twice in a 4 hour period.
Everything clicked, from Terence Mckenna to Jesus Christ, Aliens to Ancient Rome it all comes down to the Jew's.
>12th dimensional energy vampires operating pedo rings in secret government societies.
Anyone knows where that stuff about higher dimensions comes from?
Dont think so. He's been this intense forever.
i think he just pulled it out of his ass, joe could only slow him down and fact check his shit so much.
400 agefluid friends get arrested.
Hollywood want to keep you from knowing this.
I'm about the same size as jones and I overheat in smallish spaces like they're in + jones is always a motormouth, I don't think he was on coke, he wasn't constantly sniffing which is the ALWAYS combined with sweating+verbal shitposting
I don't get the Eva comparison.
Weak bladders suck man.
Jones was drinking whiskey and smoking weed dropping all kinds of crazy 10/10
nah, just annoyed with eddie bravo. it was awesome, and i was with alex, i wanted them to keep going.
at one point, he says he also gain knowledge from his anime.
I was hoping for Duncan Trussell
He probably would have run out screaming
Thanks for making me read those threads from a whole new perspective from now on
It's totally part of the mythos, as are the extended Randolph Carter stories. Yog-sothoth, Nyarlathotep, and Nodens are in it. Direct tie-ins with the Terrible Old Man and Celephais too.
you mean strong tobacco and applejuice?
Dreamquest is canon.
"The Statement of Randolph Carter" (1919)
"The Unnamable" (1923)
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (1926-1927)
"The Silver Key" (1926)
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (1927)
"Through the Gates of the Silver Key" (1933) (with E. Hoffmann Price)
"Out of the Aeons" (1933) (with Hazel Heald)
He said the elites have told about it, which makes sense as the elites follow the universal law that they have to tell about it if a human wants to know. To skip having the karma of slaving the humanity
it all makes sense why anon5 always puts a link to waterfilters and super male vitality at the end of his posts
Distilling human consciousness into a gestalt mechanical god
Surprisingly entertaining and yes exhausting. The constant talking over each other was a bit annoying but fun all around.
My mistake
That's google for you
Eddie needs to pick booze OR weed. Not both.
so you watch the View? faggot
kinda legit want some apple juice now, thanks
> Read about how much of a clusterfuck this was.
> Heard about Eddie being a combative cuck.
> Jones going crazy about 12th dimensional transitions.
> Start listening.
> "This isn't too bad, why were people upset?"
> 1 hour in.
> Exhausted. Conspiracies within conspiracies.
> Eddie keeps talking over Alex.
> Alex is a manic, motor-mouth.
> Joe loses control of the podcast.
> Compare this to the eloquence of the Prof. Peterson podcast, what the fuck happened?
> What is even going on?
I've been reading Hegel for two years and I've never been so mindfucked as today.
I'm reading "H. P. Lovecraft: The Complete Cthulhu Mythos" and it's not in there. Is this just a shitty compilation then?
On a side note, correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding Nyarlathotep isn't actually a cosmic deity himself, just a prophet, right? Because The narrator describes him as ancient egyptian guy who claimed to be able to enlighten people.
Also is Nyarlathotep an individual or is that the name of the "race" the individual on the short belongs to?
yeah i was the same way, the last hour+ is just wasteful nonsense.
Alex unlocked the mysteries of the universe
Probs just drunk and stoned
be honest faggots it was a great ride
>Is this just a shitty compilation then?
Nah Dreamcycle is more esoteric and weird while Cthulhu Mythos is more about horror mysteries set in new england, which are also cool but for other reasons. Eventually you should read both.
I consider all lovecraft content to be cannon. Derleth is not cannon imo. Just my 2 cents.
Nyarlathotep is like a hermes/thoth. Supposedly acts as in intermediary.
He's a lesser outer god.
He's the right hand of Azathoth, who sows chaos and uncertainty wherever he goes.
Think a Randall Flagg kind of character, who adopts different guises, lives forever, and lives to cause chaos.
necronomicon probably has them
>you will never snort huge lines of " super male vitality " with alex jones and joe rogan, drunking (((apple juice))) and smoking (((strong tobacco)))) learning how to fight the globalist psychic vampires
you mean canon surely
>400 agefluid friends get arrested.
Not really. What typically happens with these things is politicians want to look good so they have the cops charge run of the mill 24yr old crack whores with "human trafficking". Arresting 400 hookers in a mega city like LA isn't hard to pull off. Sadly they aren't busting up pedo rings.
I'm surprised many Sup Forumsacks here were surprised by what they heard. I've been listening to Jones for a few years, and everything that was discussed in the podcast he mentioned piecemeal over the course of years on his show.
This is the best deal.
Foil pages.
Every story.
Fucken this
After 2 hours it was just alex jones being drunk and the other 2 just laughing at the crazy shit he started spewing.
stop masturbating
AJ's memory abilities were pretty impressive desu
I found it funny when Rogan knoew he had to "shut it down" and interrupt alex to ask about Ayyee lmfao contact.
Rogans gotta keep his shekels, but I'm willing to forgive him because he seems like a preddy cloo guy.
That Egyptian guy was just one of Nyarlathotep's avatars, he's definitely a cosmic deity, one of the strongest infact.
I can haz cheeky run down plz?
my old coke dealer used to talk about "LAYERS OF DIMENSIONS" when i got high with him.
Was he right?
they should have alex on the show as a regular.
Cool man. No link. That's cool.
I guess I'll just Google 'maxresdefault.jpg'.
eddie bravo is a fucking faggot. otherwise it was great
He was probably on to something but also not totally right because he's a fucking coke dealer on coke
Is this one of those things that even when I eventually read everything is largely up to interpretation or is one or two of you full of shit?
Or you could google Alex Jones Joe Rogan like a sane person