Best of the Tumblr JonTron fanbase freakout

JonTron has a massive Tumblr fanbase.

JonTron reveals that he's redpilled as fuck on Sargon's Stream.

It goes without saying that they all switch on character assassination mode and denounce him for being on the wrong side.
>unfollow me if you still like jontron after what he said about women

It's a good laugh. I'm here to post screens of the best reactions, seeing as you need a tumblr account to browse the tags.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is an "alternatives" post like they do when people get denounced.

You have to go back.

I heard he lost like half a million followers on twitter after that stream. Guess natural selection does it's job.


>I'm here to post screens of the best reactions

please do. I have no idea how to browse that shithole.

lmao PBG has always been a shit version of Jon

So whats this about some fat youtuber saying things that pissed some people off now?


>less relevant

Lost twitter followers, but gained youtube subscribers i think.


I'm having trouble myself, they're all in cancerous columns



Part 2

>be decently funny video game reviewer
>be the newer age version of AVGN
>come out as a Ron Paul lolbertarian after hinting at it for years
>tell shitlibs to stop being so retarded
>shitlibs don't listen

He's joined us in the bunkers and is even more right wing than (((Sargon))). Seriously, he joked about the holocaust (lightly) and came out as pro eugenics.

>google it I'm not explaining all that shit
And this case and point is why I hate liberals.

shit, he should be gaining for shit like this

>Google it I'm not explaining this shit.
Plz tell me this is satire.


I have the faggot blocked on Youtube. He needs to get real employment.

his middle name is literally Aryan

Not even memeing, but he actually is.

You don't get to joke about be pro-eugenics or the holocaust in the current year and not be labelled a fascist. I watched the whole damn stream and i know for a fact that the guy didn't give us the full run down on what he believes. He became noticeably unconmortable and stammered when Sargon brought up any kind of marxist "muh class divides people more than race" arguments.

He even named Soros. Guy probably lurks around here.

Doesn't he work for disney demons now? Youtube is just his side hustle now.

Yesss we grow stronger by the day

Heil KeK

I suspect as the left decends into madness more and more people like Jon-Tron will speak openly about this stuff

And now he's aware there's absolutely no point in pandering to lolberals because they'll ditch you without a second thought.
Good freakin' job at redpilling him even further.

He is based, don't reply to anti-tron shills they have a contagious form of cancer

When did he become redpilled?
I remember him supporting Bernie Sanders in the primaries and shilling for him on Twitter.

Imagine being so unable to separate your politics from anything that it makes you depressed

Jon will always be relevent as long as he puts out videos

Guys like Cinemasacre and TGWTG are the ones who are clinging to relevancy


I really don't like the direction Jon went with his videos but jesus christ people are shitting themselves over nothing

>from bernie to trump
so he's a complete retard. got it.

He was always somewhat redpilled. He casually dropped noam chomsky tier purple pills in his videos like the (((military industrial complex))).

I remember shilling for Bernie too to keep up appearances around my shitlib friends and family.

JonTron is based

I wonder if Arin is too.


Didn't James uncuck himself already?

>Real employment
>Makes more doing what he loves than most middle manages do pushing paper
What do you consider a real job, user? He's self employed in the entertainment industry. Don't we celebrate the self employed, and entertainers willing to break with the left?

Why dont you like Pat?

His pig wife celebrated the tarnishing of Jon's career publicly. And she was the reason of their falling out.

why do bitches try this hard to get /pooryou/'s?

He got redpilled on his "fans" the hard way after they ganged up on him for supporting GamerGate and later for calling someone a retard.
My best guess is that he finally broke after Bernie switched sides to Hillary.

Suzy was against Gamergate

He didn't watch "Ghostbusters" (2016) on principle becasue he knew he wouldn't like it

>please do. I have no idea how to browse that shithole

No joke, this.

Web2.0 is a mess.

>I wonder if Arin is too.
Not in the slightest.

Bernouts always hated Madam Wall Street. What pushed them over the edge was her 'Basement Dweller' comment that got 1% the attention of the pussy tape. Nobody will admit those comments + Basket of Deplorables cost her a lot of support.

I unironically subbed to JonTron because of this. I don't even like his videos that much.

>You have to be a woman to see the oppression not because it doesn't exist just because it's so well hidden you don't know what happened until afterward :^)

Didn't he post a picture of himself in a MAGA hat?

Fucking women ruin everything

>accidental pregnancy

Arin needs to order himself one of these.

Dare I say it?

>instead of forming your own opinions check out this piece of propaganda

I wouldn't expect anything better from the biggest echochamber on the internet


do it


Yes Jon.

Now deny the Holocaust.

Do it cunt.

Amazing the parallels with the scene from 1984. They tear down the banners and their old ally becomes the new enemy instantly.

Kek wills it

Checked and keked


>Less relevant and less relevant
>Every new video of his pops up on my Youtube frontpage
What did he mean by this?

If I threw a fit about every content creator I like having a different political opinion than me, I wouldn't get to enjoy ANYTHING.

>calls someone a misogynist
>then uses an insulting word related to the female anatomy

Really ionized my atoms.

i unsubbed from him long ago because i thought his videos were shit but after this debacle i had to go and re-up for that fat iranian fuck

boy was he ever the only funny component of gamegrumps

hate to say it, but pew-die-pie started this new trend among these cretins.

Next would be game dunkey, but he is pretty cucked--he loves undertale and overwatch.

I watched him before all of this stuff this is fucking amazing

I don't think Arin understands the gestalt.

For example, he'll mock trigger warnings because they're ridiculous, but he's believe women in comedy are super oppressed because it seems reasonable to him.

He's so disconnected from identity politics, as a lot of whites are, that he doesn't see which shit is coming from which group and doesn't see the motivation behind any of it.

I've never played either of those two games, but what about them means someone is cucked? Is being cucked just a common characteristic among the fanbases?

Tell me hows jail like when you get out

he needs to make some fucking videos, he's slow as fuck, that or go back to game grumps.

Link to the video?

>watching jontron with your family


>WW2 German soldier standing in a WW1 trench with a WW1 British soldier

>I wouldn't get to enjoy ANYTHING.
>implying you should

Good times breed weak men. Stop being a weak man and redpill yourself.

Arin ran Game Grumps into the ground. Jon's too good for it now.


I am shocked.

coal miner/burner

the rest of this (because I couldn't fit it in the crop and fuck having two posts for this) reads:

>children! it’s disgraceful and dangerous to peddle that shit to people who might not know any better, and are already prone to shitting all over eachother for no reason.

it’s fucking gross.

What the fuck
Milo being called a nazi I can get.
Richard Spencer being called a nazi I can get.
Donald Trump being called a nazi I can get.
Even though they're all fucking retarded statements (maybe less so with Spencer), I can GET them at some basic level, if I look at it from the perspective of a mouthbreathing idiot.

Jontron though? What the fuck.

I'm so fucking happy right now.


Someone should wojack this picture


they're right for the wrong reasons

i don't believe for a second that any of these big youtubers are actually redpilled, they do it for attention

Books > Vidya

Literally everyone who isn't on the far left is a Nazi.

its a meme you dip


I live deep within one of the bluest parts of the country and have heard people in public use that phrase or something similar more often than I care to remember.

>Sargon brought up any kind of marxist "muh class divides people more than race" arguments.
How dose class divides people more than race and culture anyways? Sargon is a fucking retard when it comes to economics as well

it is. i would never let my kid get near this kind of shit. especially with how meme-ridden you fucks are.

time to binge watch jontron

>i don't believe for a second that any of these big youtubers are actually redpilled, they do it for attention

I hear you there, but then I gotta remind myself that Youtubers are people with their own ideas and beliefs, so it isn't really all that farfetched that JT is redpilled. He just found an appropriate time to come out.

Besides, it's fucking JonTron, one of Youtube's old guard, he gets attention like no other Youtube celeb.

read a book, faggot.


Meanwhile his subs have only gone up even faster since the stream with Sargon

Don't you get it?